Origin & Drug Ring
Sabatoge & Liquidation
Murder For Profit
Blasting Dynamite Gang
Invisible Ghost
Death Rides Horseback
Death Strikes
Sea Serpent
Frame Up
Spirits Dont Talk
Thoroughbreds Always Come Through
Smashing The Arson Ring
Rounding Up The Payroll Bandits
Crime Incorportaed
Saved By A Hair
Finesse In Diamonds
Sabotage Incorporated
Smashing The Restaurant Racket
Two Rackets In One
Underworld Goes Underground
Dancing Ghost Of Rocky Hill
Whale Of Pirates Folly
Asylum Of Doctor Drear
Jewel Mystery Of Channel Island
Origin and Drug Ring
The Opium Gang
Sabatoge and Liquidation
Murder for Profit
Blasting Dynamite Gang
Invisible Ghost
Death Rides Horseback
Death Strikes
Sea Serpent
Frame Up
Spirits Dont Talk
Thoroughbreds Always Come Through
Smashing the Arson Ring
Rounding Up the Payroll Bandits (Pt1)
Rounding Up the Payroll Bandits (Pt2)
Crime Incorporated (Pt1)
Crime Incorporated (Pt2)
Saved by a Hair (Pt1)
Saved by a Hair (Pt2)
Finesse in Diamonds (Pt1)
Finesse in Diamonds (Pt2)
Sabotage Incorporated (Pt1)
Sabotage Incorporated (Pt2)
Smashing the Restaurant Racket (Pt1)
Smashing the Restaurant Racket (Pt2)
Two Rackets in One (Pt1)
Two Rackets in One (Pt2)
Underworld Goes Underground (Pt1)
Underworld Goes Underground (Pt2)
Dancing Ghost of Rocky Hill (Pt1)
Dancing Ghost of Rocky Hill (Pt2)
Whale of Pirates Folly (Pt1)
Whale of Pirates Folly (Pt2)
Asylum of Doctor Drear (Pt1)
Asylum of Doctor Drear (Pt2)
Jewel Mystery of Channel Island (Pt1)
Jewel Mystery of Channel Island (Pt2)