- m Wants To Hire A Woman
- ms Boring Museum Lecture
- uffed Owl Disappears
- stery Of The Stuffed Owl
- The Owl Alive Or Not-
- sit To Convalescent Lum
- ner Was Once A King
- inus Peabody To Visit
- inuss Eccentricities
- ll Elizabeth About Phinus
- ners Weird Behavior
- Thanksgiving Special
- Masked Muskrat Exposed
- Ghost
- I Grannies I Love You (Opie Cates Orchestra) Origi
- Friday Night Sociable
- Lion Hunting
- Elizabeth returns home
- Decide to keep the baby
- Elizabeth takes Baby
- litting Up Partnership Again
- Black Pelican Confesses
- ither Lum Nor Abner Happy
- Decide To Keep Baby
- Lum, The Woman
- They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree
- Threat From Black Pelican
- Threat of the Black Pelican
- Christmas Show
- Names for the Baby
- Black Pelican Confesses
- Christmas Show
- Taking Care Of The Baby
- Friday night sociable
- Frances Langford - Dreaming Out Loud
- Preparing for lion hunt
- ms Theater Burns Down
- m Lost Everything In Fire No Insurance
- ner thinks Lum will fail
- m Practices Barbering
- ay to sell war bonds
- rsonalized Barber Mugs
- m hires Customers
- m to cut Mizs hair
- aves off Grandpaps Beard
- andpap on the prowl
- m disguises himself
- mething to tell Lum
- cruiting book for Waves
- m invents hair tonic
- andpap mad at tonic
- drics Stenographer
- Christmas Program
- pedition to Tennessee
- ip to Tennessee
- end Night In Motel Room
- r Breaks Down
- cture - The Evils of Wealth
- gging for Treasure
- Christmas Story
- easure Hunters Broke
- wn pinball machine
- dric Cant Live Without His Pinball Machine
- m Will Give Speech
- sterious Package Arrives
- nt Open Package
- ing Worthless Old coins
- uire Wants Treasure Co.
- m Decides To Open Museum
- bel Items In The Museum
- dric Latest Date
- Selling The Oil Well
- Lum & Abner Sell Their Oil Well
- LASellOilWell
- LASellOilWell
- Squire Skimp President
- Discussing Auditors
- SquireSkimpPresidentSWOil
- SquireSkimpPresidentSWOil
- Squires Visitor
- Squire Offers To Give Oil Well Back
- SquireReceivesVisit
- SquireReceivesVisit
- Oil Boom Is Over
- Oil Boom Over
- Oil Boom Over
- Oil Boom Over
- The Pine Ridge Matrimonial Bureau
- Operating Pine Ridge Matrimonial Bureau
- Matrimonial Bureau
- Matrimonial Bureau
- Mail For The Matrimonial Bureau
- Lum Wants To Send Out Abner's Photo
- Abners Photo
- Abners Photo
- Reading The Mail
- Matrimonial Mail
- Mail is Pouring In
- Mail is Pouring In
- Matrimonial Bureau Moves
- New Sign
- Hortence Kelly
- Hortence Kelly
- Telegram For Abner
- Hortense Kelly Arrives Tomorrow
- Hortence Coming to Town
- Hortence Coming to Town
- Abner To Meet Hortense
- Lum & Abner Don't Know
- Abner to Meet Hortence
- Abner to Meet Hortence
- Is Abner Having An Affair
- Abner Fakes An Auto Accident
- Abner Fakes an Accident
- Abner Fakes an Accident
- Two Broken Arms
- Abner In Bed With Two Broken Arms
- Two Broke Arms
- Two Broke Arms
- The Jotem Down Store Reopens
- Lum & Abner Decide To Sell Flashlights
- Selling Flashlights
- Selling Flashlights
- Horlicks Flashlights
- How To Distribute Flashlights
- Forming a Plan
- Forming a Plan
- More Letters Arrive
- More Mail For Matrimonial Bureau
- More Mail
- More Mail
- Who Will Be President
- Who Should Be President
- Elizabeth Files a Claim
- Elizabeth Files a Claim
- Lum Tells On Abner
- Party Line Told About Fake Broken Arms
- Abner Confesses
- Abner Confesses
- Abner Collects From Insurance
- Lum Breaks into Abners House
- Lum Breaks into Abners House
- Nervous Lum
- Looking For Burglar, Clues Found
- Who's the Burgler
- Lum Arrested
- Lum Forced To Quit School Board
- Lums in Jail
- Lums in Jail
- Dick Gets Lum Out Of Jail
- Dick Gets Lum Out Of Jail
- Dick Gets Lum Out of Jail
- Lum out of Jail
- Lum Is Winning
- Who Leads In Election
- The Lead in the Election
- The Lead in the Election
- Campaign Posters
- Campaign Poster Sabotaged By Lum
- Election Getting Nasty
- Election Getting Nasty
- Restocking The Store
- Abner Hires Squire As Campaign Manager
- Squire Helps
- Squire Helps
- Squire Cashes Abners Check
- Squire To Cash Check
- Squire To Cash Check
- Newspaper Reports
- NewspaperReportsOnAbner
- NewspaperReportsOnAbner
- Squires Donation
- InsuranceMoneyDonated
- InsuranceMoneyDonated
- Listeners to cast their votes
- Vote For Lum
- ListenersToCastTheirVotes
- ListenersToCastTheirVotes
- Lum wins the election
- Lum Wins
- LumWinsVote
- LumWinsVote
- Jot 'Em Down store reopens
- The Jotem Down Store Reopens
- CircusComesToPineRidge
- CircusComesToPineRidge
- Abner for a boss
- Boss Abner
- Lum And Cedric Don't Like Boss
- Abner the Boss
- Abner the Boss
- Abner buys ten cases of soap
- Ten Cases Of Wonder Soap
- Abner Buys 10 Cases Of Soap
- Ten Cases of Soap
- Ten Cases of Soap
- Squire Buys The Rights To The Soap
- Squire Pays Abner For Rights
- Rights to Sell the Soap
- Rights to Sell the Soap
- Divide The Store
- Abner Wants To Trade Goods
- Goods for Livestock
- Goods for Livestock
- Divide The Merchandise
- Lum & Abner Divide Merchandise In Store
- Dividing the Store
- Dividing the Store
- Dick Tries to Make Peace
- Trader Abner
- Dick Huddleston Tries To Reconcile Lum
- Dick Tries to Make Peace
- Groceries for Horses
- Trading With Snake
- Abner Trades Snake Hogan Groceries
- Groceries for Horses
- Traveling Circus
- The Circus Comes To Town
- Abner Takes Out Mortgage On Circus
- Traveling Circus
- The Swapping Ends
- Abners Stock Is Running Out
- Abner's Merchandise Almost Gone
- The Swapping Ends
- Circus Tries to Leave Town
- Abners Circus
- Circus Starts To Leave
- Circus Tries to Leave Town
- L&ABackTogether
- Lum and Abner in partnership
- Lum And Abner Are Partners Again
- Lum & Abner Back Together
- The Lum and Abner Circus
- Feed for Tickets
- Lum and Abner's Circus
- Trading Circus Tickets For Feed
- Citizens Using Feed To Get Into Circus
- Feed for Tickets
- The Bally Hoo Man
- Lum and Abner hire Squire
- A Ballywho Man
- Lum & Abner Hire Squire Ballyhoo
- The Bally Hoo Man
- Squires Freak Show
- Squire's Freak Show
- The Circus Freakshow
- Squire Starts Freak Show
- Squires Freak Show
- Lum the Trapeze Artist
- Grand Opening Soon
- Squire Wants Lum To Be Trapeze Artist
- Lum the Trapeze Artist
- Trapeze too Dangerous
- Elephant Training
- Lum Gives Up Trapeze For Elephant Act
- Trapeze too Dangerous
- The Circus is too Dangerous
- The Lion Cage
- Lum Thinks Circus Jobs Are Dangerous
- The Circus is too Dangerous
- Grand Opening Tomorrow
- Circus Opens Tomorrow
- Grand Opening Of Circus Is Tomorrow
- Grand Opening Tomorrow
- The Boys Lose Money
- Circus Losing Money
- Lost Money On Circus Opening
- The Boys Lose Money
- Abners New Glasses
- Abners Eyeglasses
- Abner Buys Glasses
- Abners New Glasses
- Lum and Cedric Buy Glasses
- Circus Going To Mena
- Lum & Cedric Buy Glasses
- Lum and Cedric Buy Glasses
- Circus big business
- The Circus Is Making A Profit
- Circus Doing Well
- Circus big business
- The Tent Blows Down
- A Storm Hits The Circus
- Circus Tent Blows Down
- The Tent Blows Down
- Moving the Circus
- Moving the Circus
- The Circus Leaving Mena
- Circus Moves To Belleville
- Lum Needs Money
- Lum Needs Money
- Lum Gets A Bank Loan
- Lum Borrows 200 Dollars
- Dick Smashes Lums Glasses
- Dick Smashes Lums Glasses
- Dick Fixes Lum and Abners Sight
- Dick Smashes Lum's Glasses
- Zenora
- Zenora
- Lums In Love
- Lum Falls In Love With Zenora
- Evalena
- Evalena
- Lum And Abner Want A Circus Career
- Lum Reluctant To Tell Evalena
- The Cash Stolen
- The Cash Stolen
- Going To Mt Ida
- Cash Receipts Stolen
- Squire is the Main Suspect
- Squire is the Main Suspect
- Who Is The Robber
- Squire Is Main Suspect
- Many Suspects
- Many Suspects
- Hiding The Money Again
- Many Suspects Lurking Around Circus
- The Money Disappears Again
- The Money Disappears Again
- The Money Gone
- Money Disappears
- Selling the Circus
- Selling the Circus
- Abner Thinks Lum Is Mad At Him
- Lum & Abner Have Sold Circus
- Improve the Store
- Improve the Store
- Lum And Abner Make Up Again
- Lum & Abner Reconcile
- Trying to Disrupt Marriage
- Trying to Disrupt Marriage
- Evalena And Frank Foster To Be Married
- Lum & Abner Try To Marriage
- Lum Needs a Wedding Ring
- Lum Needs a Wedding Ring
- Lum Needs An Engagement Ring For Evalena
- Lum Needs Ring For Evelena
- Squire Buys a Ring
- Squire Buys a Ring
- Squire Buys Evalenas Engagement Ring From Lum
- Squire Buys Engagement Ring From Lum
- Chain Letter
- Chain Letter
- Lum Recieves A Chain Letter From Denver
- Lum Receives Chain Letter From Denver
- A Hog Chain Letter
- A Hog Chain Letter
- Lum Will Start His Own Chain Letter
- Lum Will Start Hog Chain Letter
- Where to Keep the Hogs
- Where to Keep the Hogs
- Place To Keep Hogs
- Place To Keep Hogs Becomes Problem
- Chain Letters are Illegal
- Chain Letters are Illegal
- Chain Letters Are Illegal
- Dick Informs That Letters Are Illegal
- The Unchain Letter
- The Unchain Letter
- Lum Wants To Start An Un Chain Letter
- Lum Wants To Start An Unchain Letter
- Maybe the Letter isnt Illegal
- Maybe the Letter isnt Illegal
