- iPod Meets Reel
The goal was to combine old and new technology. In this case, to demonstrate that an iPod Touch could record and playback audio from a reel-to-reel machine using a Square card reader. The project was featured on Hacker News and hackaday - Tetris with Twilio
I implemented tetris using the tornado web server and Twilio phone service. The player uses their telphone as the input device for the game. Once the user clears 5 lines their phone will call me. The app was even featured on hackaday. The source code can be found here. - VLC Laser Gesture Control
I originally saw this on hackaday and ended up implementing my own version for Linux. It depends on video4linux to pull images in from the USB camera. - LBRAM: TI89 Riemann Sums Program
I made this because all of the existing Riemann sum programs for the TI-89 were slow. For my AP Calculus class we had to find Riemann sums with a few hundred divisions. Existing programs took about 60-90 seconds to find Riemann sums with 500 divisions. My program did it in about 20 seconds. Existing programs calculated the left, right and trapezoidal rule separately. By the time the program was done they had calculated the left and right sums a total of 4 times because the trapezoidal rule is just the average of the two. The left and right sums are the same except for the ends. I calculated all three of them in one single loop. I implemented my solution in C using TIGCC. It's also on ticalc.org and gets a few downloads every week. - Sample Code
some here too
int main(asdf) { if (a) { printf("hello world 5"); } }