- Babe Ruth - Speech
- Babe Ruth Game Calls
- Baby Snooks
- Baby Snooks (exerpt)
- Baby Snooks Clip
- Baby Snooks Excerpt
- Baby Snooks Show, The
- Band Remote
- Barrel O' Fun
- Barry Craig, Confidential Investigator
- Baseball
- Batman Mystery Club, The
- Battle Of The Bands
- BBC Documentary
- BBC Eyewitness
- BBC Ghost Stories
- Beat the Band
- Beauty Vs. Brains
- Behind The Mike
- Behind the Scene
- Behind the Story
- Bennetts 1946, The
- Bennetts, The
- Benny Goodman and His Orchestra
- Benny Goodman's Swing School
- Best Plays
- Between The Bookends
- Beulah Show, The
- Beyond Tomorrow
- Bickersons Excerpt
- Bickersons, The
- Big Ben
- Big Broadcast - 1932
- Big Guy, The
- Big Jon and Sparkie
- Big Jon and Sparkie Excerpt
- Big Show, The
- Big Sister
- Big Story, The
- Big Town
- Bill Bendix Show, The
- Bill Stern Sports Newsreel
- Billy Graham Crusade
- Bimbo From Limbo
- Bing Crosby
- Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney
- Bing Crosby Entertains
- Bing Crosby GE Shows 1952 to 1954 CBS
- Bing Crosby Interview
- Bing Crosby Reads
- Bing Crosby Show, The
- Biography in Sound
- Birds Eye Open House
- Black Castle
- Black Chapel, The
- Black Flame of the Amazon
- Black Hood
- Black Mass
- Black Museum, The
- BlackHood
- Blackstone, The Magic Detective
- Blair of the Mounties
- Blondie
- Blossom Time
- Blue Beetle, The
- Blue Hills
- Blue Ribbon Town
- Bluey and Curley
- Bob and Ray
- Bob and Victoria
- Bob Barkley, Undercover Agent
- Bob Connor Show, The
- Bob Crosby and Eileen Barton
- Bob Hope
- Bob Hope Show, The
- Bob Hope Special
- Bob Ryan at KRSC
- Bob Sterling, American Ranger
- Bob Will and His Texas Playboys
- Bogart Presents
- Bold Venture
- Boris Karloff Treasure Chest
- Boston Blackie
- Box 13
- Boxing
- Brave Men Are Afraid
- Break the Bank
- Breakfast Club, The
- Bright Horizon
- Bright Star
- Brighter Day
- Brighter Day, The
- Bringing Up Father
- Broadcast On This Day
- Broadway is My Beat
- Broadway Talks Back
- Brown Fence and Wire Show
- Brownstone Theater, The
- Brunswick Breveties
- Buck Jones in Hoofbeats
- Buck Rogers
- Bulldog Drummond
- Bullocks Show, The
- Bunco Squad
- Burl Ives Show, The
- Burma Notebook
- Burns and Allen
- Burns and Allen Excerpt
- Buster Brown Gang