Santa Quits
The last show?
Santa Claus Sits Down_wJack Benny
House that Jack Built
Christmas with Robert Benchley
guest Orson Welles
Judy Canova
- With Richard Haydn
Jimmy Durante - Looking for Umbriago
With Bela Lugosi
Albert Spaulding - Hillbilly Band
Fred Gets Hit on the Head
- Jimmy Durante
With Louella Parsons
Ted Lewis - the Life of Ted Lewis
Ed Gardner - Buying a Bottle of Liquor
Jack Haley - Radio vs TV
Reginald Gardiner - Fetlock Bones
North Dakota
- Portland Hoffas Birthday
The Killers
Deems Taylor - South Dakota
Charlie McCarthy Sues Fred for Slander
Charlie McCarthy Sues Fred
Lost Memory
Mob Buster
Renting a House
Brooklyn Pinafore
Seeking a Radio Job
Radio Shows in Russia
Take It or Leave It
A Movie on Fred Allens Life
Picadilly - Take off on Oklahoma
Edward Everett Horton
Hillbilly Drama
Orson Welles - Les Miserables (AFRS)
Carmen Miranda - Banana Mans Lament
Doc Rockwell (last half)
Candy Anonymous
Brooklyn Pinafore
Sir Cedric Hardwick
Racing Form Trial
Breakfast Show
King for a Day
50Th Anniversary of the Telephone Company
Tribute to Medical Science
The Mikado
Breakfast Show
Fred Tries to Get Lauritz a Job on Radio
Murder in the Penhouse
Suing Fred over Copyrights
With Gregory Ratoff, George Jessel
The Hollywood Mikado
Gimmick with a Microphone
The Perfect Crime
The Haley and Allen Show
New Years Eve Plans
Booking A New Year's Party
Fred Tries to Sue to Return His Cukoo Clock
Returning Presents
Psycopathic Spectacular
Husband and Wife Radio Show
One Long Pan Skit
One Long Pan
Author Meets His Match
Scalping Baseball Tickets
Jp Morgan Court of Human Relations
Break the Contestant
Fred Wants to Do Bings Life Story
Fred Wants to do Bing's Life Story
Quiz Program and Soap Opera
Stop the Music
Prize for Listeners Missing Contest
Sam Shovel, Private Eye
Sam Shovel, Private Eye
George Tries to Get in the Roxy Theater, Free
guest George Jessel
TV Commercials
Meeting Jack Benny While Christmas Shopping
Maine Murder Trial
Returning A Clock
H Allen Smith - Literary Panel
Traveling Salesman
Rudy Vallee - Fred Gets Rudy into TV
Planning a TV Show
guest Henry Morgan
Final Show