Orbit the Moon
Cosmic Communicator
Marston to Attack Earth
Discussing Marston
Kidnapping Order
Billy and Jane Need Help
Hoping for a Miracle
Billy and Jane in Ship
Three D Dantro
Marston Dead
On a Scout Ship
Preparing to Blast Off
Discussing Venus
Captured by the Dusters
Captives on Venus
Back to the Prison Cell
Dantro, Help Us
Plot to Destroy Venus
Venus Minister - Traitor
Encounter With Pirates
Pirates Attack Dantro
Alarm Alerts Pirates
Slick and Blackie
An Ancient Space Ship
Searching for Asteroid
Trying to Find Dantro
Searching for Planeteer
Planeteer Spotted
Prospector Finds Billy
Uranium on Asteroid
Surrounded By Mines
Wheres the Kids
Judges Problem
Strange Goings On
Dantro Controlled
Slats Suspicious
Slats Tricks Dantro
Marston Has Communicator
Marstons Spy Ring
Hunt for the Ancients
Encountering New Race
Sun and Toor Watching