- BBC_Montgomery
- CBS News Broadcast-D-Day Part 1
- CBS News Broadcast-D-Day Part 2
- CBS News Broadcast-D-Day Part 3
- CBS News Broadcast-D-Day Part 4
- CBS News Broadcast-D-Day Part 5
- CBS News Broadcast-D-Day Part 6
- CBS News Broadcast-D-Day Part 7
- CBS News Broadcast-D-Day Part 8
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - News 680000 1000 hrs
- Charlie and his Orchestra - Untern Linden (WW2 Propaganda B
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - News 690000 Outline of AFVN News
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 001
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - News 690327 0700 hours
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 002
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - News 691023 Pleiku
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 003
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - News 691231 2100 hours
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 004
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - News 691231 2200 hrs
- Chester Wilmot on road to Brussels
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 005
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - News Sunday 1968 1000 hours
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 006
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - Outline of AFVN news 1969
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 007
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - Sign on National Anthem Nam & US
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 008
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - Summary the History of AFVN Radi
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 009
- - History - (Vietnam) 60s News Blurb
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 010
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 011
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 012
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 013
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 014 36mins
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 015
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 016
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 017
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 018
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 019
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 020
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 021
- A Common Virtue - The Battle For Iwo Jima
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 022
- BBC - History - Holocaust Broadcast - Mother & Dead Child
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 023
- BBC - History - Holocaust Broadcast - Walker on motive
- Complete Broadcast Day - 440606 Part 024
- BBC - Holocaust Broadcast - Walker on response
- Complete Broadcast Day - extras - Part01
- Eisenhower Years - West Point and Beyond
- Complete Broadcast Day - extras - Part14
- Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- Complete Broadcast Day - extras - Part15
- WWII - The Story of the Home Front WWII - (2 of 4)
- Complete Broadcast Day - extras - Part16
- WWII - The Story of the Home Front WWII - (3 of 4)
- Complete Broadcast Day - extras - Part17
- Complete Broadcast Day - extras - Part18
- Complete Broadcast Day - extras - Part19
- Jergens Journal - 410518 Walter Winchel
- Jergens Journal - 450429 Walter Winchel (cvs)
- Walter Winchel - 490327
- Wilmott On Road To Brussels
- Worlds Fair 1940 - 001_NY_Worlds_Fair_1940 pt1
- Worlds Fair 1940 - 002_NY_Worlds_Fair_1940 pt2
- Worlds Fair 1940 - 401027 NY Fair Closing
- Am Forces Vietnam Network - News 710703 Stocks & Sports
- WW2 - 01of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- Jingles - History - (Elvis Dies) 70s News Blurb
- WW2 - 02of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- Jingles - History - (Kent State Shootings) 70s News Blurb
- WW2 - 03of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- WW2 - 05of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- WW2 - 06of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- WW2 - 07of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- WW2 - 08of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- Jingles - History - (Lennon Murdered) 80s News Blurb
- WW2 - 09of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- WW2 - 10of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- WW2 - 11of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- 000000 Churchills Roar
- WW2 - 12of12 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- 011207 Cronkite Remembers Pearl Harbor Vote
- WW2 - Charlie and his Orchestra - Wholl Buy My Bublitchky (
- 050508 Winston Churchills Toyshop 1of4
- WW2 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast 2nd
- 050515 Winston Churchills Toyshop 2of4
- WW2 - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast
- 050522 Winston Churchills Toyshop 3of4
- 050529 Winston Churchills Toyshop 4of4
- 050800 August 1945
- 050801 Hiroshimas Survivors, Pt. 1
- 050802 Hiroshimas Survivors, Pt. 2
- 050803 Hiroshimas Survivors, Pt. 3
- Joe McCarthy - "decency"
- 050804 Hiroshimas Survivors, Pt. 4
- 050813 End of WWII - Japan Surrenders
- 050820 End of WWII - Live Broadcast Milwaukee, Wisconsin Ave
- 051016 Bob Edwards - Edward R. Murrow with Richard Hottel
- 060101 Churchill Confidential
- Jingles - (Rodney King Riots) 90s News Blurb
- - Pataki Remembers 911 on WCBS
- JFK - Pay Any Price
- Joe McCarthy
- Murrow on McCarthy
- Murrow on McCarthy
- Murrow Montage
- Adolf Hitlers Last Broadcast
- Shirer Montage
- Duck And Cover
- Dwight Eisenhower-PreD-Day Announcement To Troops
- FDR-All We Have To Fear
- Declaration Of War Against Japan
- FDR Dies
- Babe Ruth Farewell to baseball
- Hindenberg Crash
- John F Kennedy - Inaugural Address
- Marilyn Monroe - Happy Birthday Mr President
- Martin Luther King Jr-I Have A Dream
- Martin Luther King Jr - Police Brutality Will Backfire
- Nixon - I Am Not A Crook
- Nixon - The End Of The Vietnam War
- with Ed Sullavan
- Roswell, NM
- Russian Radio Report On German Invasion
- Senator Robert F Kennedy-Presidential Campaign Address
- Truman-The First Atomic Bomb Attack On Japan
- Aztec UFO Recovery
- Churchill - Fight on the Beaches
- Churchill - Fight On The Beaches
- Robert Reid
- BBC_Robert_Reid
- Eisenhower Years - 01 - Introduction
- Eisenhower Years - 02 - Abilene - The Formative Years
- Eisenhower Years - 04 - Torch to Overlord
- Eisenhower Years - 05 - D-Day - The Prelude
- Eisenhower Years - 06 - D-Day - Conclusion
- Eisenhower Years - 07 - Final Thrust - Victory in Europe
- Eisenhower Years - 08 - Transistion - The Post War Years
- Eisenhower Years - 09 - I Will Lead This Crusade
- Eisenhower Years - 10 - White House Years - The First Term
- Eisenhower Years - 11 - President and Politics
- Eisenhower Years - 12 - White House Years - The Second Term
- Eisenhower Years - 13 - Peace With Honor 13o13
- Charles Lindberg Reception In Washington DC
- Fiji Islanders
- e Depression
- Year By Year - Top Stories of - 1932 (last 2 minutes c
- DRF (In German) Walter Ulbricht CP, Reichstag speech
- DRF (In German) Carl Severing On Forthcoming Elections To Pr
- DRF (In German) Ernst Heilmann SPD - Election Speech
- DRF (In German) Johannes Engel NSDAP - Election Speech
- DRF (In German) Otto Klepper, Pruss Min Of Finances - Pruss
- DRF (In German) Adolf Hitler- Public Election Speech Berlin
- DRF (In German) Joseph Gobbels - NSDAP rally
- DRF (In German) Chancellor Franz von Papen - Radio Address O
- DRF (In German) Alfred Hugenberg - Radio Address On Forthcom
- Babe Ruth Calls His Shot
- Babe Ruth Calls His Shot
- DRF (In German) Hindenburg - New Years Eve Address The Battl
- DRF (In German) Adolf Hitlers Ansprache an SA & SS
- Year By Year - Top Stories of - 1933
- Adolf Hitlers Ansprache an SA & SS
- DRF (In German) Joseph Gobbels - Delivers Eulogy At SA Troop
- DRF (In German) Adolf Hitler - First Public Appearance As Ch
- Roosevelt - First Inaugural Address
- R - First Inaugural Address
- FDR Inaugural Address
- Roosevelt - Fireside Chat, Bank Failures
- R - Fireside Chat 1
- DRF (In German) Adolf Hitler - Forces Through Enabling Act (
- Roosevelt - Fireside Chat, CCC and TVA
- R - Fireside Chat 2
- NY Yankees vs Detroit Tigers pt 1
- NY Yankees vs Detroit Tigers pt 2
- NY Yankees vs Detroit Tigers pt 3
- NY Yankees vs Detroit Tigers pt 4
- Roosevelt - National Recovery Administration
- R - Fireside Chat 6
- BBC - Winston Churchill - The Threat Of Nazi Germany
- - Britain To Meet The Threat Of Germany
- Amelia Earhart - Future of Women In Flying
- Roosevelt - Works Progress Administration
- R - Fireside Chat 7
- FDR - 06 Young Democrat Club
- Year By Year - Top Stories of - 1936
- Roosevelt - Presidents Birthday Ball
- Roosevelt - The Presidents Third Birthday in Office
- Roosevelt - Radio Address to the Patrolmen
- FDR - 07 Conference of Christians and Jews
- Roosevelt - Address to the Young Democrats
- Roosevelt - Address at the Thomas Jefferson
- EIAR - Reports End Of Ethiopian War
- Roosevelt - Address at George Rogers Clar
- FDR - 08 Renomination In Philadelphia
- R - Democratic National Convention
- Roosevelt - Address at the Dedication of
- Roosevelt - Address at the Home of Thomas
- RRG - Joseph Gobbels - Before Foreign Press
- RRG - Radio Report - Olympic Fire Handed Over At The
- Roosevelt - Address at Chautauqua New York
- FDR - 09 Fireside Chat Invest in Farm Land
- R - Fireside Chat 8
- Roosevelt - Address at the Green Pastures
- Roosevelt - Address to the Third World Po
- RRG - Rudolf Hess - On Olympic Games And The German P
- FDR - 10 Harvard Love of Liberty
- Roosevelt - Address at Democratic State C
- Roosevelt - Campaign Address at Forbes Fi
- Roosevelt - 50th Birthday Statue of Liberty
- Roosevelt - Campaign Address at Omaha
- Roosevelt - Campaign Address at Chicago
- Roosevelt - Campaign Address at Worcester
- FDR Fiftieth Anniversary Of Statue Of Liberty
- Fiftieth Anniversary of Statue of Liberty
- Roosevelt - Madison Square Rally
- R - Madison Square Garden
- Roosevelt - Final Campaign Radio Speech o
- BBC - King Edward VIII - Abdication Of The Monarchy
- - Roosevelt - Second Inaugural Speech
- FDR - Second Inaugural Address
- Robert Lafollette Sen. Wis - Court Packing
- - Roosevelt - Address at the Testimonial Di
- - Roosevelt - Address at the Democratic Vi
- - Roosevelt - 1st Fireside Chat of Second Term
- FDR - Fireside Chat 9
- Richard Byrd Explorer - End War
- Father Charles Coughlin - Denounces New Deal Programs
- HindenburgCrashHerbMorrison06May1937
- - Hindenburg Disaster NAS Lakehurst, NJ 1m15s clip
- - Hindenburg Disaster NAS Lakehurst, NJ 7m15s
- Hindenberg Disaster
- - Roosevelt - Home Coming
- - Roosevelt - Address on Constitution Day
- - Roosevelt - Dedication of Bonneville Dam
- - Roosevelt - Chicago Bridge Dedication Speech
- FDR - Chicago Quarantine Speech
- - Roosevelt - Special Session of Congress
- FDR - Fireside Chat 10
- - FDR - 13 Second Inaugural
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address Requesting Coop
- - Jack Benny Program - Lost Horizon
- - Roosevelt - A Christmas Greeting to the N
- - BBC - Chamberlain on National Health
- - God Bless You, Mr Chamberlain
- - IBC Radio Normandie
- - Roosevelt - State of the Union Address
- - Roosevelt - Address at the Jackson Day Di
- - Roosevelt - Presidents 5th Birthday Ball
- Austrian Crisis Commenatators
- Austrian Crisis Ultimatum
- - Gov A Harry Moore Speaks During National Defense We
- Harry Moore-National Defense Week
- - MBS - Raymond Graham Swing On World Events
- - News - Russia And Germany R.Graham (exert Maybe)
- R Gram Swing-Germany and Russia
- Russia And Germany R.Graham
- - BBC - Reports Resignation Of Austrian Chancellor Kurt
- Czech Radio - Austrian Crisis
- Nazi Radio
- - CZR - Announces Austrian Anschlub
- - RRG - Joseph Göbbels - Proklamation Hitlers zum Ansch
- Austrian Crisis-Italian Reaction
- Czech Radio - On Chamberlain
- Czech Radio - The Anschluss
- - CBS Anschlu - German Armies Cross Into Austria
- - CBS News - Beginning of WWII
- - CBS World News Roundup (another)
- - CBS World News Roundup
- CBS World News Roundup
- CBS_World News Roundup
- Live - Hitler Arrives in Vienna
- Mutual - US Reaction to Anschluss
- - RRG - Adolf Hitler - Am Heldenplatz, Anschluß Österre
- - Roosevelt - Address to Pan American Union
- - Roosevelt - Fireside Chat, Bulwark of Liberty
- FDR - Fireside Chat 12
- - BBC - Winston Churchill - To The Royal Academy Of Art
- Churchill Royal Academy Banquet - Collective Security
- - RRG - Hermann Göring - Farewell To Adolf Hitler Who L
- - CZR - German Troops At The Border
- Czech Radio-German Army Massing
- - RRG - Joseph Göbbels - Düsseldorfer Reichsmusiktagen
- - FDR - Natl.Education Assn
- - Roosevelt - Graduation Address at the US
- - Roosevelt - Fireside Chat, Nominate Liberals
- FDR - Fireside Chat 13
- - Roosevelt - National Education Association
- FDR on National Education
- - Roosevelt - Address at Covington, Kentucky
- Howard Hughes On Future Of Aviation
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address on 3rd Anniversary
- - Roosevelt - Address at Dedication of Inte
- - Roosevelt - Address at Queens University
- - Berlin Before Invasion (Shirer)
- - MBS - Sigrid Schultz On Munich Conference
- Berlin before Invasion Shirer
- - Roosevelt - Address at Denton, Maryland
- - CZR - President Eduard Benes Appeals For Calm And Pea
- Czech President Eduard Benes
- Hitler Nuremberg Rally
- Munich Crisis Day 1-Kaltenborn
- - MBS - Fulton Lewis Czechoslovakia Declares Martial La
- - RRG - Karl Henlein, Sudetenland Leader Gives Ultimatu
- Munich Crisis Day 2-Lewis
- Nazi Radio-Henlein To Benes
- - CZR - War Of Words
- Nazi Czech War of Words
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address on Constitution
- - CZR - Radio Prague Refutes German & Hungarian Propoga
- - CZR - Speech Of Milan Hodza, Czech Premier
- Czech Premiere Milan Hodza on Crisis
- - CZR - On The Brink Of War Over Sudetenland
- Munich Crisis-On The Brink Of War
- - MBS - Adolf Hitler On German Claims To Sudetenland
- Hitler-War Over Sudetenland
- - BBC - Chamberlain On Czech Crisis
- Munich Crisis Day 16-Fred Bates From London
- Max Jordan On Big Four Meeting
- Mutual Sigrid Schultz - Big Four Conference
- - BBC - Neville Chamberlain On His Return From Munich
- - NBC - Max Jordon On Big Four Meeting In Munich
- - MBS - Adolf Hitler On The Realisation Of His Rearmame
- WhiteFiresOfInspiration 1938-10-10 StevenFoster
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address for the Mobiliz
- - RRG - Adolf Hitler - Occupation Of Sudetenland
- - Churchill - We Must Arm
- - Winston Churchill - We Must Arm
- Churchill - Broadcast to US - We Must Arm!
