- Napoleons Retreat
- Narcotics Intelligence Bureau
- Nash-Kelvinator Musical Showcase, The
- Nate Gross Show, The
- National Barn Dance
- National Defense Test Day Program
- National Guard Armory
- National Guard Show
- Navy Hoedown
- Navy Lark
- Navy Relief
- Nazi Eyes on Canada
- NBC Bandstand, The
- NBC D-Day Complete Broadcast Day
- NBC Emphasis
- NBC Ever-Ready Hour
- NBC Gala
- NBC Mileage Rationing Special
- NBC Monitor
- NBC Pipe Organ
- NBC Radio Theater
- NBC Short Story
- NBC Star Playhouse
- NBC Story Shop
- NBC Summer Theater
- NBC Symphony
- NBC Theater
- NBC University Theater
- Nebbs, The
- Ned Jordan, Secret Agent
- Nesco Royal Cooks
- New Adventures of Michael Shayne, The
- New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The
- New Adventures Of The Thin Man, The
- New For the Record
- New Jimmy Durante Show, The
- New Orleans Jazz Band
- New Swan Show, The
- New Theatre, The
- New World's a-Comin'
- New Years Eve Radio Dancing Party
- New York Philharmonic
- New York Tonight
- News
- News - JFK
- News 1938
- News 1939
- News 1940
- News 1941
- News 1942
- News 1943
- News 1944
- News 1945
- News 1952
- NHK The Zero Hour
- Nick Carter, Master Detective
- Night Editor
- Night Owl Mystery Theater
- Nightbeat
- Nightfall
- Nighthawk Rides
- Nightmare
- Nightmare At Noon
- Nightwatch
- NK Music Showcase
- NK Musical Showroom
- Norge Radio Show, The
- Norma Young Show, The
- Northern Electric Show
- Notorious Tariq
- Now Hear This