- Radio 64
- Radio Almanac
- Radio and Television Institute Review
- Radio Before and Between the War
- Radio City Matinee
- Radio City Playhouse
- Radio Doctor
- Radio Guide
- Radio Guild
- Radio Hall of Fame
- Raffles
- Railroad Hour, The
- Raising A Husband
- Rajput, Hindu Secret Service
- Raleigh Cigarette Program, The
- Ralph Slater Show, The
- Ramona And Her Mighty Miniature Minstrel
- Ranch House Jim
- Rate Your Mate
- Ray Bolger Show, The
- Raymond Graham Swing
- RC Cola Show, The
- Real McCoys, The
- Recollections at 30
- Red Barber
- Red Book Magazine Dramas
- Red Lantern and Jack Knife
- Red Ryder
- Red Skelton Show, The
- Renfrew of the Royal Mounted
- Repertory Theater of the Air
- Report to the Nation
- Request Performance
- Results, Inc.
- Retribution
- Reveille Round-Up
- Rhyme and Riddle Time
- Rhythm Ranch
- Richard Diamond, Private Detective
- Richfield Reporter
- Rick O'Shea, P.I.
- Riders of the Purple Sage
- Right to Happiness, The
- Rin Tin Tin
- Rip Lawson, Adventurer
- Rip Van Winkle
- Ripley's Believe It or Not
- Ripley's One Minute Shorts
- Riverside Rancho
- RKO Presents
- RKO Productions
- RKO Radio Pictures Presents
- Road of Life
- Road To Adventure
- Road To Danger, The
- Robert Q. Lewis
- Rock n Roll Dance Party
- Rocky Fortune
- Rocky Jones
- Rocky Jordan
- Roger Kilgore, Public Defender
- Rogue's Gallery
- Roma Wine Show
- Romance
- Romance of Helen Trent, The
- Romance of the Ranchos, The
- Rope
- Rose Bowl
- Rosemary
- Roy Rene Excerpts
- Roy Rogers Show, The
- Royal Gelatin Hour, The
- Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The
- Rudy Vallee Show, The
- Rum Runners
- Rumpelstiltskin