stom Cigarettes
ce Against Death
y Slopes Of The Matterhorn
Antarctic Expedition
Oil Refinery
Mr. Messler & the Insurance
The Stamp Story
Swindle in Honolulu
The Silver Scarab
Rembrandt in Rio
Destination Manila
Carbon 14
One Way to Macassar
Tiger for the Lady
Guns on the Niger
Operation Silver
Storm Over the Alps
Passport to Danger
The Pickled Chemist
Girl Who Couldnt Remember (New York)
The Laughing Lady (Rome)
Journey to Xenaphon (Greece)
Rendezvous with Death (Burma)
Strausburg, Austria
Rhythm of Death (Congo)
Operation 50 (Uruguay)
Five Ounces of Treason
Five Ounces of Treason
Orient Express (Germany)
North of the 38th Parallel
University of Leiden (Netherlands)
The Blue Unicorn (Ireland)
Race Against Death
Terror Across the Nation (Haiti)
Monte Carlo
A Man a Girl & a Plot (HongKong)
034 Stalin Plus Seven
Grain Black Market in India
036 Amazon River
038 Operation Zero
Flying Trip to Indonesia
Flying Trip to Nowhere
The Clicking Buddah (Japan)
Half-Penny Stamp
Orinoco River Basin
Venezuela Waterway Sabotage