- Letter Should Be Ok
- Chain Letter May Be OK
- Squire Helps Sell the Hogs
- Squire Helps Sell the Hogs
- Squire Will Sell The Hogs
- Squire Will Take Hogs To Chicago
- Hog Kings Statue
- Hog Kings Statue
- A Statue Of Lum And Abner
- Pine Ridge Should Erect A Statue To Lum
- What Kind of Statue
- What Kind of Statue
- Discussing The Type Of Statue They Want
- Lum & Abner Discuss Type Of Statue
- Statue Company Catalog
- Statue Company Catalog
- Monument Company Catalog
- Lum Receives Catalog From Statue Co
- Lum Orders the Statue
- Lum Orders the Statue
- Lums Statue
- Lum Orders Statue Based On U S Grant
- Squire Returns With the Hog Money
- Squire Returns With the Hog Money
- Squire Returns From Chicago
- Squire Returns With Lum & Abner's Money
- King Midas
- King Midas
- The Story Of King Midas
- Lum & Abner Discuss Story Of King Midas
- Unveiling the Statue
- Unveiling the Statue
- The Unveiling
- Disaster Strikes Unveiling Ceremony
- Wheres Lum
- Wheres Lum
- Lum Has Disappeared
- No One Has Seen Lum All Weekend
- Lum Wants to Open a Movin Picture Sho
- Lum Wants to Open a Movin Picture Sho
- Lums New Idea
- Lum Wants To Open A Picture Theatre
- The Operations Of a Picture Show
- The Operations Of a Picture Show
- How To Operate A Picture Show poor
- How To Operate A Picture Theater
- The Old Cotton Warehouse
- The Old Cotton Warehouse
- The Old Cotton Warehouse
- Lum Decides To Remodel Cotton Warehouse
- The Player Piano
- The Player Piano
- Hiring Grandpap
- Lum & Abner Hire Grandpap
- Name The Theater
- Name The Theater
- Naming The Theater
- Lum & Abner Argue Over Name
- Picture Shows Cost a Lot
- Picture Shows Cost a Lot
- Picture Show Costs Alot Of Money
- Picture Show Running Into Money
- Squire wants to be a Partner
- Squire wants to be a Partner
- Squire Wants To Be A Third Partner
- Squire Wants To Be A Partner In Theater
- The Competition
- The Competition
- Squire Starting A Rival Theater
- Lum & Abner Worry About Squire Opening
- Squires Plans
- Squires Plans
- Plans For A Rival Theater
- Squire Plans For His Competing Theater
- Squire Steals the Help
- Squire Steals the Help
- Lum And Abners Help Working For Squire
- Lum & Abner Lose All Their Hired Help
- Dick Helps the Boys
- Dick Helps the Boys
- Squires Underhanded Tactics
- Dick Huddleston Helps Lum & Abner
- LAFreeMatinee
- A Free Matinee For Children
- Free Movie
- Lum & Abner Will Have Free Matinee
- Squire Spreads Rumors
- Squire Spreads Rumors
- Squire Spreads Rumors
- Squire Spreads Rumors About Matinee
- The Ladies Uplift League
- The Ladies Uplift League
- Ladies Uplift League Boycott
- Ladies Uplift League Boycotts
- Squires Illegal Theater
- Squires Illegal Theater
- Breaking The Law
- Lum & Abner Find Out Squire's Theater
- Lum Wont Arrest Squire
- Lum Wont Arrest Squire
- Arresting Squire
- Lum Can't Arrest Squire
- Demanding Squires Arrest
- Demanding Squires Arrest
- Squire Must Be Arrested
- Grandpap And Dick Demand Arrest
- Squires Warrent
- Squires Warrent
- Squire Is Upset
- Squire Becomes Irate Over Warrant
- Lums Court
- Lums Court
- Lums Justice Of The Peace Court
- Squire Tried In Lum's Court
- Squire is Tried
- Squire is Tried
- Accident At The Theater
- Squire Injured In Lum & Abner's Theater
- Squires Fall
- Squires Fall
- Writing A Letter
- Lum &Abner Apologize To Squire
- Apology Letter
- Apology Letter
- Squire Goes To See A Lawyer
- Squire Goes To See A Lawyer In Mena
- Squire Sees a Lawyer
- Squire Sees a Lawyer
- Notice Of Lawsuit
- Squire Sues Lum & Abner For Damages
- Squire is Suing
- Squire is Suing
- Incriminating Evidence
- Incriminating Evidence
- The Letter
- The Letter
- Break Into Squires House
- Break Into Squire's House
- Abner Arrested For Breaking Into Squire
- Abners Arrested
- Abners Arrested
- Abner Is Arrested
- Lum Receives Visit From Lawyer
- Lums Lawyer
- Lums Lawyer
- A Shady Lawyer Visits Lum
- Lum Abner And Squire Are Off To Court
- Off to Court
- Off to Court
- Off To Court
- Squire Loses Trial
- Last Minute Evidence
- Last Minute Evidence
- Important Evidence
- Lum Decides To Become A Lawyer
- Lum the Lawyer
- Lum the Lawyer
- Lum Decides to Become a Lawyer
- Why Lawyer Lum Resigned
- Lum Resigns
- Lum Resigns
- Lawyer Lum Retires
- Lum And Abner Unsolve Partnership Again
- Disolving the Partnership
- Disolving the Partnership
- How To Run The Picture Show
- Abner Hires Cedric To Be Clerk In Store
- AHiresCedricToClerk
- Hiring Cedric
- Abner Hires Cedric
- Abner Believes He Has Been Gypped
- Abner Thinks Lum Gyped Him
- Abner Thinks Lum Gyped Him
- Abner Believes Lum Cheated Him
- Lum's Theater Burns To The Ground
- LsThBurnsToGround
- Lums Theater Burns Down
- Lum Has No Insurance
- No Insurance
- No Insurance
- Lum Forgot to Buy Fire Insurance
- Boss Abner Makes Lum's Life Miserable
- Boss Abner Clerk Lum
- Boss Abner Clerk Lum
- Abner Makes Lum Miserable
- Lum Quits To Go Into Business
- Lum Wants to Work With Squire
- Lum Wants to Work With Squire
- Business With Squire
- Lum Not Sure Just What New Business Is
- What is the New Business
- What is the New Business
- A New Business Venture
- Lum & Squire Sell Shares In Silver Mine
- A Silver Mine
- A Silver Mine
- Arizona Silver Mine
- Pine Ridge Into High Society
- High Society
- High Society
- High Society
- Lum & Abner Discuss Rules Of Etiquette
- Proper Etiquette
- Proper Etiquette
- Proper Etiquette
- The First Families Of Pine Ridge
- The First Familys of Pine Ridge
- The First Familys of Pine Ridge
- The First Families Of Pine Ridge
- They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree
- They Cut Down the Old Pine Tree
- They Cut Down the Old Pine Tree
- They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree
- Abner Hates Being In High Society
- Abner Hates High Society
- Abner Hates High Society
- Abner Hates High Society
- Squire And Snake Hogan Plot
- Squire and Snakes Plot
- Squire and Snakes Plot
- Plot To Buy The Store
- Abner Sells Jot'em Down Store To Snake
- Snake Buys the Store
- Snake Buys the Store
- Abner Sells The Store To Snake
- Has Abner Met With Foul Play
- Where is Abner
- Where is Abner
- Where Is Abner
- The Real Reason Why Abner Disappered
- Why Abner Disappeared
- Why Abner Disappeared
- Why Abner Disappeared
- Abner Becomes Biggest Society Man
- The Biggest Society Man of All
- The Biggest Society Man of All
- The Biggest Society Man Of All
- Dick Is Sceptical About True Worth
- The Silver Mines Value
- The Silver Mines Value
- Dick Huddleston Is Skeptical
- Who Are Dixie Belle And Mary Jane
- Dixie Bell and Mary Jane
- Dixie Bell and Mary Jane
- Who Are Dixie Belle And Mary Jane
- Lum & Abner Tired Of High Societyi
- Tired of High Society
- Tired of High Society
- Tired Of High Society
- Snake Won't Sell Store Back
- Snake Wont Sell the Store Back
- Snake Wont Sell the Store Back
- Snake Wont Sell The Store
- Lum & Abner Plan To Build Grocery Store
- A Rolling Grocery Store
- A Rolling Grocery Store
- Building A Rolling Store
- Lum & Abner Run A Contest
- Name The New Store
- Name The New Store
- A Name For The New Grocery Store
- Squire Wants Interest In Rolling Store
- Squire Wants A Piece of the Action
- Squire Wants A Piece of the Action
- An Interest In The Store
- Store Out Of Blacksmith's Shop
- The Blacksmith Shop
- The Blacksmith Shop
- The New Grocery Store
- Abner Gets Groceries Out The Hard Way
- The Hard Way
- The Hard Way
- The Rolling Store Is Done
- Back Of Store Is Heavier Than The Front
- The Back is Heavier Than the Front
- The Back is Heavier Than the Front
- Cedric Stocks The New Store
- Squire Goes To Arizona
- Squire Goes to Arizona
- Squire Goes to Arizona
- Squire Goes To Arizona
- Store's First Day On The Road
- First Day on the Road
- First Day on the Road
- The Stores First Day
- Rolling Grocery Makes Profit
- 27 Cents
- 27 Cents
- Dick Is Losing Customers
- End Of Contest To Name Grocery Store
- EndContestNameGroc
- The Contest Ends
- Squire Turns Control Of Mine Over
- Its Now Lums Mine
- Its Now Lums Mine
- Stockholder Are Upset With Squire
- Lum Doesn't Want To Work
- Lum Wont Work in the Store Anymore
- Lum Wont Work in the Store Anymore
- Lum Becomes Owner Of The Mine
- Lum Decides To Buy Trailer For Office
- Lums Trailer
- Lums Trailer
- A Trailer For An Office
- Lum & Abner Decide To Sell Silver Mine
- Sell the Mine
- Sell the Mine
- Selling The Silver Mine
- Stockholders Send Lynch Mob After Lum
- Stockholders
- Stockholders
- Stockholders Vote
- Lum Hides Abner In Barn Loft
- Lum is Hiding
- Lum is Hiding
- Lum Is Hiding
- Stockholders Demand Money Back
- Stockholders Want Their Money Back
- Stockholders Want Their Money Back
- Money Back
- Fake Kidnapping So Lum Can Be A Hero
- Abner Kidnapped
- Abner Kidnapped
- Abners Kidnapping
- Lum & Abner Blunder Through Kidnap
- Blundered Kidnapping
- Blundered Kidnapping
- Kidnapping Isnt Easy
- Kidnapping Has Whole Town In Uproar
- The Town is Upset
- The Town is Upset
- The Whole Town Is Upset
- Trap Set For Kidnappers
- A Trap For the Kidnappers
- A Trap For the Kidnappers