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address on Electing Liberals
- FDR Dedicates Will Rogers Memorial
- - Roosevelt - Address at Thanksgiving Dinner
- - Roosevelt - Address at University of Nort
- - Roosevelt - Address at Groundbreaking for
- - Roosevelt - Address on Lighting the Commu
- - Roosevelt - Army Major McGee
- - Nazi Propaganda Broadcast - Germany Calling
- Recollections 1976 wJohnHickman 1939NYWorldsFair.1
- Recollections 1976 wJohnHickman 1939NYWorldsFair
- - Roosevelt - State of the Union Address
- FDR State of The Union 01
- FDR State of The Union 02
- FDR State of The Union 03
- - Roosevelt - Address at Jackson Day Dinner
- - EIAR - Benito Mussolini - Discorso
- - Roosevelt - RA on the Occasion of Preside
- - RRG - Adolf Hitler - Eradicate The Jews In Europe
- - Roosevelt - RA on the 29th Anniversary of
- - Roosevelt - The President Opens the Golde
- - German-American Bund Rally Madison Square
- - Roosevelt - Address on the Occasion of th
- BBC_Gas_Mask_Drill
- Gas Mask Drill
- Harold Ickes Introduces Marian Anderson
- - Roosevelt - 150th Anniversary of the Anno
- - Roosevelt - Address to the Governing Boar
- - Roosevelt - Address at the National Parol
- NY Gov Lehman Opens Worlds Fair
- Duke of Windsor From Verdun
- - Roosevelt - Radio Dedication of the Museu
- FDR Dedicates Museum Of Modern Art
- King and Queen of England Visit Quebec
- - Roosevelt - Address Before the American R
- - Herbert Hoover Urges US Neutrality In European Conf
- Hoover Urges US Neutrality
- - FDR Speech There Can Be No Peace
- - CBS Coverage on the Eve of WWII
- - News - CBS Eve Of WW2
- Eve Of War
- - Hitlers Demands
- - News - Hitlers Demands
- Hitlers Demands
- Kaltenborn-Hitlers Demands
- - CBS - European War Crisis
- - London Before War (Murrow)
- - MBS Sigrid Schultz In Berlin
- - Murrow - London Before War
- - News - London before War Murrow (different)
- - News - Murrow on the Eve of WWII (different)
- CBS - Edward R. Murrow
- CBS - William Shirer War or Peace
- Edward R. Murrow
- Englands Reply To Hitler
- London before War Murrow
- Munich Crisis-Sigrid Schultz
- CBS_European War Crisis
- England Preparing For War
- Munich Crisis-Sigrid Schultz
- London Schoolchildren Evacuation
- Edward R. Murrow
- - Anthem & Wessel
- - BBC - Evacuation of London
- - History - Anthem & Wessel
- - Liddell - Evacuation of British Children
- - London Evacuation
- - News - Evacuation Of London
- - Opening of the Reichstag - Alolf Hitler
- 0520 Hitler Addresses Reichstag
- Evacuation of Londons Schoolchildren
- BBC_Evacuation_of_London
- London Evacuation
- - BBC - Chamberlain Declares War
- - News - BBC - Chamberlain Declares War
- Chamberlain Declares War
- Dorothy Thompson Commentary
- - Chamberlain declares War
- - Declaration of War
- - News - Chamberlain Declaration Of War
- - Roosevelt - Fireside Chat, Start of WWII
- 01 Chamberlain Declaration of War
- 02 CBS News From London
- 03 King George VI on War Declaration
- 04 News Dorothy Thompson
- Edward R. Murrow
- FDR Fireside Chat on War in Europe
- Lord Halifax
- Neville Chamberlain
- BBC_PM_Chamberlain_Declaration_of_War
- Declaration Of War
- Edward R. Murrow
- - News - From Berlin Wm.shirer
- - Shirer - From Berlin
- from Berlin Wm.Shirer
- William Shirer From Berlin
- BBC_Evacuee_Message_to_Parents
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - pt01 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt02 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt03 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt04 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt05 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt06 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt07 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt08 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt09 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt10 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt11 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt12 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt13 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt14 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt15 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt16 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt17 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt18 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - pt19 - Complete Broadcast Day - WJSV
- - Roosevelt - Repeal of Arms Embargo
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - (In German) Adolph Hitler
- Lee De Forest On His Contribution To Radio
- H V Kaltenborn Commentary
- - Chamberlain on Czech Crisis
- - History - Chamberlain on Czech Crisis
- Edward R. Murrow
- - Kaltenborn and the News
- Churchill as 1st Sea Lord Guild Hall - Cockles Of The Britis
- Churchill - First Month of War
- - Churchill - First Month of War
- Churchill as 1st Sea Lord
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Roosevelt - RA on Behalf of the Community
- - Roosevelt - RA on Behalf of the Community
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- BBC - Princess Elizabeth Aged 14
- - Princess Elizabeth Age 14 to Evacuated Children
- BBC_Princess_Elizabeth_aged_14
- Worlds Fair-Germany-Lindbergh-Turkey
- BBC - Richard Dimbleby - By a French Road
- - BBC - Richard Dimbleby - By a French Road
- - News - By A French Road
- By A French Road
- BBC_Richard_Dimbleby_By_A_French_Road
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Roosevelt - Radio Address to the New York
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address to the New York
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Davis - On Neutrality Bill
- - Davis - On Neutrality Bill
- Elmer Davis And The News
- 91030 Elmer Davis Reports On Neutrality Bill
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Queen Elizabeth - Fortitude of Women
- Roosevelt - RA Launching the Annual Roll
- - Queen Elizabeth on the Fortitude of Women
- - Roosevelt - RA Launching the Annual Roll
- BBC_Queen_Elizabeth_Fortitude_Of_Women
- Churchill as 1st Sea Lord
- Roosevelt - Address at the Cornerstone La
- - Roosevelt - Address at the Cornerstone La
- Roosevelt - Dedication of the Library (ex
- - Roosevelt - Dedication of the Library (ex
- Edward R. Murrow
- - Elmer Davis Special Analysis Program
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis-Major GF Elliot
- Elmer Davis Special Analysis Program
- Davis - Russia Invades Finland
- - Davis - Russia Invades Finland
- Elmer Davis And The News
- ElmerDavis_RussiaInvadesFinland
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Interview With Senator Truman
- Churchill - Sinking of Graff Spee
- Churchill Announce Sinking Of Graff Spee
- - BBC - News - Sinking Of Graf Spee
- Churchill as 1st Sea Lord
- BBC_Churchill_sinking_of_Graff_Spee
- Sinking Of Graf Spee
- Churchill on the Sinking of the Graff Spee
- The Scuttling of Graf Spee
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- PaulGibson 1940s AfternoonTalk Women(WBBM Chicago)
- - Propaganda - Song - Axis Charlie 1940 I Want To Be Happy
- This was their finest hour
- 1939 In Review
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - Roosevelt - Annual Message to the Congres
- - Roosevelt - Annual Jackson Day Dinner (Si
- FDR Jackson Day Dinner 01
- FDR Jackson Day Dinner 02
- - CBS - Today In Europe
- - History - CBS - Today in Europe
- CBS Today in Europe
- CBS_Today in Europe
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address Before the Whit
- Churchill - House of Many Mansions
- Churchill as 1st Sea Lord
- - FDR & Reporters reel-H143
- - Roosevelt - Presidents 7th Birthday Ball
- News-Fulton Lewis
- - Roosevelt - RA on the 30th Anniversary of
- - Roosevelt - Address to the Delegates of t
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - Winston Churchill - The Navy Is Here
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Lord Haw-Haw, William Joyce
- - News - Lord Haw Haw, Wm Joyce
- ordHawHaw,WmJoyce
- Amer First Comm-Sen Arthur Kapper
- Sumner Welles Visits Hitler
- - Roosevelt - RA to Anniversary Farm Dinner
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address in Connection w
- Churchill as 1st Sea Lord to the World
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - Winston Churchhill 0021 Frustration In Norway
- Elmer Davis And The News
- WWII-Invasion Of Denmark & Norway
- - RSH - Lord Haw Haw - Denmark & Norway Part 2 (Re-Encoded)
- Edward R. Murrow
- nvasionDenmarkNorwa
- - RSH - Lord Haw Haw - Russo-Finnish War Concluded (Re-Encod
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address Before the Pan
- - RSH - Lord Haw Haw - Scandinavian Update, Schmid (Re-Encod
- - Roosevelt - RA to the Young Democratic Cl
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- WWII-Murrow Re Commons Vote
- - Murrow - No Confidence Debate
- - News - Murrow on House of Commons Vote
- Edward R. Murrow
- BBC_Ed_Murrow_No_confidence_debate_in_Comm~1
- - Roosevelt - Speech to American Scientists
- Edward R. Murrow
- Elmer Davis And The News
- hamberlainResigns
- - News - With Elmer Davis
- Elmer Davis And The News
- with Elmer Davis
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - Advance into Belgium
- - BBC - The End of the Beginning - Winston Churchill(BBC 13-
- - News - BBC - Winston Churchill - The End of the Beginning
- - News - British Advance Into Belgium
- British Advance Into Belgium
- Elmer Davis And The News
- German Report on Advance In Low Countries
- BBC_Bernard_Stubbs_Advance_into_Belgium
- - BBC - German Advance On Antwerp
- - Eden - Call for Volunteers
- - News - Anthony Eden Call for Volunteers - Local Defense Of
- Anthony Eden Calls For Volunteers
- denAnnSecState4Wa
- BBC_Anthony_Eden_Sec_Of_State_For_War_LDV_~1
- BBC_CharlesGardner_AttemptStopGermanAdv
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - Roosevelt - Congress Military Strength Speech
- - Winston Churchill - BBC - The Prime Ministers First Radio
- 1st Broadcast as PM - Winston Churchill
- BBC_Churchills_1st_Speech_as_PM
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - Roosevelt - Social Welfare Wont Be Sacrificed
- FDR - Fireside Chat 15
- - RSH - Lord Haw Haw - Holland & Belgium Invaded (Re-Encoded
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - Fulton Lewis Commentary
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Lord Haw Haw-Holland and Belgium Conquered
- Fulton Lewis Commentary
- - Troops from Dunkirk
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Evacuated Troops From Dunkirk 2
- BBC_Bernard_Stubbs_Trains_Full_of_Evacuate~1
- BBC_Bernard_Stubbs_TroopsFromDunkirk
- - News - Troops Arriving From Dunkirk
- Edward R Murrow on Dunkirk
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Edward R. Murrow
