Robert Lasalle
Lewis and Clark
Zebulon Pike
John C Fremont
Kit Carson
Jedadiah a Smith
Marcus Whitman
John McLaughlin
The Donner Party
The Fall of the Alamo
Stephen W Kearney
Cochise and Capt. Tom Jeffords
Brigham Young
Joseph Meek
Lynn Coulter and GeorgeCPickett
John Sutter and James W Marshall
Buffalo Bill Cody
Pikes Peak Rush-IdahoTerritory
Santa Fe Trail
James B Wild Bill Hickock
Rev Thomas Starr King
Cochese and Captain Tj Jeffers
Massacre at Taos New Mexico
Stephen F Auston
Oregon, 54-40
Nevada and the Comstock Load
John Phillips, HeroofFortKearney
Oklahoma Land Rush
Oregon and the Pacific Republic
Annie D Talent
I Bert Perine
Wells Fargo
Anton P Stafford
Arthus a Denny
Yellowstone Park
Eliza Ann Brooks
General Na Niles