- Trapping The Kidnappers
- Story Of Rescue
- Abners Story
- Abners Story
- Lum Tells The Truth
- Story Of Rescue Gets Bigger And Bigger
- The Story Gets Bigger
- The Story Gets Bigger
- The Story Of The Rescue
- Newspaper Wants Article
- An Article on the Rescue
- An Article on the Rescue
- A Newspaper Article On Rescue
- Suggestions About The Mine
- Dicks Suggestions
- Dicks Suggestions
- The Mine Runs On A Royality Basis
- Stranger Looking For President
- A Stranger in Town
- A Stranger in Town
- School Starts
- A Speech On Honesty
- Lum Arrested
- Lum Arrested Over Stock
- Lum Arrested Over Stock
- Raising Lums Bail Money
- Trying To Raise Bail
- Lums Bail
- Lums Bail
- Lum Sells His Belongings
- Selling Everything
- Lum Sells Everything
- Lum Sells Everything
- Dick Talks To The Judge
- Squire Must Be Found
- Finding Squire
- Finding Squire
- Discussing Detective Methods
- Letter Intecepted
- Squires Letter
- Squires Letter
- Abner Helps Lum Pack
- Helping Lum Pack
- A Trip to Tulsa
- A Trip to Tulsa
- Will Lum Skip On His Bail
- A Warrant Is Sworn Out
- Squires Warrant
- Squires Warrant
- Police Arrest Squire
- Squire Arrested In Tulsa
- Arrested in Tulsa
- Arrested in Tulsa
- Squire Returns
- Squire Returns
- Squire Returns For Trail
- Squire Returns For Trail
- TownOfWatersBecomesPineRidge
- TownOfWatersBecomesPineRidge
- AbnerMustDisposeOfEverything
- AbnerMustDisposeOfEverything
- BoysHave500DollarsInStolenMoney
- BoysHave500DollarsInStolenMoney
- SpudGandelToMarryEvalena
- SpudGandelToMarryEvalena
- LumPerformsCeremony
- LumPerformsCeremony
- First Show For Postum
- Lum & Abner Operate Picture Theater
- Pine Ridge Moving Picture Company
- Postums First Program
- Postums First Program
- Writing A Script
- Lum Writing Script For War Movie
- Writing Script for War Movie
- Writing a Script
- Writing a Script
- Squire The Theatrical Agent
- Squire Theatrical Agent
- Squire, Theatrical Agent For Everybody
- Theatrical Agent
- Theatrical Agent
- Theres Oil On Abners Land
- Squire Thinks There's Oil On Land
- Filming A Movie
- Filming A Movie
- Lum's movie to begin filming
- Promoting The Oil Well
- Promotion Of Oil Well
- Oil Well
- Oil Well
- Volcanoes
- Abner And Cedric Discuss Volcanos
- Volcanos
- Volcanos
- Company Dissolved
- Moving Picture Company Disbanded
- The Picture Compant Disbanded
- The Picture Compant Disbanded
- Investors Get Their Money Back
- Squire Gives Money Back To All Investor
- Squire gives money back
- Investors Money Returned
- Investors Money Returned
- Cedric Finds A Strange Bone
- Cedric Finds Dinosaur Bone In Oil Well
- Dinosaur Bone
- Dinosaur Bone
- Cedric Finds Dinosaur Bones
- The Bones
- Professor Interested In Dinosaur
- A Professor is Interested
- A Professor is Interested
- Professor Interested in Bones
- Assembling The Bones
- Assemble the Bones
- Assemble the Bones
- Abner tries to assemble the bones
- Examining The Bones
- Professor Arrives To Examine Skeleton
- Professor Arrives
- Professor Arrives
- Professor examines the skeleton
- Punch Board
- Cedric Sells Chances On Punch Card
- Punch Board
- Punch Board
- Cedric sells chances
- Abner Pretends To Be Sick
- Abner Pretends To Be Sick To Go Fishing
- Faking An Illness
- Faking An Illness
- Abner pretends to be sick
- April Fools Day
- April Fools Day
- Lum Exasperated By April Fool's Jokes
- April Fools Day
- April Fool's Joke
- Reopening The Matrimonial Bureau
- Lum & Abner reopen Matrimonial Business
- Reopen the Matrimonial Bureau
- Reopen the Matrimonial Bureau
- Matrimonial Bureau Reopens
- Newspaper Ad
- Lum Writes Ad For Matrimonial Bureau
- Newspaper Advertisement
- Newspaper Advertisement
- Lum Wants To Get Married
- Lum & Abner Receive First Three Letters
- The First 3 Letters
- The First 3 Letters
- Benefits Of Married Life
- Abner Shows Lum Benefit Of Marriage
- Benifits of Marriage
- Benifits of Marriage
- The benefits of being married
- Abner Sends Out Photos
- Abner Will Send Out Photos To Women
- Send Out Photos
- Send Out Photos
- Abner sends out photos
- Lum doesn't know of photos
- Lum And The Photos
- Abner Doesn't Tell Lum About Photos
- An Urgent Call
- An Urgent Call
- Trouble because of Abner
- Mose Moots Wife
- Family Trouble
- Family Trouble
- Birdie Collins Loves Lum
- Birdie Collins In Love With Lum's Pic
- Lum patches things up
- Birdie in Love
- Birdie in Love
- Lum Hides From Birdie
- Lizabeth Thinks Abner Is Having Affair
- Lum is hiding from Birdie
- Lums Hiding
- Lums Hiding
- An English Estate
- Lum Thinks He Has Inherited
- The Inheritance
- The Inheritance
- Retainer Fee
- English Frame Of Mind
- English Frame Of Mind
- Lum Sells To Squire
- Lum Sells His Half Of The Store
- Selling Interest in the Store
- Selling Interest in the Store
- Squire Makes Changes
- Squire Renames Store
- Squires Cash Store
- Squires Cash Store
- Lum Plans His Ocean Voyage
- Lum Makes Plans For His Ocean Voyage
- Ocean Voyage
- Ocean Voyage
- Driving To England Via Siberia
- Lum & Abner Discuss Driving To England
- Driving a Car
- Driving a Car
- Lum To Leave July 3rd
- Lum Will Leave For England On July 6th
- Leaving on July 3rd
- Leaving on July 3rd
- Counting Sheep
- Counting Sheep
- Counting Sheep
- Lum Is Starving
- Squire Won't Sell Lum Groceries
- No Credit
- No Credit
- Lum Wants Abner To Go
- Treasurer Abner
- Treasurer Abner
- TransAtlantic Broadcast
- Trans Alantic Broadcast
- Trans Alantic Broadcast
- 1938 Christmas Show
- Christmas Story
- The 1938 Lum And Abner Christmas Story
- Christmas Story
- Christmas Story
- Christmas Story
- Lum Engaged To Bertha
- Mistaken Identity
- Mistaken Identity
- Squire's Promotion of Oil Well
- Jack Benny Visits
- Jack Benny
- Jack Benny
- Volcanoes and the rotation of the earth
- A New Years Resolution
- LumsNewYearResolution
- Lums New Year Resolution
- Arrested
- OperatingAPostOffice
- Operating A Post Office
- Lum Escapes
- LumEscapesFromPrison
- Lum Escapes From Prison
- Lum Hides Out
- LumHidesOut
- Lum Hides Out
- Lum Is Scared Away
- Police Are Closing In
- Lum Is Found In Mexico Missouri
- Lum Answers Ad
- um_Answers_Ad_
- um_ Answers_ Ad_
- Lum Has Second Thoughts
- Lum Has Second Thoughts
- Lum Has Second Thoughts
- Telegram Arrives
- WidderBeaumontsTelegram
- Widder Beaumonts Telegram
- Lum To Be A Family Man
- LumToBeAFamilyMan
- Lum To Be A Family Man
- Quarantined
- Widder And Kids Move In
- Widder And Kids Are Not So Bad
- LumLikesWidderAndKids
- Lum Likes Widder And Kids
- Widder Leaves Town
- WidderLeavesTown
- Widder Leaves Town
- Lum Misses Family Life
- Lum Mourns Loss Of Widder
- Abner Gets Tough
- New Girl In Town
- Standing Up To Lizabeth
- Standing Up To Lizabeth
- Mens Protective Association
- Squire Leads Formation Of Mens Protective A
- Trouble With The Association
- SOSMensAssociation
- S O S Mens Association
- Lums Valentine
- WomensAssociationFormed
- Womens Association Formed
- Men Locked Out
- WomenLockMenOutOfHomes
- Women Lock Men Out Of Homes
- Abner And Grandpap Are Discouraged
- AbnerAndGrandpapUnhappy
- Abner And Grandpap Unhappy
- Women Want To Take Control
- WomenWantToTakeOver
- Women Want To Take Over
- Election
- ElectionWillBeHeld
- Election Will Be Held
- Stir Up Trouble
- StirUpTroubleAmongWomen
- Stir Up Trouble Among Women
- Women Beat Up Lum
- WomenGangUpToLum
- Women Gang Up To Lum
- Big Election Held
- BigElectionHeld
- Big Election Held
- Bank Robbers Heading To Town
- BankRobbersInPineRidge
- Bank Robbers In Pine Ridge
- Lizabeth Catches Robbers
- CaptureOfBankRobbers
- Capture Of Bank Robbers
- LizabethsFameGrows
- Lizabeths Fame Grows
- Movie About Jotem Down Store
- Movie To Be Shot At Pine Ridge
- Squire Rents Store From L& A
- Lum Learns Abner Renting Store To Squire
- Movie Script Arrives
- Lums Makes New Deal With Squire
- Why Chickens Come Home To Roost
- L& A Sell Outdated Merchandise
- Store closes to make movie
- StoreClosesToMakeMovie
- Store Closes To Make Movie
- L& A Christmas Show
- Audition #1
- Audition #2
- Store reopens
- Store Reopens
- Store Reopens
- Vice President Cedrick
- Vice President Cedrick
- Abner Buys Mr Dilbeck
- Abner Buys Mr Dilbeck
- Lums Memorial Day Speech
- Lums Memorial Day Speech
- Grandpap Wants The Mule
- Grandpap Wants The Mule
- edrick the Marketing Director
- edrick the Marketing Director
- Marketing Scheme Backfires
- Marketing Scheme Backfires
- Dresses Dummy Like a Woman
- Dresses Dummy Like a Woman
- Abners Rabbits Worth Money
- Abners Rabbits Worth Money
- Showdown with Elizabeth
- Showdown with Elizabeth
- Abner is Tough
- Abner is Tough
- Lum Brags to Squire
- Lum Brags to Squire
- Special Routine for Alka- Seltzer
- Lum and Abner Operate a Bank
- L&AOperateBank
- L& A Operate Bank
- Lum Buys and Bank Guard Uniform
- LumBuysBankGuardUniform
- Lum Buys Bank Guard Uniform
- Strange Box Left at the Bank
- StrangeBoxLeftAtBank
- Strange Box Left At Bank
- Speculating on the Box Contents
- SpeculatingBoxContents
- Speculating Box Contents
- Box Contains Diamonds
- BoxContainsDiamonds
- Box Contains Diamonds
- Dealing with Stolen Jewels