- - News - Elmer Davis
- News with Elmer Davis
- - BBC - Winston Churchill - We Shall Fight
- Edward R. Murrow
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - News - JBPriestly on Dunkirk
- - Priestly - Dunkirk
- Priestly on Dunkirk
- riestlyonDunkirk
- French Armistice
- - Roosevelt - U of Virginia Commencement
- FDR - Stab In The Back Speech
- - History - US News Report - Compiegne
- - US News Report - Compiegne
- - Churchill - 1st Speech to Parliament, Blo
- - Winston Churchill 30m23s missing 1st 3 paragraphs
- Their Finest Hour - Winston Churchill
- - BBC - Winston Churchill - Their Finest Hour
- - News - Churchills Finest Hour (without commentary)
- - Winston Churchill - Our Finest Hour (keep)
- - Winston Churchill - Their Finest Hour 4m31s
- - Winston Churchill - Their Finest Hour 6m8s
- - Winston Churchill - [shortwave] BBC Their Finest Hour
- BBC_Churchill_Finest_Hour_Speech
- Winston Churchill - Their Finest Hour
- - News - Elmer Davis
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer-Davis
- - French Surrender 25m14s
- - News - French Surrender 1min20sec
- - News - French Surrender Wm Shirer 4mins52secs
- - RSH - Lord Haw Haw - The Fall Of France (Re-Encoded)
- Elmer Davis And The News
- French Surrender Wm Shirer
- French Surrender-William Shirer
- CBSNBC_Coverage of French Surrender
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - RSH - Lord Haw Haw - British Invasion Looms (Re-Encoded)
- Edward R. Murrow
- CBS News-Murrow
- Amer First Comm-Sen David I Walsh
- Fulton Lewis-Willkie News Conference
- Diplomats Ordered Out
- Edward R. Murrow
- English Citizens Apply For US Visas
- Worst Raids Yet on Britain
- British Fight French at Oran
- Aftermath of Action on French
- Edward R. Murrow
- Hitler Returns to Berlin
- Edward R. Murrow
- More Air Raids From Both Sides
- BBC_Bill_Herbert_Bombing_of_Caen
- Edward R. Murrow
- French Parliament to Dissolve
- Fulton Lewis-Roosevelt News Conference
- Struggle For Mediterranean
- Axis Agreement With Russia
- British Battle Italians at Sea
- Edward R. Murrow
- Germany and Britain Exchange Raids
- - Charles Gardner - Convoy Attack & Dogfight
- Attack upon French Fleet - Winston Churchill
- German Divebombers Attack British Shipping
- CharlesGardner_DogfightOverEnglishChannel1
- Democratic National Convention Opens
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Democratic National Convention Day 2
- Edward R. Murrow
- Elmer Davis And The News
- DNC to Nominate FDR
- Edward R. Murrow
- Elmer Davis And The News
- FDR Nominated Last Night
- - Phonoarchive 1378 reel-H144
- Edward R. Murrow
- FDR - Democratic National Convention
- FDR Accepted 3rd Term Nomination
- British Answer Surrender Warning
- Edward R. Murrow
- Elmer Davis And The News
- British Lose Destroyer and Sub
- Edward R. Murrow
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - CBS - World Today
- Britain Gets Largest Budget
- Elmer Davis And The News
- World_Today
- Nazi Press Threatens Invasion is Near
- Edward R. Murrow
- Germans Use Spoils of War on England
- Italian Bombers Hit Gibraltar
- - CBS - World Today
- Air Raids Over England
- Edward R. Murrow
- World_Todau
- Rumors-Invasion Of England Imminent
- Heavy German Military Concentrations
- Britain Begins Total Blockade
- New Air Raids
- Germans Drop Propaganda Leaflets
- British Japanese Relations Strained
- Tides Are Right For Nazi Invasion
- - CBS - European War
- - Kate Smith Show
- British Expect German Invasion
- Intense Bombing by RAF in France
- Germany Reports Sinking 20 Ships
- - Roosevelt - Dedication of Radio Station W
- Edward R. Murrow
- Germany Stages Daring Daytime Raids
- More Than 100 German and British Planes Fight
- Air War The Fiercest Yet Seen
- Little Air Activity Today
- CBS_European War
- Bad Weather Forcing Germans to Postpone
- - CBS News - The Battle Of Britain
- Lesueur Reports From Air Raid Shelter
- newsbattleofbritain
- German Bombers Move Inland
- Edward R. Murrow
- Italy Claims Victories
- All of England Now a Defense Area
- Edward R. Murrow
- - Churchill - So Much to So Few
- Lull In Air War
- Edward R. Murrow
- New Air Raids Break The Lull
- Very Little Air Activity Today
- Night Blitz Opens On London
- - CBS - Ed Murrow - London After Dark (Air Raid Broadcast)
- - CBS - Edward R Murrow - London Air Raid Broadcast -another
- - London After Dark - Blackout 29m29s 32-22
- - London After Dark reel-H146
- - Morrow Blitz
- - Murrow - Blackout
- - News - Murrow on Blackout (excert)
- Edward R. Murrow
- From Germany on Effectiveness of Bombing
- Ed Murrow-Blackout
- Special Report-London After Dark
- WWII--LondonAfterDark
- urrowOnBlackout
- Edward R. Murrow
- British And Germans Exchange Air Raids
- Heaviest Bombing Of England Yet
- Balkan Crisis Looms
- CBS NewsFrom Europe
- - CBS - European War Crisis
- - CBS - News From Europe
- - CBS News - Europe
- Heavy Bombing Of London And Berlin
- CBS_EuropeanWarCrisis
- Edward R. Murrow
- Hungary-Romania Border Dispute Settled
- - Roosevelt - Informal Remarks to Roosevelt
- CBS News - Paul Sullivan
- Most of Transylvania Given to Hungary
- Amer First Comm-Messages From the Public
- Amer First Comm-Rep James E VanZandt
- Amer First Comm-Sen Burton K Wheeler
- Amer First Comm-Sen Edwin C Johnson
- Amer First Comm-William R Castle
- Boake Carter On American Defense
- CBS Edward R. Murrow - Trafalgar Sqaure
- - Roosevelt - Address at Chickamauga Dam Ce
- - Roosevelt - Address at Dedication of Grea
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Heavy Damage From Night Raids Over England
- Roundup
- Continued Unrest in Balkans
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Air Attacks London Hit
- Air Raids Continue
- Edward R. Murrow
- - News - The London Blitz 1 of 2BBC
- Relative Quiet In Air War
- - A Londoner on Shelters and the Blitz
- New London Raids Not As Bad As Saturdays
- - Roosevelt - Address at Teamsters Union C
- The Battle of Britain - Winston Churchill
- - Roosevelt - White House Statement on Limi
- Italy Threatens Suez Canal
- - BBC - Alvar Liddel - 175 German Raider Aircraft Destroyed
- BBC_Alvar_Liddell_175AircraftDestroyed
- Edward R. Murrow
- FDR May Sign Draft Bill Today
- - BBC - Winston Churchill - House Of Commons Secret Session
- British Attack German Shipping In Channel
- Elmer Davis And The News
- London Hit
- Air Raids On London
- - News - During Blitz Edw.murrow
- - Roosevelt - Address at University of Penn
- During Blitz Edw.Murrow
- RAF Repulses German Raids
- Roundup
- London Raids Weaker Last Night
- Edward R. Murrow
- British Fleet Shells Dakar
- Edward R. Murrow
- J Edgar Hoover-Opponents Of War Prepardness
- Mutual WHK - Fulton Lewis
- - News of the World reel-H148
- Largest Attacks On Berlin Of The War
- British and Free-France Abandon Dakar Effort
- - World Today reel-H149
- Japan Takes Anti-American Attitude
- Edward R. Murrow
- - BBC - Blitz - Emergency Services
- - News - Blitz Emergency Service
- Emergency Service During Blitz
- EmergServDuringBlitz
- - Roosevelt - Telephone Conversation with C
- Robin Duff in air raid shelter
- - Duff - Air Raid Shelter
- - News - Robin Duff Air Raid Shelter
- BBC_Robin_Duff_in_air_raid_shelter
- - Selective Service reel-H150
- - Roosevelt - Remarks at Terrace Village, P
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address for the 1940 Mo
- - Roosevelt - Message to the Registrants Un
- To the People of France - Winston Churchill
- Fulton Lewis-Election Trends in Pennsylvania
- - FDR - Phila.Campaign
- FDR Philadelphia Campaign Address 01
- FDR Philadelphia Campaign Address 02
- FDR Philadelphia Campaign Address 03
- Fulton Lewis-New York Welcomes Willkie
- Cordell Hull Need For Strong National Defense
- - Worlds Fair Closing
- Closing of New York Worlds Fair
- Worlds Fair Closing
- - Roosevelt - Informal Remarks at Groundbre
- K T S a Wells Meets Welles
- - Roosevelt - Boston Campaign Speech
- FDR Boston Campaign Speech
- - Roosevelt - Address at the Dedication of
- - Roosevelt - Campaign Address at Brooklyn
- - Roosevelt - Press Conference No. 693
- - FDR - 29 Campaigning in Cleveland
- - Roosevelt - Campaign Address at Cleveland
- FDR Cleveland Campaign 1
- FDR Cleveland Campaign 2
- FDR Cleveland Campaign 4
- FDR Cleveland Campaign 5
- - Roosevelt - Last Radio Speech of the 1940
- - World Today reel-H151
- Election Night Interviews-Kansas City
- - Elmer Davis reel-H153
- - World Today reel-H152
- Fulton Lewis-Election Over at Last
- - Roosevelt - Post-Election Return to Washi
- - Roosevelt - Address at the Cornerstone La
- - Roosevelt - Address on Armistice Day
- - Attempt to Save Coventry
- - News - Attempt To Save Coventry
- Save Coventry Cathedral
- oventryLoudspeaker
- BBC_Coventry_Loudspeaker_Announcement
- ReverendHoward_Attmp2saveCoventryCath
- - EIAR - Benito Mussolini - LAttecco alla Grecia
- - Twelve Crowded Months reel-H154
- Edward R. Murrow
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - News - London Burning
- BBC_Robin_Duff_Sees_London_Burning
- WWII-London Burning
- To the People of Italy - Winston Churchill
- ChurchillsAddressesItalians
- - BBC - London After Dark
- - Roosevelt - Lighting the Christmas Tree
- Edward R. Murrow
- - FDR Arsenel of Democracy (cvs)
- - Roosevelt - Great Arsenal of Democracy Sp
- FDR - Fireside Chat 16
- St. Pauls Cathedral Surrounded By Fires
- - News - Message To Firemen
- HerbertMorrison_MessagetoFiremen
- - Adolf Hitler Declares War Against Allies
- - Propaganda - From Germany with Paul Revere
- - Propaganda - Song - Axis Charlie 1941 Ill Never Say Never
- - Propaganda - Song - Axis Charlie 1941 Japanese Sandman
- 1940 In Review
- - FDR - State of the Union
- BBC_Bruce_Belfrage
- - FDR - 32 Four Freedoms Speech State of Union
- - Roosevelt - State of the Union Four Freed
- FDR - State Of The Union
- Elmer Davis And The News
- BBC_Alan_Howland
- - FDR - 33 Third Inaugural
- - Roosevelt - 3rd Inaugural Speech
- FDR - Third Inaugural Address
- FDR 3rd Inagurural address
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - Roosevelt - RA on Occasion of Presidents
- The World Today
- Alf Landon Speaks Against Lend Lease
- Col Hanford MacNider against Lend Lease
- Sen Burton K Wheeler of Montana
- Sen Taft Speaks Against the Lend Lease Bill
- - Roosevelt - RA on the Occasion of the 31s
- FDR Praises Boy Scouts
- - BBC - Churchill- Give us the tools
- Give Us The Tools - Winston Churchill
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- Elmer Davis And The News
- - Roosevelt - Address to Annual Awards Dinn
- - FDR - 34 Passage of Lend Lease Program
- Edward R. Murrow
- - FDR - 35 Banquet for News Reporters
- FDR - Lend Lease
- - FDR - 36 National Gallery of Art Acceptance
- - FDR - 37 Jackson Day Dinner
- - Roosevelt - Jackson Day Dinner Speech
