Duncan Takes Ryan To Sainsbury
Mechanical Eye Seaching For The Darkroom
Terry, Connie & Pat Locked Up
Terry, Connie & Pat Freed
Radio Device Missing
Cabinets Have Been Switched
Escape in Progress
Enemy Overpowered
General Chang Held
Approaching Room with Caution
General Chang Is Imposter
Radio Turned Over to General Chang
Searching for Help
Driver Panics
Fighting for Horses
Volunteer Driver
Meeting Kensington Hook
Doctor Missing
Footprints Seen
Doctors Glove Found
Gas Demonstrated
Formula Papers Stolen
Formula Papers Recovered
Imprisoned in Gas Chamber
Hook Asks Burma for Help
Hook Captured
Doctor Found
Poison Gas Explosion
Gas Destroys Steel
Christmas Presents Exchanged
Secret Formula Safe
Taking Pictures of the Burma Road
To Be Nurses on the Burma Road
Terrys Double Seen
Mrs. Finch-Mother of Burma Road
Discussing Note from Dragon Lady
Identity Switch Suggested
Impersonation Test
April Forced to Join Pat & Terry
Food Drugged
Meeting Captain Blaze
Cheery Blaze Fooled
Cheery Blaze Told the Truth
Pat Captures Dragon Lady
Capt. Blaze & Dragon Lady Plot
Kidnapping Mix-Up
Rescuing Cheery from Sing-Sing
Terry Finds a Transmitter
Dragon Lady Wont Stop the Attack
Oil Drums Foil the Attack
Plan to Use Loudspeaker
Dragon Lady Tries to Escape
Loudspeakers Scare Sing-Sing
Firing Squad for Three Men
Truck Crashes into River
Under the Waterfall
Cheery Takes Sing-Sing to Hideout
Sing-Sing Captured at Hideout
Down the Cliff on a Rope
Burma Goes up the Cliff
Dragon Lady Goes up the Cliff
Pat Shoots Out the Searchlight
Single File on the Ledge
Captain Blaze Considers His Fate
Making a Smokescreen
Duke Hennick Saves Capt. Blaze
Orphanage on Fire
Mrs. Finch Tells Why Fire Started
Han Kidnaps April
Big Stoop Helps Save April
Terry Pilots Daisy Belle
Jap Soldiers Approach the Boat
From Irrawaddy to Hanoi
At the Hanoi Train Station
Pat Tells Sluggers Past
Slugger Delivers Crates to Baron
Exploring Duplexus Plantation
April Arrives in Ioa Chi
Dillon Kane Found
Message to Yellow-Haired Kid
Escape from Temple
Using a Net to Catch Sonjack
Sonjack Holds April on an Island
Baron and Slugger in Yankuk
Follow Baron & Slugger to Island
Baron and Slugger Surprise Sonjack
Sonjacks Island Burns
Rescued from River
Meeting Smythe-Heatherstone
Terry Nurses Wounded Dragon Lady
Dragon Lady Is Secet Agent
April Will Sing in a Show
Dragon Lady Comes to Hotel
April and Fu Ling Kidnapped
Investigating Kidnapping Scene
Slugger Uses Rainbow Stick
Mind Reading Act
Jigger Wants to Capture Pat
Pat and Terry Captured
Rescued by Slugger Dunne
Smiley Knocked Out
Pat to Lead Chinese Commandoes
Capturing Invader Vehicle
Pat Addresses his Troops
Dude Teaches Terry to Spot Planes
Searching for Fu Ling
Rescuing Fu Ling
Dude Leaves with Fu Ling
Terry Invents Plane-Spotting Card
Plane Spotting Contest
Japs Plan a Trap
Japs Use Pat and Terry as Bait
Dude and Terry Fly to Yankuk
Dude and Terry Are Captured
Klang Will Use Dudes Plane
Plane Shot Down
Dude and Terry Escape from Klang
Teaching Slugger Plane Spotting
Escaping from Yankuk
Jap Patrol Boards Junk
Driving Invader Tank
Enemy Marching across Bridge
Bridge Collapses
Planes Heard Overhead
Pat Appointed Colonel