- DealingWithStolenJewels
- Dealing With Stolen Jewels
- Anxiously Waiting For Reply
- StrangerLeavesTinBoxAtBank
- Waiting for a Reply
- Lum to Marry Rich Widow
- BoysSpeculateOnTinBoxContents
- Lum to Marry Widow
- Practicing Jujitsu
- PracticingJujitsuHolds
- A Letter Form Mrs Barington
- MrsBarringtonsLetter
- Picture Lum Sent To The Widow
- Jewels Missing from Box
- JewelsMissingFromBox
- No Word From the Widow Yet
- NoWordFromTheWidowYet
- Jewels Missing From Box
- Wants Tin Box Back
- WantsTinBoxBack
- Lums Afraid Gell Go To Jail
- Wants Tin Box Back
- A Letter From Mrs. Barrington
- ALetterFormMrsBarington
- Phone Call
- Picture Lum Sent to the Widow
- PictureLumSentToTheWidow
- Lum And Abner Must Close The Bank
- Cleaning Away Bank Remnants
- Lum Recieves Telegram
- LumReceivesATelegram
- A Nursery In The Jotem Down Store
- LumsAfraidGellGoToJail
- Phone Call
- hone Call
- Lum And Abner Must Close Bank
- LumAndAbnerMustCloseTheBank
- Cleaning Away Bank Remnants
- CleaningAwayBankRemnants
- ANurseryInTheJotemDownStore
- Lum Orders A Book On Salesmanship
- LumOrdersABookOnSalesmanship
- h e Modern Salesmanship Book
- h e Modern Salesmanship Book
- Trying Various New Sales Methods
- TryingVariousNewSalesMethods
- New Methods Not Working
- NewMethodsNotWorking
- Offer For Correspondence Course Arrives
- OfferForCorrespondenceCourseArrives
- New Adding Machine
- NewAddingMachine
- Lum Infatuated With New School Teacher
- LumInfatuatedWithNewSchoolTeacher
- Lum Fakes Broken Leg To Get Out Of Date
- LumFakesBrokenLegToGetOutOfDate
- Squire Wants Lum To Collect On Broken Leg
- SquireWantsLumToCollectOnBrokenLeg
- Trouble With Deception
- TroubleWithDeception
- Miss Fredricks Dating
- MissFredricksDating
- Abner Bandages Wrong Leg
- AbnerBandagesWrongLeg
- Getting Answer From Course
- GettingAnswerFromCourse
- Lum Fakes A Broken Leg
- LumFakesABrokenLeg
- Squire Skimp Takes $500 From Lum
- Squire Skimp Takes $500 From Lum
- Lum Gets $100 For His Broken Leg
- Lum Gets $100 For His Broken Leg
- 500 becomes $50
- 500 becomes $50
- um Wants A Price To Heal Others
- um Wants A Price To Heal Others
- Lum Gets A Healing
- Lum Gets A Healing
- Lum Objects to Skimps Trickery
- Lum Objects to Skimp's Trickery
- The Prince Learns the Truth
- The Prince Learns the Truth
- Prince Whups Squire
- Prince Whups Squire
- Lum Regrets Faking A Broken Leg
- Lum Regrets Faking A Broken Leg
- Lums Big Date
- Lum's Big Date
- Lum Plans A Free Lending Library
- Lum Plans A Free Lending Library
- Organizing the Pine Ridge Library
- Organizing the Pine Ridge Library
- Abner Misunderstands About Lions
- Abner Misunderstands About Lions
- Skimp Buys An African Lion
- Skimp Buys An African Lion
- Lum Meets A Lose Lion in the Feed Roo
- Lum Meets A Lose Lion in the Feed Roo
- Cedrick Makes the Lion His Pet
- Cedrick Makes the Lion His Pet
- Lums Afraid of the Lion
- Lum's Afraid of the Lion
- Lums Lion Escapes
- Lum's Lion Escapes
- A Plan To Catch the Lion
- A Plan To Catch the Lion
- Lums Big Safari
- Lum's Big Safari
- Safari, With Lum, Abner and Cedrick
- Safari, With Lum, Abner and Cedrick
- The Petition of the Lion
- The Petition of the Lion
- Finky- Winky
- Finky-Winky
- Research in the Library
- Research in the Library
- Lums Pine Ridge Bakery
- Lum's Pine Ridge Bakery
- Installing the Stove
- Installing the Stove
- Lums Prune Bread
- Lum's Prune Bread
- Loaves I S Big Business
- Loaves IS Big Business
- Cakes for the Cake sale
- Cakes for the Cake sale
- Locket in the Loaf
- Locket in the Loaf
- Snake Gets Lum's Locket
- Snake Gets Lums Locket
- Squire Plans To Rescue Lum
- Squire Plans To Rescue Lum
- Snake Threatens Lum
- Snake Threatens Lum
- Everbody Is Mad At Lum
- Everbody Is Mad At Lum
- Mousey Whips Lum
- Mousey Whips Lum
- Mousey Versus Snake
- Mousey Versus Snake
- Mousey Becomes 'Killer Gray'
- Mousey Becomes Killer Gray
- Lum, Boxing Promoter
- Lum, Boxing Promoter
- Mousey Signs With Squire Skimp
- Mousey Signs With Squire Skimp
- Squire Cheats Lum
- Squire Cheats Lum
- Mousey Fights 'Iron Mike'
- Mousey Fights Iron Mike
- Lucky Loaf of Bread
- Lucky Loaf of Bread
- Sink or Swim
- Sink or Swim
- Lum Loses the Store
- Lum Loses the Store
- The Big Rematch
- The Big Rematch
- Lum Selling Pencils
- Lum Selling Pencils
- Lum Selling Magazines
- Lum Selling Magazines
- Abner Hires Some Help
- Abner Hires Some Help
- Lum Has A Nervous Breakdown
- Lum Has A Nervous Breakdown
- Lum Rents Out The Library
- Lum Rents Out The Library
- Lum Plans A Robbery
- Lum Plans A Robbery
- Abner Visits Lum In Jail
- Abner Visits Lum In Jail
- Lum Hates Jail
- Lum Hates Jail
- Bail From 5 cents To 10 $10,000,000
- Bail From 5 cents To 10 $10,000,000
- The Big Trial
- The Big Trial
- A Letter From Judge Parker
- A Letter From Judge Parker
- Cedrick Studies Vantriloquism
- Cedrick Studies Vantriloquism
- Beefing Up The Books - Income Tax Tim
- Beefing Up The Books - Income Tax Tim
- An Honest Man
- An Honest Man
- $10,000 In Three Months
- $10,000 In Three Months
- Wonderful World
- Wonderful World
- Who Is the Most Considerate and Hones
- Who Is the Most Considerate and Hones
- Old, Honest Lum
- Old, Honest Lum
- A Judge of Men
- A Judge of Men
- Abner, A Pamphlet Writer
- Abner, A Pamphlet Writer
- Abner Is Disqualified
- Abner Is Disqualified
- Lum Explains Electricity
- Lum Explains Electricity
- Trip to Fort Smith
- Trip to Fort Smith
- Installing Victory Boxes
- Installing Victory Boxes
- Lum, Air Raid Warden
- Lum, Air Raid Warden
- Mousey, Airplane Watcher
- Mousey, Airplane Watcher
- Strange Happenings At Night
- Strange Happenings At Night
- CedricsLicensePlatesStolen
- Cedrics License Plates Stolen
- Elizebeth Wants New Shoes
- Elizebeth Wants New Shoes
- DiogenesSmithLeavesTown
- Diogenes Smith Leaves Town
- LumandCedricinCharge
- Lumand Cedricin Charge
- CedricOrdersABicycle
- Cedric Orders A Bicycle
- CedricsSuddenWealth
- Cedrics Sudden Wealth
- CedricsMAGICLantern
- Cedrics M A G I C Lantern
- CedricBecomesaPartner
- Cedric Becomesa Partner
- QuestionsforCedric
- Questionsfor Cedric
- CedricsSecret
- Cedrics Secret
- AbnerGetsRichToo
- Abner Gets Rich Too
- LumCounterfieterEdwards
- Lum Counterfieter Edwards
- WorriedAboutJail
- Worried About Jail
- CedricsEscape
- Cedrics Escape
- AbnerArrested
- Abner Arrested
- MouseyTheDetective
- Mousey The Detective
- LumsReturn
- Lums Return
- $10000
- $10,000
- HowToSpendtheMoney
- How To Spendthe Money
- BigPremier
- Big Premier
- PremierCommittee
- Premier Committee
- LumsSpeech
- Lums Speech
- DonAmichiProjectionist
- Don Amichi Projectionist
- BashfulBachelorPremier
- Bashful Bachelor Premier
- Quincy Wins
- Quincy Wins
- LegalDocument
- Legal Document
- TheStatue
- The Statue
- MouseysGreatIdea
- Mouseys Great Idea
- LumPlanningNewApartments
- Lum Planning New Apartments
- LumDesigningNewApartments
- Lum Designing New Apartments
- AStoreOnEveryFloor
- A Store On Every Floor
- CedrickBuysAPinballMachine
- Cedrick Buys A Pinball Machine
- HushMoney
- Hush Money
- CedrickTheIndian
- Cedrick The Indian
- MrDobbsComesToVisit
- Mr Dobbs Comes To Visit
- JWadsworthFromChicago
- J Wadsworth From Chicago
- LumConsSquireSkimp
- Lum Cons Squire Skimp
- CarPooling
- Car Pooling
- OldFolksHome
- Old Folks Home
- SevenWondersoftheWorld
- Seven Wondersofthe World
- JustLikeNoah
- Just Like Noah
- DoingtheBooks
- Doingthe Books
- AbnerHasBeenSleepingontheJob
- Abner Has Been Sleepingonthe Job
- LumTheAuthor
- Lum The Author
- TheEdwardsandEdwardsPublishingCompany
- The Edwardsand Edwards Publishing Company
- Reviewing Manuscripts
- Reviewing Manuscripts
- The Harley Property
- The Harley Property
- Buried Treasure
- Buried Treasure
- Printing Handbills
- Printing Handbills
- The Phantom Author
- The Phantom Author
- A Ghost Outfit or Abner's Disappearan
- A Ghost Outfit or Abners Disappearan
- he Last Chapter
- he Last Chapter
- Greeting Cards and the Owl Business
- Greeting Cards and the Owl Business
- Learning To Dance
- Learning To Dance
- The Party and the Fishing Trip
- The Party and the Fishing Trip
- Writing Greeting Cards
- Writing Greeting Cards
- Edwards & Mousey Gray Publishing Comp
- Edwards & Mousey Gray Publishing Comp
- Getting A License
- Getting A License
- Try Cave Man Tactics
- Try Cave Man Tactics
- Dear Miss Beatrix
- Dear Miss Beatrix
- Cedrick Beats the Pinball Machine
- Cedrick Beats the Pinball Machine
- Cedrick Wants To Be A Marine Corpse O
- Cedrick Wants To Be A Marine Corpse O
- Elizebeth Is Sewing on the Train
- Elizebeth Is Sewing on the Train
- Abner's Going Fishing
- Abners Going Fishing
- Abner and Elizebeth Are Having Proble
- Abner and Elizebeth Are Having Proble
- Mousey's Written Report
- Mouseys Written Report
- A Note Addressed To Abner
- A Note Addressed To Abner
- Elizebeth Is Gone
- Elizebeth Is Gone
- No Word From Elizebeth
- No Word From Elizebeth
- A Search Party
- A Search Party
- Watch the Baby For A Minute
- Watch the Baby For A Minute
- Lum Is baby Sitting
- Lum Is baby Sitting
- Preparing The Baby For A Trip
- Preparing The Baby For A Trip