- - Roosevelt - RadioAddress from the USS Pot
- The World Today
- WMCA Charles Lindbergh - America First
- War Review - Winston Churchill
- - FDR - 38 Buy War Bonds
- - Roosevelt - Buy War Bonds Speech
- KMOX Charles Lindbergh - America First
- - Jergens Journal
- - Walter Winchell - Jergens Journal 16bit
- Jurgens Journal-Walter Winchell
- Charles Lindbergh Against US Entry In War
- - [German] Announcement Of Sinking Of HMS Hood
- BBC_German_announcment_sinking_HMS_Hood
- - FDR - 39 Fireside Chat Live Audience
- - Roosevelt - Fireside Chat Live Audience
- FDR Radio Address on National Emergency
- Speech by Fiorello La Guardia
- - BBC- News - Sinking of Bismark
- BBC_1stSeaLordAVAlexander_SinkingOfBismark
- WWII-Sinking Of Bismark
- - Behind the Scenes reel-H155
- - CBS Elmer Davis on Columbias War Coverage
- CBS Elmer Davis - News Production Overview
- Elmer Davis
- - BBC - 410612 - Winston Churchill - Until Victory Is Won
- Churchill to US
- Winston Churchill-HitlerTheGuttersnipe
- - News Russia Invaded - Winston Churchill (BBC 22-Jun-1941)
- - Winston Churchill - Hitler the Guttersnipe Invades Russia
- German Attack upon Russia - Winston Churchill
- German Invasion of Russia
- John B Hughes-Invasion of Russia
- ChurchillOnHitler_GuttersnipeinvRussia
- Sir Winston calls Hitler Guttersnipe
- The World Today
- America First - Starring Lillian Gish
- The World Today
- - FDR - 40 Declaration of Independence
- - Roosevelt - Independence Day Celebration
- - BBC - 410714 - Winston Churchill - Do Your Worst, Well Do
- - Churchill - Do Your Worst Do Our Best
- Churchill to London County Council
- NBC - FDR First Transcribed Presidential Radio Address
- Do Your Worst Do Our Best - Churchill
- - FDR - 41 Extend Draftees Term
- - Roosevelt - Extend Draftees Term
- Wendell Willkie-American Isolationism
- Fighting In Russia
- Mutual-Fulton Lewis
- The Atlantic Charter - Winston Churchill
- - Roosevelt - Labor Day Radio Address
- Charles Lindbergh on Neutrality 1
- Charles Lindbergh on Neutrality 2
- BBC_Frank_Phillips
- BBC_Alvar_Liddell_Air_Raid_on_Berlin
- - Propaganda - From Germany WithPaul Revere
- - Des Moines Iowa - Charles Lindbergh Speaks On US Neutralit
- - FDR - 42 Shoot on Sight
- - Roosevelt - Shoot on Sight Speech
- FDR - Fireside Chat 18
- Herbert Hoover
- - Roosevelt - Address in Celebration of Lib
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address Urging Support
- Charles Lindbergh On Free Speech
- A Collision With Japan Is Inevitable
- Jergens Journal - Walter Winchell
- NBC - Ted Steele
- - Roosevelt - Navy and Total Defense Day Ad
- FDR Navy and Total Defense Day
- The World Today
- - Roosevelt - Address to the Delegates of t
- - BBC - German Attack on British Convoy
- - BBC - Robert Dougall With A Convoy In Atlantic
- Live Attack On Atlantic Convoy
- Two American Legion Speeches
- Americas Town Meeting Of The Air-excerpt-racism q
- The World Today
- Country Journal-excerpt
- March Of Time
- The World Today
- - BBC - 411129 - Winston Churchill - Address To Harrow Schoo
- - California Govenvor Culbert L Olson - Japanese Internment
- Senator Tom Connally
- - CBS World News Today
- The World Today
- 1431 CBS The World Today
- 1500 CBS - Robert Trout British Reaction Pearl Harbor
- 1500 NBC Red-Chats About Dogs
- 1600 CBS News Update
- 1600 NBC Blue-National Vespers
- 1600 NBC Red-Sylvia Marlowe-Richard Dyer Bennett
- 1600c WCAE Pittsburgh News Summary
- 1606 KGU - Report from Honolulu
- 1615 WCAE Pearl Harbor Pt. 1
- 1630 KDKA Pearl Harbor Pt. 1
- 1630 NBC Red-News Preempting Olivia Santoro Show
- 1700 NBC Red-Metropolitan Opera Auditions Of The Air
- 1705 WJAS Pearl Harbor Pt. 1
- 1705 WJAS Pearl Harbor Pt. 2
- 1730 NBC Red-Family Of Five
- 1800 CBS Ford Wilkins From Manila
- 1800 NBC Blue-New Friends Of Music
- 1800 NBC Red-The Catholic Hour
- 1830 NBC Blue-Drew Pearson and Robert S Allen
- 1830 NBC Red-The Great Gildersleeve
- 1900 KIRO Pearl Harbor
- 1900 NBC Blue-News Roundup
- 1930 NBC Blue-Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt
- 2000 KGU Pearl Harbor
- 2000c Fiorello LaGuardia Orders Japanese Confined To Homes
- 2156 EST KIRO Seattle-West Coast Blackouts
- 2200 NBC Red The Hour Of Charm
- 2315 NBC-Special Defense Message
- niv Of Chicago Roundtable_Canada At War
- BBC_AlvarLiddell_AttackOnPearlHarbor
- CBSAnalysisfPearlHarborAndManillaAttacks
- CBSAttemptsToCallHonolulu
- CBSNews
- CBSNYPhilharmonic_WarBulletins
- CBSPearlHarbor_JohnCharlesDaly
- NBC_Honolulu_KGU_Radio_PearlHarbor
- NBC_NewsBulletins_411208_WarDeclaration
- S Marlowe And R D Bennett_Pearl Harbor
- BBC Reaction to Pearl Harbor
- H V Kaltenborn recounts Pearl Harbor
- NBC - Pearl Harbor and Manila Attacked
- CBS News Pearl Harbor Attacked
- FDR Declaration Of War
- NBC-KGU Honolulu-AttackOnPearlHarbor
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- - 1400 - NBCR - Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade
- - 1430 - NBCR - Univ of Chicago Roundtable,
- - 1437 - CBS - Albert Warner Speculates
- - 1515 - NBCR - H V Kaltenborn
- - 1530 - NBCR - Listen America
- - 1600 - NBCB - National Vespers
- - 1600 - NBCR - Sylvia Marlowe and Richard Dy
- - 1609 - NBCR - KGU Honolulu Report
- - 1630 - NBCR - News
- - 1800 - NBCR - Catholic Hour
- - 1830 - NBCB - Drew Pearson & Robert S All
- - 1845 - NBCB - Eleanor Roosevelt
- - 1900 - NBCB - News Roundup
- - 1900 - NBCR - Jack Benny Show
- - 1930 - NBCB - Fitch Bandwagon
- - 1930 - NBCB - [amplified] Fitch Bandwagon
- - 1930 - NBCR - Fitch Bandwagon
- - 2000 - NBCB - Bible Week
- - 2000 - NBCR - Chase and Sanborn Program
- - 2030 - NBCB - War Announcement - Inner Sanctum - Island of
- - 2030 - NBCR - One Mans Family
- - 2100 - NBCB - Jergens Journal
- - 2100 - NBCR - Manhattan Merry Go-Round
- - 2115 - NBCB - Parker Family
- - 2130 - NBCB - Dear John
- - 2130 - NBCR - American Album of Familiar
- - 2145 - NBCB - Dinah Shore
- - 2200 - NBCB - Goodwill Hour
- - 2200 - NBCR - Hour of Charm
- - 2230 - NBCR - Sherlock Holmes
- - 2300 - NBCR News
- - 2330 - NBCR - Round Table Discussion
- - BBC - Attack on Pearl Harbor
- - CBS - Analysis Of Attack On Pearl Harbor And Man
- - CBS - Analysis of Attack on Pearl Harbor
- - CBS - News - Pearl Harbor Analysis
- - CBS - Pearl Harbor Attacked 2
- - CBS - Pearl Harbor Attacked 3
- - CBS - Pearl Harbor John Charles Daly, Day of Infamy
- - CBS NY Philharmonic Concert, War Bulletin 19m33s
- - CBS NY Philharmonic Concert, War Bulletin
- - Eleanor Roosevelts Radio Show
- - FDR - Response to Pearl Harbor
- - NBC - American Legion Special Defense 16m06s
- - NBC - Attack on Pearl Harbor
- - NBC - KGU (cleaner not great) Radio In Honolulu Attack On
- - NBC - KGU [original] Radio In Honolulu Attack On Pearl Har
- - NBC - News Bulletin - War Declaration Pearl Harbour
- Pearl Harbor
- - News - BBC - Alvar Liddell - Japanese Attack on Pearl Harb
- - News - Cbs Pearl Harbor Analysis
- - News - CBS World News Today - Pearl Harbor
- - News - NY Philharmonic Bulletins 17m22s
- - News - Pearl Harbour NBC
- - News - Roundup
- - News - Special Defense Message 14m18s
- - Pearl Harbor Under Attack
- - s02 - New York
- - WNYC - Fiorello La Guardia
- - Adolf Hitler - Declaration Of War Against Allies (1941)
- - FDR - 43 Day of Infamy
- - NBC - War Declaration
- - NBCR - News with John W Vandercook
- - News - Roosevelt
- - News - Special 19 Roosevelt Message Declares War On German
- - News - Special Roosevelt Declares War On Japan
- - News - Wilfred Pickle Far East
- - Roosevelt - Day of Infamy Speech
- - s05 - FDR
- 0000 CBS-News
- 0200c NBC Red-News Update
- 0900 NBC Blue-The Breakfast Club
- 1045 NBC Blue-Music Of Reminiscence
- 1100 NBC Red-Mary Marlin
- FDR "Day of Infamy"
- 1215 CBS-FDR Before Joint Session Of Congress-full
- 1230 FDR Address to Congress
- 1240 NBC-News After FDR Speech
- 1315 NBC Blue-Lets Sing and Swing
- 1345 NBC Blue-News
- 1403 NBC Blue-Vincent Lopez and His Orchestra
- 1845 NBC Red-John W Vandercook
- 2100 CBS-Lux Radio Theater-The Doctor Takes A Wife
- 2130 NBC Blue-News Preempting For America We Sing
- 2215c Mutual West Coast Blackout
- man on the street interview 02 1
- man on the street interview 02 2
- man on the street interview 03 1
- man on the street interview 06 1
- man on the street interview 06 2
- man on the street interview 07 1
- man on the street interview 07 2
- man on the street interview 08 1
- man on the street interview 08 2
- man on the street interview 09 1
- man on the street interview 09 2
- War Against Japan Begins - Winston Churchill
- BBC_Roosevelt
- BBC_Wilfred_Pickles_News_on_the_Far_East
- FDR-Day Of Infamy
- FDR-Declaration Of War
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- - FDR - 44 First Wartime Chat Win the War
- 1845 CBS-The World Today
- 2130 NBC Red-Fibber McGee and Molly
- 2200 FDR Fireside Chat
- CBS The World Today
- FDR Fireside Chat on War
- Fibber McGee and Molly With PH Updates
- For Us The Living
- Freedoms People-Music
- man on the street interview 01 1
- man on the street interview 01 2
- man on the street interview 02 1
- man on the street interview 02 2
- man on the street interview 03 1
- man on the street interview 03 2
- man on the street interview 04 1
- man on the street interview 04 2
- man on the street interview 05 1
- man on the street interview 05 2
- 0745 WEEI Boston-News
- 2100 CBS-Texaco Star Theater
- CBS News
- man on the street interview 01 1
- man on the street interview 01 2
- - News - March Of Time Pearl Harbor
- 1200 CBS-Congress Declares War On Germany
- Hitler Declares War Against US in Reichstag
- Hitler Declares War Against US part 2
- man on the street interview 01 1
- man on the street interview 01 2
- man on the street interview 02 1
- man on the street interview 03 1
- man on the street interview 03 2
- March of Time Pearl Harbor
- March of Time-Pearl Harbor
- Pearl Harbor
- - Horseradish
- Heatter News Report
- NBC - H.V. Kaltenborn Pearl Harbor One Week Later
- We Hold These Truths
- WeHoldTheseTruths 1941-12-15 BillOfRights
- - Roosevelt - Christmas in Europe
- Christmas In Europe
- - Roosevelt - White House Christmas Tree
- FDR Christmas Eve Message
- White House Christmas Tree
- - News - Churchhill To Congress
- Address to US Congress - Winston Churchill
- hurchhill2Congress
- CBS The World Today
- - RSH - Lord Haw Haw - Germany Calling Part 1 (Re-Encoded)
- - RSH - Lord Haw Haw - Germany Calling Part 2 (Re-Encoded)
- Address to Canadian Parliament - Winston Churchill
- Ben Bernie War Workers Program 1
- Ben Bernie War Workers Program 2
- Fulton Lewis-Big Tax Increase Passed
- Federal Works Agency-Defense Housing
- Herman Melville-Merchant Seaman
- NBC The Pacific Story
- Defense of the Philippines and More
- 1941 In Review
- The March of Time-Review of 1941
