Judy & Jimmy meet the Cinnamon Bear
group crash-lands in the Looking Glass Valley
never say boo to a Crazy Quilt Dragon
the inkaboos
rescued from the inkaboos
Wesley the Wailing Whale
Presto, the Magician
the candy pirates
The Roly Poly Policeman
Fraidy cat
FiFo the Gentle Giant
the Rhyming Rabbit
Crazy Quilt sits on the star
group visits Queen Melissa
Snappersnick the Crocodile
Oliver the Ostrich
the Muddlers
Cockleburr Cowboys
Wooden Indian
the Flying Hat
group arrives in North Country
touring Santas workshop
Bad Dolls steal the silver star
Christmas Tree Parade
Crazy Quilt steals the star
end of adventure
Paddy O'Cinnamon
Weary Willy
Weary Willie
Crazy Quilt Dragon
Crazy Quilt Dragon
The Ikaboos
The Inkaboos
Weasley The Wailing Whale
Weasley the Wailing Whale
Samual Seal
Samuel Seal
Presto the Magician
Presto the Magician
Candy Pirates
Candy Pirates
Rolly Polly Policeman
Roly Poly Policeman
Professor Whiz
Professor Whiz
Fee Foo the Gentle Giant
Fee Foo the Gentle Giant
Rhyming Rabbit
Rhyming Rabbit
The Wintergreen Witch
The Wintergreen Witch
Queen Melissa
Queen Melissa
Snaper Stick the Crocodile
Snaper Stick the Crocodile
Oliver Ostrich
Oliver Ostrich
Cocklebur Cowboys
Cocklebur Cowboys
Wooden Indian
Wooden Indian
Flying Hat
Flying Hat
Santa Claus
Santa Claus
The Bad Dolls
The Bad Dolls
The Parade
The Parade
Captain Tintop
Captain Tintop
North Pole
North Pole