- Lum, Dressed Like Mrs Lunford
- Lum, Dressed Like Mrs Lunford
- Abner's House Is Robbed
- Abners House Is Robbed
- The Black Pelican
- The Black Pelican
- Mousey's Phony Reprot
- Mouseys Phony Reprot
- Lum's War Drive Speech
- Lums War Drive Speech
- Haunting A Ghost At Abner's Housw
- Haunting A Ghost At Abners Housw
- Who's Going To Care For the Baby
- Whos Going To Care For the Baby
- Drawing For the Baby's Name
- Drawing For the Babys Name
- The Baby Locket
- The Baby Locket
- Find a coat of arms on Baby's locket
- Box #K691W, Kansas City
- Box # K691 W, Kansas City
- Phone Call From the County Seat
- Phone Call From the County Seat
- Lum Wants To Adopt
- Lum Wants To Adopt
- Cedric's carrier pidgeon
- Nurses for the Red Cross, Army and Na
- Nurses for the Red Cross, Army and Na
- Baby sitting
- A Letter From Kansas
- A Letter From Kansas
- Lum practices to take King's Mae
- Assistant King Edwards
- Assistant King Edwards
- A stranger will call about the baby
- ou Can't Argue With A King
- ou Cant Argue With A King
- Phone Call and Gunshot
- Phone Call at 10 PM
- Phone Call at 10 P M
- Trying various languages on the baby
- Little Orphan, King Charles
- Little Orphan, King Charles
- Geneological trace on Baby
- Lum Bought A Horse
- Lum Bought A Horse
- Baby heir to goldmine
- Mrs Guthery's Child
- Mrs Gutherys Child
- Discuss the custody of the goldmine
- A Gallon of Gold
- A Gallon of Gold
- President of a Gold Mine
- President of a Gold Mine
- Cedric Hires Mousey
- WPEG Mining Company
- W P E G Mining Company
- A Letter From PW
- Skimp makes things worse
- A Letter From P W
- In debt to Squire
- A $5,000 Debt
- A $5,000 Debt
- Enter baby in movie contest
- Entering the 'Big Baby' Contest
- Entering the Big Baby Contest
- Grandpap auctions store fixtures
- Phone Call From the County Seat
- Phone Call From the County Seat
- Abner clobbers baby's father
- Mr Finley
- Mr Finley
- Lum distrusts Squire
- Collecting Junk for the Government
- Collecting Junk for the Government
- Squire has been faking the Gold Mine
- A Letter To Mr Blair
- A Letter To Mr Blair
- Squire does too much fast talking
- Squires $500 Joke Backfires
- Squires $500 Joke Backfires
- Lum and Abner miss Baby
- Remembering Little Charlie
- Remembering Little Charlie
- The 30 Second Cot
- The 30 Second Cot
- Mousey's Travel Agency
- Mouseys Travel Agency
- Back To Nature
- Back To Nature
- $5 to New York
- $5 to New York
- Abner Learns About War Bonds
- Abner Learns About War Bonds
- The Hooker Telescope
- The Hooker Telescope
- Free Haircuts
- Free Haircuts
- Mousey Wants To Be A School Teacher
- Mousey Wants To Be A School Teacher
- Lum Wants To Resign
- Lum Wants To Resign
- Waiting for the New School Teacher
- Waiting for the New School Teacher
- Meeting the New School Teacher
- Meeting the New School Teacher
- Supper With Professor Sloan
- Supper With Professor Sloan
- Learning About Air Raid Warnings
- Learning About Air Raid Warnings
- A Ghost Named Clyde
- A Ghost Named Clyde
- Avery, The Talking Donkey
- Avery, The Talking Donkey
- A Letter For Cedrick
- A Letter For Cedrick
- Cedrick and the Intelligence Test
- Cedrick and the Intelligence Test
- Talking About Astronomy
- Talking About Astronomy
- Planning A Hike
- Planning A Hike
- Abner's Half of the Money
- Abners Half of the Money
- Learnin' Abner 'Bout Astronomy
- Learnin Abner Bout Astronomy
- Cedric to get Telescope
- Cedric to get Telescope
- Why Necessity is the Mother of Invention
- MotherOfInvention
- Mother Of Invention
- Cheering up Professor Stone
- Visiting the Recovering Professor
- Visiting the Recovering Professor
- School Teacher Lum
- School Teacher Lum
- Bidding on the Old Bufford Place
- Bidding on the Old Bufford Place
- Squire's up to his old tricks again
- Buying the Property from Squire Skimp
- Buying the Property from Squire Skimp
- Cleaning old house
- Cleaning Up the Old Bufford Place
- Cleaning Up the Old Bufford Place
- Meteorolgist supplies for observatory
- Two and One Half Pounds of Meat
- Two and One Half Pounds of Meat
- Abner's idea to go to Mars
- Abner wants To Build A Rocket
- Abner wants To Build A Rocket
- Gussie Joins the Military
- Gussie Joins the Military
- How to build a rocket
- Wheels for the Rocket
- Wheels for the Rocket
- Manager, Squire Skimp
- Manager, Squire Skimp
- Buying Stock In Their Corporation
- Buying Stock In Their Corporation
- Preparing for the Crowd on Mars
- Preparing for the Crowd on Mars
- Instruments for the Trip
- Instruments for the Trip
- Luke Spear's Resturant
- Luke Spears Resturant
- Cedrick, Abner and Feathers or Ghosts
- Cedrick, Abner and Feathers or Ghosts
- Planning the Launching Ceremony
- Planning the Launching Ceremony
- Squire Wants To Resign
- Squire Wants To Resign
- Launching Day Activities
- Launching Day Activities
- A Horse Of A Different Color
- A Horse Of A Different Color
- Abner Is Scared To Go
- Abner Is Scared To Go
- Blast Off Day
- Blast Off Day
- Gas Rationing & Ride Sharing
- Gas Rationing & Ride Sharing
- The Biggest Chump
- The Biggest Chump
- Writing the Magazine Article
- Writing the Magazine Article
- Look At Old Photos
- Look At Old Photos
- New $6 Shoes
- New $6 Shoes
- Mousey Has Been Drafted
- Mousey Has Been Drafted
- Exercise For Mousey
- Exercise For Mousey
- Planning A Surprose Party for Mousey
- Planning A Surprose Party for Mousey
- Mousey's Going Away Party
- Mousey's going away party
- Mouseys Going Away Party
- The Pine Ridge Golden Arrow Discussio
- Lum decides to start a discussion club
- The Pine Ridge Golden Arrow Discussio
- The 'Golden Arrow's' First Meeting
- The Golden Arrows First Meeting
- Gomer, Cedrick and Clarabelle
- Gomer, Cedrick and Clarabelle
- Cedrick's Mystery Fincees
- Cedricks Mystery Fincees
- Cedrick Is Crazy
- Cedrick Is Crazy
- The Golden Arrow Club's second Meetin
- The Golden Arrow Clubs second Meetin
- Who Is 'W'
- Who Is W
- Cedrick's Wedding
- Cedricks Wedding
- A Letter From Mousey
- A Letter From Mousey
- Philosophy
- Philosophy
- Cedricks Being Sued
- Cedrick's Being Sued
- Cedricks Trial Begins
- Cedrick's Trial Begins
- Discussing the Mona Lisa
- Discussing the Mona Lisa
- Charlie Redfield, Whitness for the De
- Charlie Redfield, Whitness for the De
- Disruptions in Court
- Disruptions in Court
- Planning Cedricks Defense
- Planning Cedrick's Defense
- Discussing Architecture
- Discussing Architecture
- Discussing Architecture
- Winnefred Redfields Testimony
- Winnefred Redfields Testimony
- Winnefred Redfield's Testimony
- Winnefred Elopes
- Winnefred Elopes
- Cedrick Gets 22,500 Points on the Pin
- Cedrick Gets 22,500 Points on the Pin
- Discussing Sir Issac Newton
- Discussing Sir Issac Newton
- Old Traders Fever
- Old Traders Fever
- Poem About A Coo- Coo Bird
- Poem About A Coo-Coo Bird
- The Value of the Store
- The Value of the Store
- Everybody Is Leaving Pine Ridge
- Everybody Is Leaving Pine Ridge
- A New Business To Save Pine Ridge
- A New Business To Save Pine Ridge
- Patty Cake, Patty Cake
- Patty Cake, Patty Cake
- Grandpaps New Career
- Grandpap's New Career
- War Stamps
- Lum-and-Abner
- War Stamps
- Stretch Berries, Sweet Gum and Invisi
- Stretch Berries, Sweet Gum and Invisi
- Synthetic Rubber
- Synthetic Rubber
- Four Halves of a Rubber Company
- Four Halves of a Rubber Company
- The Pine Ridge Rubber Company
- The Pine Ridge Rubber Company
- The Absolute Secret
- The Absolute Secret
- Grandpap and Amnesia
- Grandpap and Amnesia
- Buster V. Davenport of Toledo Ohio
- Buster V. Davenport of Toledo Ohio
- Buster Sells Vacuum Cleaners
- Buster Sells Vacuum Cleaners
- Eight Used Vacuum Cleaners
- Eight Used Vacuum Cleaners
- rying To Recall the Formula
- rying To Recall the Formula
- Lum Has Amnesia
- Lum Has Amnesia
- Checkers To Cure Amnesia
- Checkers To Cure Amnesia
- Talking About Moving the Store
- Talking About Moving the Store
- A Pipe for Grandpap
- A Pipe for Grandpap
- Who Steals My Purse
- Who Steals My Purse
- Unfilled War Stamp Books
- Unfilled War Stamp Books
- Honest Lum Whitley Edwards
- Honest Lum Whitley Edwards
- How To Give A Party
- How To Give A Party
- Who Will Adopt Grandpap
- Who Will Adopt Grandpap
- Grandpaps An Income Tax Exemption
- Grandpap's An Income Tax Exemption
- Rewritting Inventions and Party Plann
- Rewritting Inventions and Party Plann
- The Golden Arrow Club Discusses Ediqu
- The Golden Arrow Club Discusses Ediqu
- Cedrick Has Been Promoted At Work
- Cedrick Has Been Promoted At Work
- Grandpap Is Collecting for the Red Cr
- Grandpap Is Collecting for the Red Cr
- At Grandpaps Commercialize Out Party
- At Grandpap's Commercialize Out Party
- Grandpap is Leaving Town
- Grandpap is Leaving Town
- Writing to Dentists
- Writing to Dentists
- Dr Snide DDS
- Dr Snide D D S
- Dr Snide Visits Pine Ridge
- Dr Snide Visits Pine Ridge
- Grandpap's Teeth
- Grandpaps Teeth
- Dr Snide is Coming to Stay
- Dr Snide is Coming to Stay
- Mousy Grey is Home On Military Leave
- Mousy Grey is Home On Military Leave
- Calling Dr Edwards
- Calling Dr Edwards
- Dr Snide, Guest Speaker