- - 03a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 04a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 04b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 05a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 05b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 06 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 07 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 08a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 08b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 09a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 09b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 10a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 10b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 11a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 11b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 12a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 12b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 13 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 14a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 14b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 15a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 15b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 17 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 18 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 19a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 19b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 20 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 21a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 21b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 22a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 22b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 23a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 23b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 24 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 25a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 25b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 26a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 26b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 27a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 27b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 28a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 28b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 29a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 29b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 30 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 31a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 31b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 32 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 33a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 33b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 34a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 35a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 35b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 36a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 36b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 37a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 37b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 38a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 38b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 39 - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 40a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 40b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 41a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 41b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 42a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 42b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 43a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 43b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 44a - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - 44b - Pearl Harbor Interviews
- - World Today reel-H156
- - FDR - 45 State of the Union Churchill
- FDR State of The Union Address
- - 01a - Pearl Harbor Interview
- - 02a - Pearl Harbor Interview
- - 02b - Pearl Harbor Interview
- - 03b - Pearl Harbor Interview
- - 04 - Pearl Harbor Interview
- - 05a - Pearl Harbor Interview
- - 05b - Pearl Harbor Interview
- - 06 - Pearl Harbor Interview
- - 07 - Pearl Harbor Interview
- News of the World
- - News - Of The World
- CBS News of the World
- William Winter on Corregidor
- - This Is War - Robt Montgomery, Pete Seeger
- This Is War - 0001 - This Is War
- This Is War
- Japanese Conquests - Winston Churchill
- - FDR - 46 Dont Slow Our Effort
- FDR - Fireside Chat 20
- - News - Of The World
- CBS News Of The World
- This Is War - 0003 - Your Navy
- - s06 - Bataan
- - s07 - Japan
- Freedoms People-The Negro And Christian Democracy
- - Mobil Gas News Service
- Mobil Gas News Service
- - FDR - 47 Cost of Living 3m15s
- - World Today reel-H157
- FDR - Fireside Chat 21
- - World Today reel-H158
- - Last Broadcast from Corregidor [Pearl Harbor to Corregidor
- Last Broadcast From Corregidor-higher bitrate
- Last Broadcast From Corregidor-Interview
- Last Broadcast From Corregidor
- Heatter On Doolittle Raid
- Two Years as PM - Winston Churchill
- Winchell News Broadcast
- "Capt William Graves ""Batle of Midway"
- - BBC - Battle of Midway analysis by Capt. William Graves
- - s08 - Battle Of Midway
- Battle of Midway
- BBC_Capt_William_Graves_Batle_of_Midway
- - 1400 News - Battle of Midway Island
- Voices From Battle of Midway
- - News - Last Days Of Singapore
- BBC_Giles_Playfair_last_days_of_Singapore
- Man on the Street-War Bond Drive
- - BBC - Winston Churchill - On Hitler The Guttersnipe
- Glenn Miller Interview
- Ending Of All-Star Game
- WCAU Gouraud Interviews Milton Berle
- - World Today reel-H159
- Fulton Lewis
- Fulton Lewis
- Fulton Lewis-Synthetic Rubber Bill Passes
- Fulton Lewis-Supreme Ct Upholds Nazi Sentence
- Fulton Lewis
- Fulton Lewis
- Fulton Lewis
- BBC_Freddy_Grisewood_Saving_Fuel
- - Suspense - Commercial
- - KMBC Sen. HST War Effort
- - Roosevelt - Fireside Chat
- FDR - Fireside Chat 22
- Fulton Lewis-US Sinking Jap Vessels
- Fulton Lewis-Japs Slithering Across Range
- - News - Monty To Troops At El Alamein
- Monty To Troops El Alamein
- BBC_Montgomery_to_troops_El_Alemein
- WinstonChurchill-TheEndOfTheBeginning
- - FDR - 48 Set Prejudices Aside
- FDR - Fireside Chat 23
- - BBC - Gen Montgomery To 8th Army Before El Alame
- KMBC Kansas City - Live B-25 Remote with Jimmy Doolittle
- - News - Tanks At El Alemein
- Tanks El Alemein
- BBC_Godfrey_Talbot_watches_tanks_at_El_Ale~1
- Godfrey Talbot watches tanks in El Alemein
- Bruce Belfrage 'excellent news'
- - News - BBC - Bruce Belfrage
- BBC_Bruce_Belfrage_excellent_news
- - FDR - North African Invasion
- Armed Forces Land in Africa
- Edward R. Murrow
- FDR to French on North African Invasion
- World News Today-Amer Landings Oran
- - Churchill - The End of the Beginning
- Churchill Mansion House London
- Armistice Day Ceremony
- World News Today-Algiers
- - Roosevelt - War News Policy
- A Warning to Italy - Winston Churchill
- Churchill
- World News Today
- - Adolf Hitler - Speech on Stalingrad Dec 42
- World News Today-Anniversary of Jap Attack
- - News - One Year After Pearl Harbor
- One Year After Pearl Harbor
- - News - Godfrey Talbot - Christmas 8th Army (diff sound)
- - News - Godfrey Talbot - Christmas 8th Army
- Christmas 8th Army
- BBC_Godfrey_Talbot_christmas_with_8th_Army
- Arrival of Eddie Rickenbacker
- World News Today-Newest UN Offensives
- Edward R. Murrow
- RadioDrAdvice4Xmas
- Godfrey Talbot
- World News Today-Axis Powers Uneasy
- - Gas Rationing Propaganda 1943 Jack Benny Eddie Cantor Burn
- - Propaganda - News with Tokyo Rose 1943
- - RRGO Gerrys Front Calling - American POW Messages
- - RRGO Gerrys Front Calling - British POW Messages
- - RRGO Gerrys Front Calling - Canadian & UK POW M
- Edward R Murrow On Berlin Air Raid
- PaulWhitemanPresents 1943 DShore EGardner Burns&Allen
- Soldiers of the Press 01-Henry Gerrell
- Soldiers of the Press 02-Robert C. Miller
- Soldiers of the Press 03-Richard D. McMillan
- Soldiers of the Press 04-Joe J. Custer
- Soldiers of the Press 05-Leo Disher
- Soldiers of the Press 06-Bob Bellaire
- Soldiers of the Press 07-William Tyree
- Soldiers of the Press 08-Ned Russell
- Soldiers of the Press 10
- Wartime Announcement-Share the Meat
- World News Today
- - World News Today
- UN Sets Feet Firmly on Long Road
- WorldNewsToday
- World News Today-Heavy Allied Air Activity
- World News Today-Allied Armies Preparing
- Casablanca Conference
- - President Roosevelts BirthdayParty - Special
- World News Today-UN in Final Stages
- - BBC - Paul Winterton - On Stalingrad
- - News - Victory Stalingrad
- Stalingrad
- BBC_Paul_Winterton_on_Stalingrad
- BBC_Robert_Robinson_victory_Stalingrad
- Madame Chiang Kai Shek Address To US Congress
- World News Today-Navy Loses Ships
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address on Washingtons Birthday
- Walter Cronkite Report
- World News Today-Allies Repulse Nazis
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- World News Today
- World News Today
- - CBS World News Carries Churchills Speech
- After The War - Winston Churchill
- World News Today
- - NBC World News Parade
- World News Today
- Madame Tchang Kai-Chek speaks
- - Madame Tchang Kai-Chek
- World News Today
- - FDR - Thomas Jefferson Memorial
- Dedication of Thomas Jefferson Memorial
- - News - Gabriel Heatter
- Gabriel Heater
- World News Today-North African Quiet
- Gabriel Heatter
- World News Today-Amer Attu Campaign
- - NBCB FDR Fireside Chat - On the Coal Cris
- FDR - Fireside Chat 24
- Frank Gillard German sdr N.Africa
- - BBC - Frank Gillard - German surrender N Africa
- BBC_Frank_Gillard_German_surrender_N_Africa
- Frank Gillard
- World News Today-Planes Over Tokyo
- Address to US Congress - Winston Churchill
- - Report from London reel-H160
- World News Today-Jap Bombers Unsuccessful
- clark gable on air war
- - BBC - Churchill
- Cdr Kimmins on invasion of Sicily
- - News - Kimmins - Invasion Of Sicily
- Invasion of Sicily
- BBC_Cdr_Kimmins_on_invasion_of_Sicily
- - Churchill
- Churchill Guild Hall London
- - News Of The World
- War in the Pacific & Yugoslavia
- World News Today-Axis Heavily Bombed
- Invasion of Sicily - Edward R. Murrow
- World News Today-Allies Smashing Front
- - World News Today
- World News Today-Allied Planes Hit Hard
- BBC_Maurice_Shillington_Mussolini_Resigns
- WorldNewsToday
- - FDR - 49 GI Bill of Rights
- - Roosevelt - GI Bill of Rights Speech
- FDR - Fireside Chat 25
- Hamburg Raid - Edward R. Murrow
- LaGuardia-curfew-harlem riots
- World News Today
- WorldNewsToday
- World News Today-Churchill to Quebec
- - NBCB Raymond Gram Swing - History on the
