Murder by Lightning
000 All In The Family
001 The Rockwell Diamond
002 Fifty Hunter Street
004 The Star Of The Nile
005 Black Market Meat Ring
006 Polly Morrison's Gun Collection
007 Alice Manweather Dead Or Alive
008 The Missing String Of Pearls
003 The Wentworth Diamonds
004 John Walters Murder
005 Coverup For Mary
006 The William Blaine Vase
009 Mrs Boston Blackie
010 The Oscar Wolfe Case
011 The Sam Bellows Case
012 The Larry Brown Case
013 Blackie Jilts Mary
014 The Worthington Pearls
015 Blackie's Car Kills A Woman
016 The Case Of The Three Way Split
Case Of The Three Way Split
017 The Mary At Sea
018 Hypnotic Murder
019 Evelyn Jones Murdered
020 Blackie Steals A Necklace For Charity
023 Bill Crane's Attorney
024 The Fred Arlen Murder
025 Westfield Diamonds
026 The Copy Of Diamond Bracelet
027 Boxer's Murder Case
028 Richard's Diamond Case
029 Mary Disappears
030 Amnesia Victim
031 Murder In The Music Room
032 Blackie Kidnapped
033 Simmons Construction Murder
Simmons Construction Murder
Simmons Construction Murder
034 Williams Missing Pearl Necklace
035 Murder At The Movies
Murder at the Movies
036 Tv Poisoning
037 The Masters Diamond
038 The Sword Swallower
041 The Disappearing Body
042 The John Williams Inheritance Case
043 The Brandon Jewel Robbery
044 The Congdon Ransom
045 Harry Benson Murders His Wife
046 A Vase Leads To Murder
047 Tom Everett Murder With An Alibi
048 The Colorblind Accomplice
049 The Worthington Ghost
050 Pierre, The Designer
053 The Baseball Player Murder
The Baseball Player Murder
054 The Stolen Car Ring
055 The Frances Fielding Murder
056 The Winthrope Jewel Robberies
057 The Merry-Go-Round Murder
058 The Blaine Brothers Pawn Shop Murder
059 The Escaped Prisoner
060 Three Witnesses To Will Killed
061 The Disappearing Plane
062 The Hooded Gang Protection Racket
The Hooded Gang
063 Gambler Joe Garland Killed
064 Uncle Frank Murdered By Joe Parker
065 The Skating Rink Murders
066 The Murdered Truck Driver
067 The Murdering Cuckoo Clock
The Case of the 3-Way Split
068 Mutiny Lead To Murder Aboard The Swan
069 Jerry Williams Fixed Court Case
070 The Diamond Smugglers
071 Jealous Partners And Arson
072 The Rockwell Diamond
073 The Stolen Rare Book
074 Backstage Murder
075 The Apartment Swindler
076 The Abbott Painting
077 The Undersea Murder
078 Murdered Show Dog Owner
079 Murder At The Rodeo
080 Faraday Shot
081 Granny's Witchcraft
082 A New Face For Joe Harvey
083 Only One Way Out For Me
084 Bill And Harry Fifty G Necklace
085 The Lenny Powell Murder
086 Blackie Goes To Jail For Diamond Theft
087 Mary Registered Nurse
088 Police Impersonater
089 The Derailed Gold Train
090 Carl Browning Cleaning Shop
091 Jack Small Alias Bill Bigelow
092 Blackie And The Fur Thefts
093 The Search For Jim Gary
The Search for Gary
094 Jacque Pierre And The Diamonds
Jacque Pierre and the Diamonds
095 The Peters Mix-Up
The Peters Mixup
096 Jailbirds Murdock And Dawson
097 7 Years Bad Luck For Florence Wells
098 Joe Delivers The Goods
099 Larry The Kid Vs Savinni
100 10th Street Gym And Stolen Car Ring
101 Sam Fisher's Past
102 Horseroom Thefts Of Boston Blackie
103 The Bus To Valley Junction
104 Aggie Rogers Murder
The Phonograph Murder
105 Phonograph Murder
106 Millicent Bromley Kidnapped
107 Baseball And Gambling
108 Mrs Peterson's Insurance Policy
109 Joe Adams Drowned
Blackie Breaks Jail
110 Blackie Breaks Into Prison
111 The Ghost Of Florence Newton
112 Man Following Eva
The Fredricks Gang
113 Blackie Shoots A Watchman
114 Crooked Carter Brother
115 Joe Nelson's Pet Shop Gambling Scheme
116 Johnny Burns' Imported Woolins
117 Death Comes To The Harmonica Man
118 The Randolph Construction Gang Bank Robbe
119 Blackie's Body In Wax
120 Poetry In My Soul-Mayor Rogers Killed
121 The Butcher Boy Gang
122 Burning His House Behind Him
123 Murder Of John Austin
124 Buckley Protection Agency And The Murder
125 Fifty Dollar Shoeshine
126 Lighthouse Ghost
127 Case Of The Exploding Car
128 Old 86 Is Missing
129 Death Wish
130 Dead Aunt Sarah
131 Joe Crain Hired Killer
132 Mid-Air Diamond Theft
133 Framed By A Fin
134 The Old Shoe Clue
137 The Murdock Gang Strikes
138 Open Season On Henry Williams
141 Where Oh Where Has My Mary Gone
142 The Valuable Door Buzzer
143 Riding Stable
144 Invention Worth A Killing
145 Kid's Killing
146 The Record Collector
147 Blackie Loves Helen
148 Wind Blows West
149 Five Bullets In Don Anderson
150 The Twin Murders
151 Cobb's Trucking Company
152 50000 For Blackie
153 The William Larson Extortion Murder Case
154 Wrestling Ring Murder
155 Tom Walton Escapes
156 Clyde Winston Photographer
157 Murder At The Circus-Rhondo The Magician
158 Insurance And Wrecked Cars
Auto Insurance Scam
159 Bombing Of Joe Ingalls
A bomb kills Joe Engles
160 Jackie Meer's Prison Break
Jackie Meer's Prison Break
167 Henry Walker Murdered
168 Professor Beasley Is Murdered
169 Diamonds Stolen From Kingston
170 Blackie Framed For Killing John Cummings
171 Heel Murdered By Sweepstakes Racket
172 Rich Allistar Dissapears In Vacant Lot
173 Jack Davis Kills 2-Blackie Used As Alibi
174 Bobby Rogers To Be Executed
175 Mrs George Trilling's Maid Is Murdered
176 Robertson Poisons Wife Over The Phone
177 Reynolds And The Stolen Goods
178 Kingston And The Disappearing Building
182 Marked Money-Joe Gatling's Father
191 Killer Lightning
Rings for Santa
193 Rings For Santa
195 Disappearing Fourth Floor
196 Broken Clock Murder
197 A Boat The Viking Is On
199 Mary Asks Blackie To Get Song Published
200 50 G In Bonds To Be Divided
201 Fred Palmer's Dock Racket
202 Archie Grant's Club 77
203 Fake Accident Racket
204 Dolly Preston Calls For Help
205 Kidnapped Murderer
206 Sightseeing Bus
207 Amadon Pearls
208 Duke Murders Jo Jo
209 Jewelry Store Owner Killed For Watch
210 Madame Zina, Fortune Teller
211 Dynamite Thompson Murdered
212 Joe Gates Murdered On Bus
213 Information On Senator Given To Blackie
214 Imperial Oil Company Racket
215 Blackie And Mary Go To Canyon Dude Ranch
216 Pudgy & The Stolen Tire Racket
217 Ma Vie Perfume
Santa and the Stolen Rings