- Dr Snide, Guest Speaker
- Dentists Costs
- Dentist's Costs
- No Charge
- No Charge
- Handbills to Get Rid of Dr Sloan
- Handbills to Get Rid of Dr Sloan
- "Some Legal, Honest Loopholes"""
- Some Legal, Honest Loopholes
- Lum's On Probation
- Lums On Probation
- Grandpap's Back From Toledo
- Grandpaps Back From Toledo
- Barbara Stanwick Visits Pine Ridge
- Barbara Stanwick Visits Pine Ridge
- Remembering Milford A Spears
- Remembering Milford A Spears
- Buster Is Out To Get Grandpappy Spear
- Buster Is Out To Get Grandpappy Spear
- A Date For Grandpappy Spears
- A Date For Grandpappy Spears
- Carpooling To Save Gas
- Carpooling To Save Gas
- Charity Spears
- Charity Spears
- Buster Courting Charity
- Buster Courting Charity
- Black Market Meat
- Black Market Meat
- How to Propose Marriage
- How to Propose Marriage
- Grandpap and Charity's second Wedding
- Grandpap and Charitys second Wedding
- Grandpap Has His Memory Back
- Grandpap Has His Memory Back
- Pine Ridge Rubber Company Resumed
- Pine Ridge Rubber Company Resumed
- Substance 4765 Isn't Synthetic Rubber
- Substance 4765 Isnt Synthetic Rubber
- Chairman of the Savings Staff
- Chairman of the Savings Staff
- A Business Man's luncheon
- A Business Mans luncheon
- A Play About Inflation
- A Play About Inflation
- Searching for Talent
- Searching for Talent
- Setting Up A Town Meeting
- Setting Up A Town Meeting
- A One-Hundred Dollar War Bond
- A One- Hundred Dollar War Bond
- "Abner, The Mystic"""
- Abner, The Mystic
- Predictions Start Trouble
- Predictions Start Trouble
- Lum's Got Women Troubles
- Lums Got Women Troubles
- The 'Elect Lum A Wife' Contest
- The Elect Lum A Wife Contest
- Widow Abernathy Is Winning
- Widow Abernathy Is Winning
- Sister Simpson Takes the Lead
- Sister Simpson Takes the Lead
- Insurance for Lum
- Insurance for Lum
- Horse Shoes
- Horse Shoes
- If Cedrick Could Fly
- If Cedrick Could Fly
- Fabricating A New Contest
- Fabricating A New Contest
- A Contestant Withdraws
- A Contestant Withdraws
- Lum Wants To Leave Town
- Lum Wants To Leave Town
- Mable Melrose Is After Lum
- Mable Melrose Is After Lum
- Planning Lum's Auction Wedding
- Planning Lums Auction Wedding
- The One-Thousand Dollar Settlement
- The One- Thousand Dollar Settlement
- Lum Is In Love
- Lum Is In Love
- Cleaning Abner's Attic
- Cleaning Abners Attic
- Planning the Art Exhibit
- Planning the Art Exhibit
- More Plans
- More Plans
- "Lum Edwards, Surrealist"""
- Lum Edwards, Surrealist
- Cedrick Balks at Saving
- Cedrick Balks at Saving
- Secret Engagement
- Secret Engagement
- Which Side Is Up
- Which Side Is Up
- The Checklist
- The Checklist
- The Auction
- The Auction
- Grandpap Braggs
- Grandpap Braggs
- Birdwatching
- Birdwatching
- Down With Slang
- Down With Slang
- Romancing
- Romancing
- Grandpap's Job
- Grandpaps Job
- Mousey Returns
- Mousey Returns
- The Secret Diary
- The Secret Diary
- Mousey's Injury
- Mouseys Injury
- Miss Melrose Moves Out
- Miss Melrose Moves Out
- The Tlegrams
- The Tlegrams
- The 'C' Man
- The C Man
- Abner's Problem
- Abners Problem
- The Weekly Meeting
- The Weekly Meeting
- Ol' Blue's Qualifications
- Ol Blues Qualifications
- Ellie is Missing
- Ellie is Missing
- Concealing Evidense
- Concealing Evidense
- Indecision
- Indecision
- Feed Room Off Limits
- Feed Room Off Limits
- At the Depot
- At the Depot
- Back at the Store
- Back at the Store
- Unwilling Suitor
- Unwilling Suitor
- Grandpap's Visit
- Grandpaps Visit
- Lum's Trip
- Lums Trip
- Abner Schools Mary
- Abner Schools Mary
- Cedrick Cant Sleep
- Cedrick Cant Sleep
- Lum Phones
- Lum Phones
- Insurance Forms
- Insurance Forms
- The Straight Scoop
- The Straight Scoop
- Ellie Finds Out
- Ellie Finds Out
- Posion Oak
- Posion Oak
- Cedrick Is Fined
- Cedrick Is Fined
- Uncle Henry's Ailment
- Uncle Henrys Ailment
- The Rolling Kettel
- The Rolling Kettel
- The Quarantine
- The Quarantine
- Multiple Exposures
- Multiple Exposures
- Activities
- Activities
- Convelessing
- Convelessing
- The Bread Truck
- The Bread Truck
- Uncle Henry Treats
- Uncle Henry Treats
- The Conscience
- The Conscience
- A Change of Mind
- A Change of Mind
- The Picnic
- The Picnic
- War Bonds
- War Bonds
- The Race
- The Race
- A Parade for Calab
- A Parade for Calab
- The Election
- The Election
- Dividing Up the Store
- Dividing Up the Store
- Cedrick In High School
- Cedrick In High School
- Cedrick the Fixer
- Cedrick the Fixer
- The Studies
- The Studies
- Bootstraps
- Bootstraps
- Et Tu Brutus
- Et Tu Brutus
- Professor Lum
- Professor Lum
- Suicide Note
- Suicide Note
- Lum Disappears
- Lum Disappears
- Dividing Up The Property
- Return From The Dead
- Lum Wants To Go Home
- Ghosts
- Movie Theater
- Bad Business
- A- Moving Picture Machine
- Cedric Follows Directions
- Grandpap To Play Piano
- Free Passes
- Who Will Run The Projector
- Packing A- Suitcase
- New Man With The Company
- The Competitors
- The Vultures Revenge
- A- Talk With Mary
- Projector Lessons
- Abner Returns From Mena
- Vote Name For Movie Theater
- The Third Partner
- Figuratively Speaking
- Hired Away
- Contract Renegotiations
- Working Away
- When To Open
- The Ladys Uplift League
- Protesting The Movie
- Disappointing Turnout
- Lums Movie Theater
- Loophole Ordinance
- Legal Matters
- The Note
- Cedrics Car
- Steal The Note
- Watch What You Sign
- Lawyers Visit
- Forget Your Mistakes
- X- Ray Pictures
- The Trial
- Lum Is Gone
- Grandpap Is Arrested
- Trial Resumed
- The Explanation
- Legal Advisor
- Wanting Squires X-Rays
- Squires Back in Bad Shape
- Lum Leaves Trial Suddenly
- Trying to Find Lum
- To Raise Money to Eat
- Lum Returns and the Saves Day
- Lum Will Become a Lawyer
- Lawyer Lum to Retire
- Everyone against Abner
- Abner Hires Lum
- Lum Becomes Delivery Boy
- Chamber Of Commerce Meeting
- Relationship Strained More
- Lum Asks For A Raise
- Lum Is Diamond Jim Edwards
- Diamond Business
- Everyone To Sell Diamonds
- Cedric to get barber chair
- Bob Hope Show [excerpt]
- Phinus Calls From Mena
- Phinus Peabody Arrives
- Phinus Takes W A V E S Prisoner
- 50th Wedding Anniversary
- History of Peabody Family
- Cedric and Phinus Take Trip
- Phinus Makes Elizabeth Nuts
- Odd Collecting Habit
- Grandpap Cant Stand Phinus
- The Man Who Came To Dinner
- Phinus Meets Sister Simpson
- Try To Find Job For Phinus
- Job At Defense Plant
- Tire Rationing Board Job
- Rich Stranger Arrives
- Phinus Is Acting As Guide
- Discussing Lums Business
- The Story Of Ponce de Leon
- B. J.s Business Meeting
- To Build Health Resort
- No Property Development
- Taking Cedrics Picture
- Grandpap Agrees To Resort
- Lum Will Hire Architect
- Suspicious of B. J. Webster
- Lum To Analyze Spring Water
- Teaching Cedric To Dance
- Results On Spring Water
- B. J. Webster Gets Analysis
- Job At Defense Plant
- Health Resort Riches
- B. J. Webster Sole Owner
- Invest In Health Resort
- Efficiency Measures At work
- Grandpap To Sell Land
- Cant See Prez Spears
- Putting Up Screen Door
- Tribute To Merchant Marines
- Lum Serves Evicton Papers
- Grandpap Is Furious
- Fiddle With Property Lines
- Brair Creek Ideas
- Abner Walks Out On Lum
- Abner Entertains Prisoners
- Abner Competes With Lum
- Grandpaps Eviction Notice
- Still Not Talking To Lum
- Lum Traps B. J. Webster
- B. J. Webster Arrested
- B. J. Websters Trial
- B. J. Webster Pleads Guilty
- Buying Dillard Farm
- Mailing Christmas Packages
- Helps Grandpap Move To Farm
- Divert Creek To Property
- Wont Have To Change Creek
- Lum Accused Of Embezzlement
- Telling Lum About Charges
- Lum To Become A Martyr
- Cake With A Surprise Inside
- Lum Is Miserable
- Inaflation Play
- Lum Not Worried About Trial
- Lum And Abner Leave For Trial
- Everyone Working On Case
- Squire To Take Lums Case
- Trial Begins
- Grandpaps Testimony
- Situation Looks Hopeless
- Lum To Give Testimony
- Closing Remarks Of Trial
- Surprise Evidence
- Lum Appreciates Everything
- Read Through Junk Mail
- New Policy, Keep Smiling
- School Board President
- Ignore Board Prez Lum
- Play About Merchant Marines
- Complaining About Sloane
- Sloane Gets Better Job
- Discuss Replacement Teacher
- Applications For Teachers
- Store To Sell Birdbaths
- Arithmetic Problem
- Lum Examing Records
- To Greet New Teacher
- War Bond Meeting
- Shopping In Fort Smith
- Lost Train Tickets Problems
- Hitchhiking Home
- New Teacher, Emaline Platt
- Discuss Haloween Pranks
- Discuss Halloween Pranks
- Works On Water Pipes
- Excuses To Visit School
- Write English Composition
- First Time To Vote
- Abner Must Visit Relatives
- Abner To Learn Trombone
- Off To Texas
- Stranded At Johnson Farm
- Call Supposedly From Texas
- Mr. Dennison Visits
- Checkers Over The Phone
- Psychologist Arrives
- Taking Psychologist Test
- Lum And Thanksgiving Dinner
- Abner Trouble At Home
- Newspaper Love Advice
- Cedric Reads Abners Letter
- Barbara Stanwyck, War Bonds
- Abner and Hunger Strike
- Discouraged With Strike
- Third Day Of Hunger Strike
- Abner To Become A Bum
- Abner Enjoys A Bums Life
- Elizabeth Wants Abner Back
- Lum May Become a Bum Also