- Garry Marsh Patton enters Messines
- - News - Marsh - General Patton Enters Messinea
- BBC_Garry_Marsh_Patton_enters_Messines
- Garry Marsh-GeneralPattonEntersMessinea
- Frank Gillard town band in Lentini
- - News - Townband In Lentini
- Town Band In Lentini
- BBC_Frank_Gillard_town_band_in_Lentini
- - NBCB John W Vandercook
- John_w_vandercook
- WorldNewsToday
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today
- WorldNewsToday
- - CBC - Winston Churchill Broadcast from Qu
- Churchill from Quebec
- Mongomery announces landings in Italy
- BBC In Alancaster Over Berlin
- - BBC - Bomb Drop Shooting Nazi Fighter Plane Down
- - News - BBC - Alan Caster - Bomber Over Berlin
- - News - BBC - Montgomery - Landings in Italy
- In Lancaster Over Berlin
- BBC_In_a_Lancaster_over_Berlin
- BBC_Mongomery_announces_landings_in_Italy
- World News Today
- Churchill Harvard University
- - Roosevelt - Fireside Chat Opening Third W
- FDR - Fireside Chat 26
- WWII-World News Today
- World News Today
- WorldNewsToday
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today-French Captured Bastia
- WorldNewsToday
- World News Today
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today-Germans Attack Kustrin
- World News Today
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address on the Opening
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today-Mighty Bombing of Berlin
- BBC_FreddyGrisewood_ItalyAtWarWithGermany
- San Francisco War Chest
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today
- DDE - War Loan Drives - From Algeria
- World News Today-Bombers Strike Germany
- jack b dunn elists wacs
- Daytime_Radio_Newspaper
- - Roosevelt - Signing the Agreement Establi
- - Bombing of Berlin pt1 reel-H161
- - Bombing of Berlin pt2 reel-H162
- - Murrow - Flight to Berlin with RAF
- - News - Bombing Run Edw Murrow
- Edward R. Murrow
- Bombing Run Edw Murrow
- Edward R Murrow On Berlin Bombing Mission
- - News - Greatpowers Meet At Tehran
- allied conference in tehran
- BBC_Freddy_Grisewood_TehranGreat_Powers_meeting
- World News Today-Americans Capture Rapallo
- - FDR - Fireside Chat
- - Roosevelt - Christmas Eve Fireside Chat o
- Around-The-World Remote - Xmas Eve from a Carrier
- F D R - Christmas Eve Fireside Chat
- Armed Forces Radio Special - Christmas Package
- King George VI
- - CBS World News Today (diff sound at 16mins)
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today-Allies Take Monte Cassino
- - BBC - Night Air Raid
- - General George S. Patton
- - Propaganda - Axis Sally (Mildred Gillars)
- - Propaganda - AxisSally MildredGillars sign-on
- - Sounds Of War - Military Sounds - V1 Bomb - ESB
- HST Bond Drive
- 1943 In Review
- World News Today-Allies Repel Counter-attack
- - FDR - 50 StateOfUnion EconomicBillOfRights
- World News Today-Eisenhower to England
- World News Today-Allies Land in Italy
- - BBC - Battle of Anzio
- Anzio
- BBC_Wynford_VaughnThomas_Anzio
- - Roosevelt - Annual Appeal for the Nationa
- World News Today-Allies Expand South
- - s10 - Kwajalein
- - Skelly News of the World
- World News Today-German Elite Troops
- - Roosevelt - Remarks on Transfer of De
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today-American Planes Bomb
- World_News_Today
- - WOR News 440224
- william a campbell tuskegee airman
- World News Today-Russian Planes Bomb Helsinki
- World_News_Today
- Crisco_Radio_News
- - s11 - Bougainvilla
- World News Today-American Bombers Successful
- World_News_Today
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today-American Daylight Raiders
- World_News_Today
- World News Today-American Bombers
- World_News_Today
- - Airborne Landing in Germany
- - Night in a Foxhole
- Night In A Foxhole
- Churchill On allied victories
- - BBC - Churchill On Allied Victories
- The Hour is Approaching - Winston Churchill
- World News Today-Russians Reach Romania
- BBC_Churchill_on_Allied_Victories
- World_News_Today
- BBC_Wynford_VaughnThomas
- World News Today-American Bombers Attack
- World_News_Today
- - FDR - 52 D-Day at Normandy Prayer
- - RSH - Germany Calling - We Are Waiting for You
- Springtime Anzio
- BBC_WynfordVaughnThomas_SpringtimeAnzio
- - News - Springtime Anzio
- BBC_Richard_Dimbleby_watches_airborne_troops
- - Command Performance USA AFRS - BHope BCrosby BHutton
- - Propaganda - Axis Sally - Vison of Invasion
- - Skelly News of the World
- Skelly_News_of_the_World
- World News Today-Allies Advance in Italy
- - BBC - Godfrey Talbot - Monte Cassino
- In Monte Casino
- BBC_Godfrey_Talbot_in_Monte_Cassino
- - News - Walter Winchell
- fall of monte cassino
- World News Today-Allies Occupy Fonditori
- - News - Duff On Sealed Ship
- BBC_Robin_Duff_on_sealed_ship
- - BBC - Frank Gillard - Build for D-Day
- BBC_Frank_Gillard_on_build_up_to_DDay
- Frank Gillard on build up to D-Day
- - Eisenhower - Pre D-Day to the Troops
- - Eisenhowers Pre D-Day Announcement to Troops
- - FDR - 51 Surrender of Rome
- - FDR - D-Day
- - News - Airborne Troops
- - Piazza Venezia Rome Taken by the Allies (diff sound)
- - Piazza Venezia Rome Taken by the Allies
- - Roosevelt - Surrender of Rome
- FDR - Fireside Chat 29
- Rome Welcomes Allies
- BBC_Rome_Welcomes_the_Allies
- Richard Dimbleby watches air troops
- - 0300 CBS News Uncomfirmed Reports of Inva
- - 0300am - CBS - News Uncomfirmed Reports Of Invasion
- - 0330am - CBS - D-Day Broadcast
- - 0332am - NBC - D-Day Broadcast
- - 0400 NBC D-Day Broadcast
- - 0400am - NBC - D-Day Broadcast
- - 0415 - Brian from London
- - 0415 - NBC D-Day Broadcast
- - 0415am - CBS - D-Day Broadcast
- - 0415am - NBC - D-Day Broadcast - Reporter wParatroops
- - 0500am - CBS - D-Day Broadcast Robert Trout
- - 0540am - CBS - D-Day Broadcast Robert Trout
- - 0630am - CBS - D-Day Broadcast
- - 0900am - CBS - World News
- - 0900am - Harper from England
- - 0900am - NBC D-Day Broadcast
- - 0927am - CBS D-Day Broadcast
- - 0930 NBC D-Day Broadcast
- - 0930am - NBC D-Day Broadcast
- - 1000 [shortwave] CBS Valiant Lady - Buy War Bonds
- - 1000am - [shortwave] - CBS - Valiant Lady - Buy War Bonds
- - 1015am - CBS Light Of The World
- - 1200pm (find original) CBS Kate Smith Prayer For Our Troop
- - 1230pm CBS Romance Of Helen Trent
- - 1245pm CBS D-Day Broadcast
- - 1300 - DeGaulle
- - 1300 NBC News Reports from London
- - 1300pm CBS News John Daly
- - 1300pm NBC - News Reports From London
- - 1500pm CBS King George VI On D-Day
- - 1630pm - NBC D-Day Broadcast
- - 1830 NBC News Lowell Thomas Reporting
- - 1830pm - NBC News Lowell Thomas Reporting
- - 2100 - NBC - Cross Country Reaction to D-
- - 2100pm - NBC - Cross Country Reaction to D-
- - 2130 CBS D-Day Broadcast
- - 2130pm - CBS D-Day Broadcast
- - 2200 NBC Roosevelt - D-Day Address and Pr
- - 2200 NBCR Bob Hope Show
- - 2200pm - NBC Roosevelt - D-Day Address and Pr
- - 2200pm - NBCR Bob Hope Show
- - Aircheck - Fibber McGee & Molly - Air Check for WEAF NYC
- - Bob Hope - P38 Airfield, Van Nuys Cal
- - Eisenhower - Pre D-Day Announcement to Tr
- - Eisenhower - to Central Europe
- - Live report from a D-Day Beach
- - News - D Day Has Come
- - News - Willmot In Glider
- - News - Willmotinglider
- - Pt01 - Complete Broadcast Day
- Quincy Howe part 2
- - Pt02 - Complete Broadcast Day
- John Daly
- - Pt03 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt04 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt05 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt06 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt07 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt08 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt09 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt10 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt11 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt12 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt13 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt14 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt15 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt16 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt17 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt18 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt19 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt20 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt21 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt22 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt23 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Pt24 - Complete Broadcast Day
- - Roosevelt - D-Day Prayer
- 0337ET Edward R. Murrow
- 0600AM CBS - DDay Invasion
- AEF Announcement - DDay Invasion
- Approx.1845ET Edward R. Murrow
- Approx2210ET Edward R. Murrow
- Bob Hope D-Day Broadcast
- CBS - DDay Invasion Chronology
- CBS - DDay Invasion
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 001
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 002
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 003
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 004
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 005
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 006
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 007
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 008
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 009
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 010
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 011
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 012
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 013
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 014
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 015
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 016
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 017
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 018
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 019
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 020
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 021
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 022
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 023
- CBS D-Day Coverage Part 024
- EarlyAfternoonET Edward R. Murrow
- Edward R. Murrow
- FDR - DDay Prayer
- FDR Prays With The Nation
- Fred Waring Show D-Day
- George Hicks - Normandy Invasion USS Ancon
- Ginny Simms Show D-Day Broadcast
- Kate Smith D-Day Broadcast
- NBC D-Day Coverage 0332
- NBC D-Day Coverage 0415
- NBC D-Day Coverage 0900
- NBC D-Day Coverage 1630
- Poem & Prayer For Invading Army
- Red Skelton Show D-Day Broadcast
- Stanley Richardson - DDay Invasion
- 430pm
- BBC-This_is_London_Calling
- BBC_Alan_Melville_Sees_Paratroops
- BBC_Chester_Willmot_in_glider
- BBC_Chester_Willmot_sees_gliders
- BBC_Colin_Wills_Lands_with_Infantry
- BBC_Eisenhower_to_Western_Europe
