Brer Fox and the Christmas Turkey
Brer Rabbit Loses an Address
The Time Brer Rabbit Was Picked Off
Brer Rabbit s Surprise
Brer Rabbit s Mistake
Brer Rabbit s Goose
The Building of the World
Brer Fox and His Christmas Hate
Brer Fox and the Carrot Trap
The Unhappy Stable
Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear The Big Snow
Brer Snake s Christmas Gift
Brer Fox and Brer Goat
Jack in the Box
Brer Fox s Toothache
The Tattlin Snake
Brer Fox in the Brier Patch
How Brer Rabbit Lost His Tail
Brer Beaver s Christmas Dinner
Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit s Lesson
Mr Rabbit s Christmas
Brer Fox and the Christmas Packages
Santa Claus Comes to the Brier Patch
The Night Before Christmas