- Letter From Pearl
- Abner and Marriage Advice
- Doc Peabody Advice Bureau
- Wanting To Hear Town Gossip
- Christmas Leather Desk Set
- Christmas 1944
- Lums Appointment with Doc
- Abner Gives Lum Advice
- Lums Romantical Speech
- Bob Hopes Publicity Man
- Why Is Bob Hope Coming
- Article About Arrival
- Bob Hope Arrives
- Sell Car Raffle Tickets
- Who Gets New Car First
- Orders Lum A New Car
- Lum Wins Car In Raffle
- Lum Cant Get to Mena
- Lum wrecks the car
- Lum Wins Bet With Squire
- Squire almost traps Lum with another shady deal
- Television Popcorn
- Lum buys five cases of hats
- Womens hats unassembled
- Bon Mot, Ladies Hat Designer
- Hot style show
- Last minute plans for style show
- Funny hat contest
- L&A meet Tom Breneman in Hollywood
- L&A find it hard to get tickets back to Ark
- L&A will share ride with tourist
- L&A finally catch train back home
- Lum Roped Into Writing Play
- Miss Emaline Encourages Lum
- Abner and Cedric rehearse Lums play
- Lum has plan to sabotage rehearsal
- Reopen abandoned hotel
- L & A will operate Mountain View Inn for 3 months
- Getting hotel ready to open
- Guests But No Rooms Left
- Disagree Who Will Manage
- Trixie Van Duzen
- Trixie and Her Dog
- Emaline Coming For Visit
- Strange Things Happening
- The Mystery Of Guests
- New Guest Add To Mystery
- Jewel Thieves To Hotel
- Lum Tries For Bellhop Job
- Jewel Thieves Involvement
- Who Will Be Bellhop
- Tipping Off Jewel Thieves
- Has Lum Joined With Thieves
- Abner Jails Lum
- Lum and Abner Split Hotel
- Dick Huddleston and Reason
- Abner Steals Lums Guests
- Lum Gets Revenge
- Lum And Detective Wilson
- Detective Wilsons Hat
- Abner releases detective Wilson
- Wilson Is A Jewel Thief
- Lum Captures Whole Gang!
- Lum, Town and Statue
- Hotel Gets New Manager
- Grandpap Sues Over Pay
- Lum wants to be a piano tuner
- New piano on approval
- Story about the talking dog
- Destroys the church piano
- What Happened At Church
- Bloodhound Follows Lum
- Henry Lunsford Finds Clue
- Restring With Bailing Wire
- 30 Day Trial Piano Arrives
- Donating New Piano
- How To Pay for Piano
- Lum To Become Human Fly
- Telephone Joke On Lum
- Lum To Miss Out On $500.00
- Abner And Grandpap Confess
- Lum May Leave Town
- Best Bushel Of Apples
- Pie Baking Contest
- Contest Too Expensive
- Good Side Of Pie Judge Lum
- Having a Pie Eating Contest
- Family Needs Place To Live
- Lum Speaks To Ladies Aid
- Childers Move In With Lum
- Build House for Childers
- Tinker With Blueprint
- Widder Cobb Interferes
- Ex-Serviceman Mr. Duncan
- Lum Tricked Widder
- Financing Is Complicated
- Complaints On Building
- Listens To Bad Radio Shows
- Mr. Duncan Wants To See Lot
- Things Work Out Right
- Duncans Father-In-Law
- Filling Out Government Form
- Duncan Can Get G.I. Loan
- Lum To Build Doctor Office
- Veterinarian, Doc Withers
- Lum Plans Big Welcome
- Doc Withers Arrives
- Doc Moves Into Store
- Selling Insurance To Doc
- Doc Likes Eating Pancakes
- Cedric Buys New Shoes
- Lum Into Perfume Business
- Whaleburger Restaurants
- Operate Restaurant In Store
- Abner gets laryngitis
- Stove for restaurant
- Abner still has laryngitis
- Phone call to get icebox
- The restaurant
- Bus to stop at restaurant
- The restaurant
- Chester the turkey
- First bus load of passangers
- Advertise restaurant
- Singing commercials
- Wants duncan hines to visit
- Lum furious at abner
- Practice hash house lingo
- Lum will prepare roast duck
- Mr Hines arrives Monday
- Duncaan Hines arrives
- Hines likes hamburgers
- How to make hamburgers
- Abner asks for a raise
- Lum Orders Oysters To Serve In Meadowlark Restauran
- Lum, Abner & Cedric figure out how to cook oysters
- Restaurants want recipe for Lumburgers
- Doc Withers reads 1894 Telegram from Grover Clevela
- Lum will use Lumburgers to become International Goo
- Abner & Cedric make sideshow exhibit out of oysters
- Grandpap is hired as Lums secretary
- Abner fills Grandpaps shoes as telegram delivery b
- Lum finds he is being crushed by his own success
- No one is willing to be first to eat oysters
- Grandpap finds pearl in oyster
- Lum, Abner, Squire & Grandpap all claim pearl
- Squire sues Lum & Abner for pearl
- Grandpap also wants to sue Lum and Abner
- Squire offers to buy pearl for $800.00
- Lum & Abner go to Mena to get pearl appraised
- Lum hires Lawyer Wallford (Jay Michael) to handle c
- The Pearl is missing
- Lawyer Wallford works on case
- Lum tricked into giving up pearl
- Abner gets pearl back
- Doc Withers drives judge (Francis X. Bushman) crazy
- Cedric is star witness for both Squire & Grandpap
- Cedrics testimony makes Lum sound like a criminal
- Lum facing bribery charge
- Wallford more interested in race horses than in Lum
- Lum takes witness stand_ makes total mess
- Trial postponed for preliminary hearing on bribery
- Doc Withers tries to treat Lum for nervous breakdow
- Jury reaches its verdict
- Lum feels guilty about accepting pearl money
- Lum & Abner divide pearl money with Squire and Gran
- Grandpap receives threatening phone call
- Mysterious voice on party line threatens Squire Ski
- Everyone frightened of the voice
- Lum thinks Abner is trying to do him in
- Voice predicts more disaster for Pine Ridge
- Doc Withers is upset
- Doc changes his name to Ben and gives up his practi
- Ben prepares to leave town
- Lum and Abner monitor party line, listening for cal
- Lum & Abner disconnect Pine Ridge phone system
- Squire conducts town meeting to discuss the voice
- Lum & Abner decide the voice is ghost of former Pin
- Ben Withers sets trap to catch ghost
- Everyone gathered in Jot Em Down store waiting for
- Ben tells how he caught the voice
- Lum & Abner have to protect The Voice from lynch mo
- Abner waiting on present from Pearl
- Abners present arrives, but what is it-
- Present is a shortwave transceiver
- Ben appointed constable of Pine Ridge
- Constable Withers buys a bloodhound
- Learning how to use the transceiver
- Special - Heres to Veterans #40
- New officers for the radio station
- Lum is president of VPR
- Cedric learns to be a radio announcer
- Lum and Abners 16th anniversary
- Everybody sells same hour
- Sponsors cancel the show
- VPR Presents Information Show
- Court Of Human Beings
- To Find Out VPR Ratings
- Queen for an hour
- Lum To Arrange romance
- Widow must claim the prize
- Wants Wedding Tomorrow
- Peabodys Platter Party
- Lum marries Cedric to the widow
- Is the wedding legal
- Dont want widow to talk to Cedric
- Lum becomes Hypnotist
- Lum Hypnotizes Abner into Doing All the Work
- Lum Causes Squire and Cedric to Switch Personalitie
- Lum Has Mysterious Box
- Related to Hempsteads
- Professor Crenshaw
- Mysterious Box to Be Opened
- Promising Fabulous Riches
- Envelope And Secret Formula
- Withers arrests Crenshaw for fraud
- To market the hempstead formula
- Total assets of $13
- Sells store to Cedric
- Buying chemicals to mix formula
- Drinks Bottle of Formula
- What Is Formula For
- Formula Dyes Clothes Purple
- Formula Makes Insect Spray
- Formula Kills Potato Bugs
- Elect Officers of Company
- Formula to Save Cotton Crop
- 6,000 Gallons of Formula
- 200 Barrels for Formula
- Three Hours to Get Rid of Kraut
- Chemical Co Buying Formula
- Gave Formula to Wrong Man
- Impostor in Squires Office
- Abners Marriage License is Lost
- Lum tries new psychology to improve business
- Pine Ridge celebrates Abner Peabody Day
- Lum has trouble starting the Pine Ridge Navy
- Abner in Mount Ida Rodeo
- Building a Float for Christmas Parade
- Lum Tells Everyone Not to Buy Him X-Mas Gifts (1)
- Traditional Christmas Story (1947 Production)
- Found Aladdins Lamp
- Stranded In Phoenix City, AL
- Income Tax Return
- Discuss First Day of Spring
- Lum and Abner Hire Squire to Be Ballyhoo Man
- Squire Assembles Freak Sideshow
- Squire Wants Lum to Be a Trapeze Artist
- Lum Gives up Trapeze Act
- Lum Thinks Circus Jobs Too Dangerous
- Grand Opening of Circus Is Tomorrow
- Lum in Love with Zenora
- Ben Wants Lum and Abner to Look All His Friends
- Circus Receipt Money Is Stolen
- Many Suspects in Stolen Money
- Zenoras Brother Suspected of Theft
- Ben Withers Takes over Investigation
- Theif Almost Caught in the Act
- Cedric Hears Whats Been Going On
- Furious Lum Vows to Make Thief Pay
- Squire Talks Lum into Selling Circus
- Lum and Abner Learn That Squire Is Reselling Circus
- Lum and Abner Are Having Aud Trouble Paying Their B
- Five Year Old Letter Makes Grandpap Think Grimy Lud
- Cedric receives his draft notice mailed in 1943
- Cedric Discusses Visit to Draft Board
- Abner must prove he is both alive and married
- Abners Marriage License Lost_ Must Marry Lizabeth
- Abner and Grandpap Remodel Tuxedo for wedding
- Lum & Abner Plans for Abners Wedding
- Abner Tells Lum and Dick about Honeymoon
- Abner must dispose of all his possessions
- Townspeople Suspicious of Abner
- Abner trades his home to Squire Skimp
- Abners worthless building burns down
- Abner wants to buy Grandpaps swampland
- Squire Tries to Sell Swampland back
- Lum gets carried away.