- BBC_John_Snagge_DDay_has_come
- BBC_Robin_Duff_midchannel_to_Normandy
- Cross Country Reaction To DDay
- DDay Ship Attack
- - News - D-Day Kalmer, Quincy Howe
- - News - Kate Smith Prayer For Our Troops
- D-Day Kalmer, Quincy Howe
- D. Harum Show With Post-D-Day Updates
- DDay Kalmer, Quincy Howe
- George Hicks - DDay Invasion
- Kate Smith Prayer for Our Troops
- KMBC DDay Invasion
- Larry Meyer - DDay Invasion
- - CBS - Charles Collingwood Live
- - CBS D-Day Invasion Charles Collingwood Live
- - CBS News D-Day Invasion
- CBS News
- DDay Invasion
- BBC_Guy_Byam_parachutes_into_France
- BBC_MichaelStanding_OnFrenchCivilians
- Ruth Cowan - DDay Military Field Hospital England
- General Electric
- CBS - War Box Scores
- - Roosevelt - Fireside Chat
- FDR - Fireside Chat 30
- Alan Melville Hermanville bells
- - Hermanville Church Bell
- - News - Hermanville Church Bell
- Hermanville Church Bell
- BBC_Alan_Melville_Hermanville_Church_Bells
- General Electric - B29 Spot
- Joseph Harsch - Nazi Secret Weapon
- BBC_Frank_Gillard_takes_cover
- World News Today-Amer Cut Off Top of Falaise
- World News Today-Cherbourg May Fall
- World News Today-British Maim Germans
- - War Criminals & Punishment - Words At War
- WeWillNeverDie 1944-07-04 Holocaust Drama Pt.1
- - Herbert - Bombing of Caen
- - News - Bombing Of Caen
- Bombing of Caen
- ombingOfCaen
- YourArmyServiceForces 1944-07-14 #31
- - Mutual War News
- Mutual War News
- - Democratic Nat Convention - Day 2 part 2
- - Roosevelt - Address From A Naval Base on
- FDR - Democratic National Convention
- BBC-Assassination Attempt on Hitler
- World News Today-French May Soon Revolt
- - Roosevelt - Informal, Extemporaneous Rema
- World News Today-British Troops Near Liege
- - s12 - Guam pt1
- - s13 - Guam pt2
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today-Amer Tanks & Men Swarming
- BBC_Frank_Phillips_Hiroshima
- World_News_Today
- - Roosevelt - The President Reviews His Pac
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today-Amer Advance on 30mile Front
- World_News_Today
- - NHK - The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne (Iva Toguri)
- - Tokyo Rose Broadcast - Radio Tokyo
- - Tokyo Rose Broadcast
- - WWII - Tokyo Rose Broadcast
- Zero Hour Tokyo Rose
- - Eyewitness
- - NHK - The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne (Iva Toguri)
- Zero Hour Tokyo Rose
- - NHK - The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne (Iva Toguri)
- Zero Hour Tokyo Rose
- BBC_Ed_Murrow_counts_Parachutes_in_Holland
- - This Changing World
- - CBS World News Today
- World News Today
- World_News_Today
- World News Today 14 Geman Divisions in Battle
- - News - Paris Liberated
- Paris Liberated
- BBC_Richard_Wessell_Paris_Liberated
- - BBC - News - Snipers Fire On Degaulle
- BBC_Robert_Reid_snipers_fire_at_DeGaulle
- - BBC - Robert Reid
- CBS - Tabloid - Report to the Nation
- World News Today-Allies Pound Germany
- World_News_Today
- - BBC - Glen Miller - Radio Broadcast BBC - Interview(Sep 19
- - BBC - Chester Wilmot On Road Outside Brussels
- Wilmott On Road To Brussels
- World News Today-Americans Reach Malmedy
- World_News_Today
- - NHK - The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne (Iva Toguri)
- World News Today-Americans in Luxembourg
- World_News_Today
- Glenn Miller Interview
- - News - Montgomery
- Edward R. Murrow
- Montgomery Speaks
- BBC_John_Snagge_Invasion_of_Holland
- Ed Murrow counts parachutes in Holland
- - Ed Murrow counts parachutes in Holland
- - Edward R Murrow - Paratroopers Jumping into Holland
- - Maxted - Cut Off with Airborn
- Zero Hour Tokyo Rose
- BBC_Stanley_Maxted_cut_off_with_airborn
- - FDR - Campaign
- - Roosevelt - Teamsters Union Address Fala
- FDR Teamsters Union Address
- CBS World News Today
- World_News_Today
- - FDR - 4th Inaugural Address
- - FDR - Teamsters Union Address
- - BBC - Glen Miller - War Time On The BBC
- - s14 - Leyte
- CBS World News Today
- World News Today-2 American Armies on the Rhine
- - Roosevelt - Address Accepting Four Freedo
- - Roosevelt - Columbus Day Add. Before Chie
- World News Today-Last 18 Hours
- - Roosevelt - Radio Address Opening the Nat
- - s15 - Leyte
- World News Today-American Troops on Leyte Hold
- CBS - Nimitz Report
- - Roosevelt - Campaign Address at Shibe Par
- - Roosevelt - Campaign Address at Soldiers
- World News Today-Allies Clear Breda
- Audrey Russell interviews bomb victim
- Glenn Miller song on German radio
- BBC_Audrey_Russell_interviews_Bomb_Victim
- World News Today-B29 Hit Singapore & Sumatra
- - Special - DNC Program To Re-Elect FDR
- - Churchill - The Fruits of 1944
- Churchill Mansion House London
- - Roosevelt - Returns to Washington
- World News Today-World Hears From Hitler
- No Slow Down In Allied Advance
- - BBC - Winston Churchill - Americas Thanksgiving
- - Churchill - American Thanksgiving
- - Propaganda - Thank You America
- A F R S Thanksgiving Show - Lionel Barrymore - Dinah Shore
- Churchill Royal Albert Hall
- World News Today-B29s Over Tokyo Today
- - Homefront - NBC Mileage Rationing Special Eddie Cantor Jac
- - News Of The World Today
- - BBC - Robert Barr - Ardennes Withdrawal
- Ardennes Withdrawal
- BBC_Robert_Barr_Ardennes_withdrawal
- - Frank Singiser and the News
- - News - 6pm Sat Dec 23rd WOR
- Frank Singiser & The News
- - BBC - Mountbatten Not Forgotten Front
- Mountbatten Not Forgot
- BBC_Mountbatten_not_forgotten_front
- - NBC News from Around the World
- N B C - Xmas on the Blue Network - Part 1 (1)
- N B C - Xmas on the Blue Network - Part 1 (2)
- N B C - Xmas on the Blue Network - Part 1 (3)
- N B C - Xmas on the Blue Network - Part 1 (4)
- N B C - Xmas on the Blue Network - Part 1 (5)
- NBC News
- - WOR 1944 Year In Review
- W O R Year in Review
- World News Today-Germans Fail to Close Corridor
- YearInReview 1944-12-31
- - CBS VJ Day - Robert Trout Reports End Of WW2 [1945]
- - NEWS Walter Winchell
- Paul OLeary-Housewife on Rationing
- Pepsi Voice Record Merlyn Snyder
- Tokyo Rose
- ChurchillSpeaksAtVictoryParty
- - Roosevelt - Battle of the Bulge Fireside
- FDR-Fireside Chat-Battle Of The Bulge
- World News Today-Amer Gain in Germany
- JapanSurrenders
- - GI Journal 77 Fibber McGee and Molly
- World News Today-Allies Hammering Germans
- Radio Hollywood Gossip
- FDR - Fourth Inaugural Address
- World News Today-Amer 1st Army Drives
- Arthur Prim - Iwo Jima
- Iwo Jima Landing
- Leslie Nichols - Iwo Jima
- - Battle of Iwo Jima
- Battle Of Iwo Jima
- Headlines of Tomorrow
- World News Today-Two Different Battles
- - News - Sgt Mawson on Iwo Jima
- - s16 - Iwo Jima pt1
- - s17 - Iwo Jima pt2
- - s18 - Iwo Jima pt3
- - s19 - Iwo Jima pt4
- - s20 - Iwo Jima
- Iwo Jima Eyewitness 1
- BBC_Sgt_Richard_Mawson_on_Iwa_Jima
- Walter Winchell
- - FDR - Last Major Address To Congress
- - Roosevelt - Last Major Address to Congress
- FDR - Yalta Address
- World News Today-Germans in Retreat
- - BBC - Crossing the Rhine
- - BBC - Churchell Visits Germany
- BBC_Churchill _Crosses_Rhine_(est_date)
- BBC_Freddy_Grisewood_Remagen_Bridge_Crossed
- BBC_Ian_Wilson_Americans_over_the_Rhine
- - News - Chester Wilmot
- - Wilmot - Speaking from Montgomerys HQ
- News with Chester Wilmott
- World News Today-American 3rd Army Inside
- CBS Webley Edwards - B29 Mission Helena, MT Pilot
- Radio Hollywood Gossip With Bob Hope
- World News Today-Russians Capture Konigsberg
- - BBC - Gen Dlim Mandalay - Flag Raising
- Gen Slim Mandalay
- BBC_Richard_Sharp_with_Gen_Slim_Mandalay
- - BBC - Richard Dimbleby In Halifax Tow Plane
- - News - Richard Dimbleby
- - News - Troop Surround Lauenberg
- In Halifax Tow Plane
- Richard Dimbleby
- Troops Surrender Lauenberg
- BBC_Richard_Dimbleby
- BBC_Richard_Dimbleby_in_Halifax_tow_plane
- BBC_Wynford_VaughnThomas_crossing_the_Rhine
- - Barr - Churchills Crossing of the Rhine
- - News - Robert Barr
- - News - Wounded Glider
- - Stanley Maxted Wounded on Glider
- Maxted Wounded Glider
- Robert Barr
- World News Today-21st Army Group Links Up
- tanleyMaxted_WoundedOnGlider
- BBC_Robert_Barr
- CBS - Invasion of Iwo Jima Eye Witness
- - News - Stuart Mcpherson
- Stuart Mcpherson
- BBC_Stuart_Mcpherson
- - BBC - Release from Oflag 12b
- - BBC - Tanks Sweep Through Heart of Germany
- - News - Edward Ward
- - News - Wynford Vaughan Thomas
- Edward Ward
- Wynford Vaughan Thomas
- ynfordVaughanThomas
- BBC_Edward_Ward
- BBC_Edward_Ward_on_release_from_Oflag_XXIIb
- - Hitler - Last Broadcast
- - s21 - Okinawa
- Edward R. Murrow
- C B S World News Today
- - News - Richard Dimbleby
- B B C Richard Dimbleby Reports on German Civilian R (1)
- World News Today-Brits 7 Miles From Hamburg
- BBC_Richard_Dimbleby
- - NEWS Walter Winchell
- - CBS Bill Henry Reports on Order of Success
- - CBS Don Fisher Coverage Following FDRs Death
- - CBS John Daly News Summary
- - MBS Fulton Lewis Reports Roosevelts Death
- - NBCB Coverage of FDRs Death
- - WNYC - Fiorello La Guardia on FDRs Death
- C B S Bill Henry Reports on Order of Succession
- CBS Don Fisher Reporting Following FDRs Death
- CBS News Summary With Jon Daily
- Death of FDR
- MBS Fulton Lewis Reporting on FDRs Death
- NBC Blue Coverage of FDRs Death
- WNYC Fiorello LaGuardia on FDRs Death
- - BBC - Dora Bateman Commentary On FDRs Death
- - CBS Memorial Services for Franklin D Roosevelt
- - NBC News
- - NBC Reports on FDRs Funeral Train
- BBC News Dora Bateman Commentary on FDRs Death
- CBS FDR Memorial Services
- FDR Jr Delivers Fathers Undelivered Address
- NBC News
- NBC Reports On FDRs Funeral Train
- Report To The Nation
- Our hour of national sorrow - Part 1
- Our hour of national sorrow - Part 2
- - CBS Edward Murrow on Buchenwald
- - Godfrey - FDR Funeral Procession
- - NBC - Our Hour of National Sorrow
- Buchenwald Broadcast - Edward R. Murrow
- CBS News
- FDR Funeral Service Description
- Mutual Fulton Lewis - FDR Death
- NBC Our Hour Of National Sorrow Part 1
- NBC Our Hour Of National Sorrow
- NBC Tribute to FDR Part 1
- NBC Tribute to FDR Part 2
- New World A Coming - Memorial to FDR
- Tribute to FDR by President Truman
- Truman Delivers Tribute to Late FDR
- World News Today-FDR Buried Today
- - Truman Addesses Congress after FDRs Fune
- HST - Address To Congress
- - Truman - Death of FDR
- President Truman On The Death Of President Roosevelt
- - BBC - Belsen Concentration Camp
- BBC Richard Dimbleby Reports From Belsen
- nBelsen
- BBC_Richard_Dimbleby_in_Belsen
- - From the Palm Naval Air Station
- Drew Pearson
- Walter Winchell
- dwardWardCelebrating
- - Bucholz Hall of Honor
- - News - Wynford Vaughan Thomas
- BBC Wynford Vaughan Thomas Reports from Bucholz Hall
- BBC_Wynford_VaughnThomas
- - News - Frank Gillard At Torgau
- Moscow Radio - Victory Guns
- BBC_Freddy_Grisewood_Frank_Gillard_at_Torgau
- Truman speech to the U.N.
- - MBS - Sigrid Schultz in Ravensbruck
- - NBC Special Broadcast
- CBS - Crossing of the Rhine
- CBS Charles Collingwood - Allied Armies Meet
- MBS Sigrid Schultz In Ravensbruck
- NBC US & Russian Troops Meet
- - NBCB News Robert Krupp Reports
- Released American POWs
- Robert Krupp Reports
- - NBC - Walter Winchell
- Jurgens Journal with Walter Winchell
- Lord Haw Haws Last Broadcast From Berlin
- Report of Hitlers Death
- Scanning Radio Dial
- Tribute to Ernie Pyle
- PROP_Lord_HawHaws_last_broadcast
- - WOR - 4th Division Stories
- Howard K Smith-Berlin Bombed Out
- WWII-Hitler Dead
- - BBC - Hamburg Takeover of Lord Haw Haws Station
- - MBS - Reports Hitler is Dead
- - NBCB - Bulletin Adolph Hitler is Dead
- MBS News Reports Hitler Is Dead
- NBCB Bulletin Adolph Hitler Is Dead
- BBC_Stuart_Hibberd_Hitler_is_dead
- HamburgTakeover of LordHawHawsStation
- BBC_Berlin_Has_Fallen
- rumanWishFDRLived
- BBC_Wynford_VaughnThomas_troops_surrender~1
- - BBC - Last Germany Calling Broadcast
- - Monty Reads Surrender Terms
- - News - Monty Reads Surrender Terms
- AMGH W V Thomas Mock Germany Calling Broadcast
- CBS Edward R. Murrow - German Army Surrender
- hesterWilmot_MontyHQAwaitSurrende
- ontyReadsSurrTerms
- - BBC - Belzen Concentration Camp at Belzen
- - BBC - Radio Newsreel - Concentration Camp at Belsen
- - MBS - Paul Manning
- BBC Radio Newsreel
- MBS Paul Manning
- - Drew Pearson
- Drew Pearson
- Walter Winchell
- - Churchill - German Surrender
- - MBS - Worldwide News
- - News - John Snagge
- - Snagge - Home Service - Announces VE Day
- - WOR News - VE Day
- BBC John Snagge Announces VE Day
- Gabriel Heatter-Germany Surrenders
- Howard K. Smith - German Army Surrenders
- MBS Worldwide News
- VE Day Mutual Broadcasting
- VE Day-KOIN News Portland
- VE-Day-Vandeventer & The News
- WOR News
- BBC_John_Snagge
- BBC_John_Snagge_announces_VE_Day
- BBC_Thomas_Cadett_sees_Jodl_surrender
- - BBC - Berlin Has Fallen
- - BBC - Montgomery - Remember Those Who Gav
- - BBC - Royal Family Greets VE Day Crowds
- - BBC - Winston Churchill - VE Day Celebrat
- - Churchill - Unconditional Surrender
- - King George Vi - Germany has been Overcome
- - Marshall Shares Day
- - MBS - Gabriel Heatter News of the World
- - NBC President Truman Proclaims Victory in
- - NBCB King George VI on Victory in Europe
- - NBCB VE Day Special Broadcast
- - News - Churchill Announces Surrender
- - News - Marshall Shares Day
- - News - Montgomery
- - News - This is your Victory - Churchill Speaks At Big Part
- - News - Ve Day Gabriel Heater
- AFRS VE Day Special
- BBC H Marshall Reports As Crowds Celebrate VE Day
- BBC Montgomery Remember Those Who Gave Their Lives
- BBC Royal Family Greets VE Day Crowds
- BBC Winston Churchill Germanys Unconditional Surrender
- BBC Winston Churchill VE Day Celebrations Ministry of Healt
- Churchill Announces Surrender
- Churchill MinistryOfHealthBldg
- Churchill Speaks at VE Party
- H Marshall Shares Day
- King George VI
- Montgomery
- NBC VE Day Proclamations And Commentary
- PM V-E Day - Edward R. Murrow
- Truman & Winston Churchill
- Various News Reports
- VE Day Gabriel Heater
- Victory in Europe - Winston Churchill
- ing George VI
- ontgomery
- BBC_Churchill_Announces_Surrender
- BBC_Howard_Marshall_Shares_Day_with_Crowds
- BBC_Truman_wish_Roosevelt_had_lived
- - History - BBC - Thomas Cadett Reports From Hitlers
- - History - Devastation of Berlin
- - History - Smith - On Berlins Destruction
- - History - Thomas Cadett in Berlin
- - News - Thomas Cadett
- - News - Thomascadettinberlin
- BBC Thomas Cadett Describes The Devastation Of Berlin
- BBC Thomas Cadett Reports From Hitlers Bunker
- Howard K Smith in Berlin
- VE Day Special Broadcast
- BBC_Thomas_Cadett
- BBC_Thomas_Cadett_in_Berlin
- - History - BBC - Winston Churchill On The End Of War
- - Jergens Journal
- 5 Years as Prime Minister - Winston Churchill
- On a Note of Triumph
- World News Today-Day of National Prayer
- - CBC Matthew Halton Recounts Winter Struggle In Holland
- BBC_Matthew_Halton_in_Holland
- World News Today--Bombers Attack Tokyo
- Truman Awards Medal of Honor
- - NHK - The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne (Iva Toguri)
- Zero Hour Tokyo Rose
- - History - NBC News with Robert St John
- Japs Going Down In Okinawa
- Eisenhower Homecoming
- - History - NBC Rupert Hughes Commentary
- Heroes-Okinawa-Japs-Germans
- - News - Plane Hits Empire State Building
- World News Today-Attack Airforce Bases
- Jurgens Journal
- World News Today-B29s Bomb Yabira
- Sinclair Headliner with Frank Singheiser
- World News Today-Negotiator in Potsdam
- - BBC - Japan Surrenders - WWII Ends
- Atomic Bomb Destroys Hiroshima
- - History - Churchill - This is Your Victory
- WinstonChurchill-ThisIsYourVictory
- - News - VJ Day Reports
- VJ Day Reports
- iroshima
- - History - BBC - Nagasaki
- - History - Capt Cheshire Witnesses Nagasaki Bombing
- - News - Nagasaki Bombed - A Capt Witnesses Bomb Drop BBC
- Capt Witnessed Bomb Drop
- USSR Declares War on Japan - Edward R. Murrow
- CaptCheshire_WitnessesNagasakiBombing
- - News - Atomic Bomb Destroys Hiroshima
- - NHK - The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne (Iva Toguri)
- US Waits For Japanese Surrender
- - 1100 - News - Japan Surrender Offer
- - 1115 - News announced as 1145
- - 1130 - Barry Cameron
- - 1145 - David Harum
- - 1200 - News At Noon
- - 1215 - Maggies Private Wire
- - 1230 - News from the Pacific
- - 1245 - The Music Room
- - 1300 - Mary Margaret McBride
- - 1345 - News Of The World
- - 1400 - The Guiding Light
- - 1415 - Todays Children
- - 1430 - Woman In White
- - 1445 - Betty Crocker
- - 1500 - A Woman In America
- - 1515 - Ma Perkins
- - 1530 - Pepper Youngs Family
- - 1545 - The Right To Happiness
- - 1600 - Mary Noble, Backstage Wife
- - 1615 - Stella Dallas
- - 1630 - Lorenzo Jones
- - 1645 - Young Widder Brown
- - 1700 - When A Girl Marries
- - 1715 - Portia Faces Life
- - 1730 - Just Plain Bill
- - 1745 - Front Page Farrell
- - 1800 - NBC News with Lyle Van
- - 1815 - Serenade To America
- - 1840 - MGM Sports with Bill Stern
- - 1845 - Lowell Thomas and the News
- - 2000 - Highways Of Melody
- - 2130 - Correction Please
- Truman Victory Clip
- - NHK - The Zero Hour Hosted By Orphan Anne (Iva Toguri)
- Marines Record Love Note to Tokyo Rose
- Zero Hour Tokyo Rose
- - s24 - New York Guam
- - s25 - New York
- World News Today-192 Wks Since US Defeat
- - News - VJ Day Gabriel Heater 3m35s 48br
- VJ Day Gabriel Heater
- Japan Surrender Celebration_Pt 1
- Japan Surrender Celebration_Pt 2
- - CBS News - End of WWII Announced Robert Trout
- - Japanese Surrender News
- - NBC - Ben Grauer on VJ Day Celebrations in
- - NBC - HV Kaltenborn Reports End of the War 5m30s 48br
- - News - Japan Accepts Surrender Terms of Allies
- - s27 - Breaking News
- - s29 - Chicago
- - s30 - Cincinnati
- - s31 - New York
- - Special - Fourteen August Day Of Victory
- - We Interrupt This Broadcast 08 Japan Surrenders
- Cab Calloway Interrupted for Jap Surrender
- CBS Bill Henry - The Second World War Is Over
- Command Performance - Victory Extra
- Commentary On End of the War
- Fourteen August
- MBS Bulletin - Japan Surrenders
- NBC - H.V. Kaltenborn
- VJ Day-Cincinnati Broadcast
- VJ Day-NBC Covers the Wars End
- VJ Day-Welles Narrates
- William Halsey Speech
- VJ Day
- - BBC - Atlee - Surrender Of Japan
- - BBC - British Crowds Celebrate VJj Day
- - BBC - Crossing The Rhine - Pickadilly Circus
- - BBC - King George VI to the Empire
- Crowds and VJ Day
- End of the War
- VJ Day Reports
- rossingTheRhine
- BBC_Atlee_Surrender_of_Japan
- BBC_Crowds_Celebrate_VJ_day
- BBC_King_George_VI_to_the_Empire
- WynfordVaughnThomas_in_PiccadillyCircus
- World News Today-Truman Gives Thanks
- - s32 - Sagami Bay
- - s33 - Tokyo
- World News Today-US Fleet in Sagami Bay
- - McArthur - Holy Mission
- CBS Webley Edwards - Japan Surrender
- HST - Surrender Of Japan
- McArthur Holy Mission
- Mutual & Various - Japan Surrenders, VJ Day Celebrations
- BBC_MacArthur_Holy_Mission
- - NBC - Japanese Surrender Broadcast Recap
- - s34 - New York
- - s35 - Japan
- - s36 - Sea Power
- - s37 - Song - Anchors Aweigh
- MacArthur Signing Treaty With Japan
- World News Today-Japan Surrendered
- World News Today-Japanese Occupation
- World News Today-Japs in Hong Kong Surrender
- World News Today-Jap Military Leaders Imprisoned
- - News - Building Burma Railway
- Building Burma Railway
- uildingBurmaRailway
- Nuremberg opening statements part 1
- Nuremberg opening statements part 2
- - 1945 in Review
- Last Broadcasts of ABSIE 01
- Last Broadcasts of ABSIE 02
- Last Broadcasts of ABSIE 03
- Farewell To UK - Edward R. Murrow
- - BBC - Winston Churchill - Sinews of Peace
- Churchill Westminster College - The Sinews Of Peace AKA Iron
- AFRS - John Daily - Dedication of Hyde Park
- - Special - Bob Hope Interview - Seattle
- - Speech Truman NBC from Raleigh Cig Prgm - 31
- Nuremberg Executions
- 1945 In Review
- - Babe Ruths Farewell 32bit
- - Speech - Babe Ruth Farewell to Baseball 160bit
- - Report Uncensored - Juvenile Delinquency In Chicago
- - History - Investigation of Hughes Airplane Contract
- - Jergens Journal
- - Jergens Journal
- - Special - Hollywood Fights Back - House UnAmerican Act pt
- Henry Wallace for President
- London Forum
- Republicans View the Labor Situation
- - Pres Truman Savings Bonds From Whistler 308 Til Death Do U
- - News - NBC War
- - News - War News Excerpt NBC
- - History - Hedda Hopper Interviews Richard Nixon
- - Special - 2nd Annual Welcome Back Baseball
- - Special Report - Blair House Shooting
- - History - MacArthur - Speech to Congress
- - Jack Benny - Jacks Navy Experience In WWI From San Diego
- - Special - I Remember Kaltenborn
- - Taft Rally (excerpt)
- - Special - Joseph McCarthy Convention
- - History - Nixon - Checkers Speech
- - Special - End of an Era Oral History 1933-55
- - Escape - [Clip] Korean POW Released Names
- - Ed Murrow - See It Now Broadcast - Commentary On McCarthy
- - News - Edw Rmurrow Roy Cohn - Sen McCarthy
- Churchill Birthday - The Roar
- - This Is Your Life - Laurel and Hardy
- - News - Andrea Doria Sinks
- - KennedyMurrow_Meditation on Ecclesiates
- - U.S. Army - Recruitment Radio Spot 1958
- - News Anaylisis - Kruschef Birthday
- - History - Kennedy-Nixon Debate
- - History - Kennedy - Inaugural Address
- - History - Kennedy - Space Program
- - News - Death Of Hemingway
- John F. Kennedy - Space Program
- - History - Missiles in Cuba
- Kennedy Assasination
- - History - King - I Have a Dream
- - History - KBOX - Kennedy Assassination
- - History - NBC - JFK Assasination Hnkley Report
- - kennedya
- - kennedyb
- - kennedyc
- - kennedyd
- - KLIFunedited
- Farewell To Studio Nine-John Daly
- - History - King - Ive Been to the Mountain Top
- - History - King Assassination
- - History - RKennedy - King Shooting
- - History - TKennedy - Eulogy For RFK
- The Tokyo Rose Story
- - Am Forces Vietnam Network - News 0900 hours
- - News NBC - Monitor News WXCL Peoria Illinois
- - History - Neil Armstrong - The Moon Landing
- - News Of The World - Thanksgiving WVCIFM Peoria Illinois
- - History - Lennon - On the Beatles Breakup after April 10 1
- - Special - Jerry West Night At The Forum
- - History - Nixon - End of the Vietnam War
- - History - Nixon - I am Not a Crook Speech
- - History - Nixon - On Releasing the Watergate Tapes
- - History - Nixon - Resignation Speech
- - Nixon Resignation Coverage, Pt. 1
- - Nixon Resignation Coverage, Pt. 2
- 60 Minutes - Tokyo Rose
- - History - NYC Blackout
- - History - Elvis Dies
- - History - Mutual - Death of Elvis Presley
- - History - John Lennon Assassinated
- - History - Reagan - 40th Anniv of D-Day Address
- Challenger Explodes
- - History - Reagan - Speech on Challenger Disaster
- - History - Shuttle Challenger
- - History - Love - Kurt Kobain Suicide Note
- Bob Trout-History of CBS PH Broadcast
- - 911 Initial Aftermath 911 WCBS Radio Coverage
- - Early Morning Coverage Continues on WCBS Radio
- - First Word Of 911 On WCBS Radio
- - Mayor Giuliani Telephone Interview WCBS Radio
- End of WWII - Live Broadcast Milwaukee, Wisconsin Ave
- Rhythm of the Reich, Pt. 1
- Rhythm of the Reich, Pt. 2
- Rhythm of the Reich, Pt. 3
- American Forces Network, Pt. 1
- American Forces Network, Pt. 2