- Ben ruins Abners chance to trade with gypsies
- Lum trades someof Abners possessions
- Lum and Abner in Jail
- Abners horse was stolen from Dallas, TX
- Abner to get $250 reward
- Lum & Abner try to decide how Abner should dispose
- Squire Skimp buys Abners half of the store
- Abner has difficulty with images stamped on his fac
- Lum & Abner sell Abners possessions at auction
- Lum is fed up with Squires crooked storekeeping
- Lum buys more than he intended
- Abner & Lizzabeth move in with Lum
- Lum & Abner want to build a poorhouse
- Abner will get rid of his half of merchandise
- Lum & Abner discuss ways for Abner to spend his mon
- Abner will spend remaining money on trip to St. Lou
- Abner calls Lum from St. Louis
- Lum & Dick wonder if Abner got his inheritance
- Abner & Lizzabeth arrive back
- Abner distributes presents
- Lizzabeth lets Abners money go to her head
- Grandpap teaches Abner how to play polo
- Cedric takes Abners place during polo practice
- Lizzabeth will make Abner spend the next 2 weeks at
- Everybody at depot to see Abner leave
- Lum, Cedric & Grandpap go to Las Vegas with Abner
- Grandpap shops for souvenirs in Albuquerque, NM
- Lum & Abner and friends visit the Grand Canyon
- Group finally arrives in Las Vegas
- Abner meets gabby woman from back home
- Lum & Abner adjust to life on dude ranch
- Abner decides to buy a ranch of his own
- Lum & Abner to open boys camp
- Lum & Abner close ranch deal
- Lum & Abner prepare to leave Las Vegas
- Surprise Party for Lum and Abner
- Lum & Abner Are Having Trouble Paying Their Taxes
- Mind Reader
- Lum Fakes Broken Leg
- Lum Fakes A Broken Leg
- Substitute Postmaster
- Substitute Postmaster
- Substitute Postmaster
- Squire Talks Lum Into Taking Up Surrealist Painting
- Becomes rodeo cowboy
- Lum Becomes A Rodeo Cowboy
- Parly Baer Auditions
- Abner, the Advice Giver
- Advice
- The Advice Giver
- Rowenna Has Thanksgiving Dinner
- Putting on Airs
- Birthday Present Problems
- Birthday Present Problem
- Inheritance
- Trip to the Hospital
- Trip To The Hospital
- Lums Elopement
- Lum's elopement
- Traditional Christmas Show
- Traditional Christmas Show
- Exchanging Paperweights
- Exchanging a Paper Weight
- Balancing the Books
- Balancing the Books
- Lum Wants To Buy A House
- Lum & Abner Go To Washington, DC
- The Farewell Dinner
- Wanting to Buy a Home
- The Collection Agency
- Lum Opens a Collection Agency
- Abandoned Baby
- Heartburn
- Lum Tries To Make A Valentine For Roweena
- Trying To Make A Valentine
- Raising Money to Go to Convention
- Who Called Lum
- Writing a Newspaper Column
- Lum The Reporter
- Golden Fleece Finance
- Golden Fleece Finance
- Abners Advice Bureau
- Successful Saleman
- Successful Salesman
- Lums Insurance Co
- Lum Tries to Buy a New House
- Coming out Party for Andy Devine (30)
- Opera
- The Thanksgiving Dinner
- Lum Invites Everyone To His House
- An Invitation to Lum's
- Lum Becomes Engaged to Elizabeths Cousin Lydia
- Marriage is the Pitts
- Lum Writes a Pageant of History to Help School Kids
- History in the Making
- Readers Digest manuscript (30)
- Reader's Digest Manuscript
- Trying to Buy Property
- Lum & Abner Try To Buy Property
- Lum wants to sell his interest in store (30)
- Lum needs author for literary club (30)
- Tricked Into Graveyard Plots
- Jukebox Jamboree
- Jot-em-Down Store Grand Re-opening
- Abner wins an auction
- - Wondering what Abner bought
- Lum will start his own radio show
- Cedric tries to hear Lum on his radio
- New station will be VPR - Voice of Pine Ridge
- Lum sets up VPR station management
- L&A argue over management positions
- Cedric auditions as radio annnouncer
- All sponsors buy the same hour on VPR
- VPRs first show - Love comes to Gilbert the boy t
- Mose Moots sponsors - Thank Ye For Information
- VPR Presents - The Court Of Human Beings
- A New Serial - Life Faces The Sufferin Jensens
- L&A Rehearse Moses show - the Princess of Pine Rid
- L&A conduct a ratings poll
- Another episode of Pine Ridge Princess
- Trying to get shut of Widder Abernathy
- Lum thinks he can get out of the wedding
- Grandpap is interviewed on VPR
- Wedding rehearsal
- Lum explains about wedding
- L&A try to keep Widders lawyer busy
- VPR is doing great
- VPR gets a visitor
- L&A worry about their fate
- Lum is tired of his faking a broken leg
- Lum thinks Squire knows about his leg
- Squire recommends a bone healer
- Prince Ali Kush is coming
- Abner & Grandpap scare the Prince
- Lum confesses about his leg
- Jot-em-Down Stores 40th anniversary
- Cedric and Abner wash all the labels off the canned
- L&A will have a big sale on surprise cans
- Grandpap is able to guess whats in the surprise ca
- Grandpap sells tips - How to guess contents of surp
- L&A try to figure out grandpaps secret
- Lum and Abner create a plan to fool Grandpap
- Canned goods in worse shape
- Give cans to charity
- Lum asks out Miss Frederick
- L&A discuss adding a library
- Lum and Abner start running their new library
- Cedric must be property owner to get a library card
- Cedric is living in a tent in front of the store
- Squire buys property in front of store
- Lum and Abner get property back from Squire
- A library book makes Lum decide to become a Chef
- Lum and Abner remodel the store as the Pine Ridge B
- Lum invents prune bread
- Lum tries to sell prune bread to stores in Mena
- Abner and Grandpap sample delicious bakery products
- Loaf with locket inside gets mixed with other bread
- Locket found by Lulu Watts Champion weightlifter_01
- Lum wants Abner to talk Lulu out of marrying him
- Knuckles Stroats will fight Lum for Lulu
- Lum and Abner Say Goodbye to Listeners Again
- Lum Trades Bank Safe To Squire
- Squire Arrives To Claim Safe
- Lum Doesnt Know Anything
- Find OutTruth
- Thanksgiving In Pine Ridge Pt1
- Everyone Helps Decorate Christmas Tree for Party at
- Lum Explains Details of Mule Naming Contest
- Women Want Lum to Be Judge in Beauty Contest
- Lum Will Get Frank Foster to Be Judge
- Lum Thinks Town Has Forgotten Him They Havent
- Squire May Become Sales Promotion Mgr Of Store
- Lum Will Open Farm and Raise Fishing Worms
- Everyone Uses Worm Breeding Stock for Bait
- Lum and Abner and Cedric Go Fishing for Moby Dick
- Squire and Grandpap Play Chess
- Lum Will Take Correspondence Course to Become Cpa
- Everyone Gets Scholarship to Correspondence School
- Lum Buys Old Truck at Auction
- Everyone Frightened of Voice Coming from Trunk
- Lum and Abner Open Trunk Cant Believe Their Eyes
- Lum and Abner Wonder What to Do with Trunk Full of
- Lum Getting Threatening Phone Calls and Hiding at S
- Abner Practices Signals to Protect Lum from Red X G
- Is Squire a Member of Red X Gang
- Lum Figures out Truth About Gang and Squire
- Items in Trunk Have Curse on Them
- Lum Gives Brooch Back to Mrs Moots_ Trunks Owner W
- Mr Thorndyke Demands Brooch
- Lum Must Get the Brooch Back
- Lum Has a New Flame Penelope Priddle
- Lum Accidentally Invents Mohawk Haircut
- Everyone Wants Mohawk Haircut from Lum
- Lum the Famous Inventor
- Lum Returns from Barber Shop with Mohawk Haircut
- Miss Priddle Thinks Lum Has a Twin Brother, Llewell
- Lum Dates the Priddle Sisters as the Edards Twins
- Dating Twins Has Lum Worn to a Frazzle
- Squire Gets Mose Moots to Cancel Lums Debts
- How Can Lum and His Twin Be in the Same Place
- Lum Must Have Famous Ancestors
- Squire Will Hire Genealogists to Trace Lums Family
- Lum Must Round up All the Hempstead Heirs -- Exact
- Adrift On A Raft On Ouachita River (lastKnownShow)